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  • 產品型號:
  • 廠商性質:經銷商
  • 更新時間:2024-08-29
  • 訪  問  量:2176




, is a promising biotechnology company committed to the manufacture and development of the highest quality of research antibodies and purified proteins. Our innovative Linear Array Epitope (LAE) technology distinguishes us from all other antibody manufacturers. This new technique combines the use of receptor-mediated uptake and an efficient antigen presentation to allow the induction of immune responses to generate antibodies against any antigen (including self-antigens). State-of-the-art technology combined with years of experience in antigen preparation and protein purification, assures that we deliver superior antibodies and proteins at affordable prices.

We specialize in new affinity purified proteins and highly specific antibodies involved in detecting Sumoylation activity in vitro. We can supply you with the full set of sumoylation proteins including SAEI/SAEII, UBC9, SUMO-1, SUMO-3 to start your sumoylation assays right away.   To screen antitumor drugs targeted at topoisomerases, we offer human DNA Topoisomerase I, IIa, and IIb, and their antibodies. These reagents include TOPO I, TOPO IIa, TOPO IIb, TOPO I Antibody F14, TOPO I Antibody T8N, TOPO I Assay Kit, TOPO I Drug Screen Kit, TOPO IIa Antibody, and TOPO IIb Antibody. We also offer the catalytic subunit of protein kinase A, DARPP-32, Phospho-DARPP-32, Phosphatase Inhibitor-1, Phospho- Inhibitor-1, Phosphatase Inhibitor-2, Phosphatase Inhibitor-2 Ab for you to study dopaminergic function in the brain.

Catalog Number Product Name Specifications Price  Note
Ubiquitin & Ubiquitin-like modifier family
Purified Proteins
Cat# P001 E I (SAE I/II) 15ug (Good for 100 reactions) 6800  
Cat# P002 E II (UBC 9) 100ug (Good for 100 reactions) 1700  
Cat# P003 Sumo I 100ug (Good for 100 reactions) 1700  
Cat# P004 Sumo III 100ug (Good for 100 reactions) 1700 New*
Cat# P005 Sumo I(Lys->Arg) 100ug (Good for 100 reactions) 2550 New*
Polyclonal Antibodies
Cat# AP016 Rabbit anti-human E1 (SAE I/II) 100ul 3400  
Cat# AP017 Rabbit anti-human UBC9 100ul 3400  
Cat# AP018 Rabbit anti-human Sumo I 100ul 3400  
Cat# AP019 Rabbit anti-human Sumo III 100ul 3400  
Reaction Kit
Cat# K006 Sumoylation Control Kit[2] 50 reactions without enzymes 7650  
Cat# K007 Sumoylation Control Kit with proteins 50 SUMO I reactions 11900  
Anti-Tumor Drug Targets
Purified Proteins
Cat# P031 Human Topo I 50ul (Good for 100 reactions) 3400  
Cat# P032 Human Topo IIa 200ul (Good for 100 reactions) 3400  
Cat# P033 Human Topo IIb 200ul (Good for 100 reactions) 3400  
Polyclonal Antibodies
Cat# AP005 Rabbit anti-human Topo I (T8N) 100ul 5100  
Cat# AP006 Rabbit anti-human Topo I (F14) 100ul 5100  
Cat# AP007 Rabbit anti-human Topo IIa 100ul 5100  
Cat# AP008 Rabbit anti-human Topo IIb 100ul 5100  
Reaction Kits
Cat# K002 Topo I Assay Kit [3] 100 reactions without enzymes 2550  
Cat# K003 Topo I Drug Screen Kit[4] 100 reactions without enzymes 2720  
Protein Kinase, Phosphatases and Inhibitors
Purified Proteins
Cat# P020 PKA-Ca 100 KU 3825 New*
Cat# P021 Rat DARPP-32 100 ug 3400 New*
Cat# P022 Rat Phospho-DARPP-32 100 ug 6800 New*
Cat# P024 Protein Phosphatase Inhibitor-1 100 ug 4250 New*
Cat# P025 Phospho-Protein Phosphatase Inhibitor-1 100 ug 6800 New*
Cat# P027 Protein Phosphatase Inhibitor-2 100 ug 3060 New*
Polyclonal Antibodies
Cat# AP030 Anti-human protein phosphatase inhibitor-2 100ul 3060 New*
Growth Factors and receptor Polyclonal Antibodies
Cat# AP009 Rabbit anti-human GnRH I 100ul 5100  
Cat# AP011 Rabbit anti-human ACTH 100ul 5100  
Cat# AP014 Rabbit anti-human Her II receptor 100ul 5100  
Reaction Kits
Cat# K004 Fast Clone ID Kit 500 reactions 1700  
Proteins, Inhibitors, and Reaction Buffers
Catalog Number Product Name Specifications Price  Note
Cat #P006 E I (SAE I/II) 7.5ug(Good for 50 reactions) 4250  
Cat# P011 EII (UBC9) 50 ug (Good for 50 reactions) 1020  
Cat# P012 SUMO I 50 ug (Good for 50 reactions) 1020  
Cat# P013 SUMO III 50 ug (Good for 50 reactions) 1020  
Cat# P014 SUMO I(Lys->Arg) 50 ug (Good for 50 reactions) 1360  
Cat# P023 Rat Phospho-DARPP-32 50 ug 4250 New*
Cat# P026 Phospho-Protein Phosphatase Inhibitor-1 50 ug 4250 New*
Cat# B001 5X Topo I reaction buffer 500ul 100  
Cat# B002 Topo I Stop buffer with dye 500ul 100  
Cat# B003 5X Topo II reaction buffer 500ul 100  
Cat# B006 10x Sumoylation buffer 200ul 100  
Cat# B007 Topo I substrate-50Kd 40ul 2550  
DNA markers (quote upon request)
Cat# D001 p LAE1 plasmid 100ul    
Cat# D002 pre-relaxed p LAE1 plasmid 100ul    
Catalog Number Product Name Specifications Price  Note
Ubiquitin & Ubiquitin-like modifier family
Purified Proteins
Cat# P001 E I (SAE I/II) 15ug (Good for 100 reactions) 6800  
Cat# P002 E II (UBC 9) 100ug (Good for 100 reactions) 1700  
Cat# P003 Sumo I 100ug (Good for 100 reactions) 1700  
Cat# P004 Sumo III 100ug (Good for 100 reactions) 1700 New*
Cat# P005 Sumo I(Lys->Arg) 100ug (Good for 100 reactions) 2550 New*
Polyclonal Antibodies
Cat# AP016 Rabbit anti-human E1 (SAE I/II) 100ul 3400  
Cat# AP017 Rabbit anti-human UBC9 100ul 3400  
Cat# AP018 Rabbit anti-human Sumo I 100ul 3400  
Cat# AP019 Rabbit anti-human Sumo III 100ul 3400  
Reaction Kit
Cat# K006 Sumoylation Control Kit[2] 50 reactions without enzymes 7650  
Cat# K007 Sumoylation Control Kit with proteins 50 SUMO I reactions 11900  
Anti-Tumor Drug Targets
Purified Proteins
Cat# P031 Human Topo I 50ul (Good for 100 reactions) 3400  
Cat# P032 Human Topo IIa 200ul (Good for 100 reactions) 3400  
Cat# P033 Human Topo IIb 200ul (Good for 100 reactions) 3400  
Polyclonal Antibodies
Cat# AP005 Rabbit anti-human Topo I (T8N) 100ul 5100  
Cat# AP006 Rabbit anti-human Topo I (F14) 100ul 5100  
Cat# AP007 Rabbit anti-human Topo IIa 100ul 5100  
Cat# AP008 Rabbit anti-human Topo IIb 100ul 5100  
Reaction Kits
Cat# K002 Topo I Assay Kit [3] 100 reactions without enzymes 2550  
Cat# K003 Topo I Drug Screen Kit[4] 100 reactions without enzymes 2720  
Protein Kinase, Phosphatases and Inhibitors
Purified Proteins
Cat# P020 PKA-Ca 100 KU 3825 New*
Cat# P021 Rat DARPP-32 100 ug 3400 New*
Cat# P022 Rat Phospho-DARPP-32 100 ug 6800 New*
Cat# P024 Protein Phosphatase Inhibitor-1 100 ug 4250 New*
Cat# P025 Phospho-Protein Phosphatase Inhibitor-1 100 ug 6800 New*
Cat# P027 Protein Phosphatase Inhibitor-2 100 ug 3060 New*
Polyclonal Antibodies
Cat# AP030 Anti-human protein phosphatase inhibitor-2 100ul 3060 New*
Growth Factors and receptor Polyclonal Antibodies
Cat# AP009 Rabbit anti-human GnRH I 100ul 5100  
Cat# AP011 Rabbit anti-human ACTH 100ul 5100  
Cat# AP014 Rabbit anti-human Her II receptor 100ul 5100  
Reaction Kits
Cat# K004 Fast Clone ID Kit 500 reactions 1700  
Proteins, Inhibitors, and Reaction Buffers
Catalog Number Product Name Specifications Price  Note
Cat #P006 E I (SAE I/II) 7.5ug(Good for 50 reactions) 4250  
Cat# P011 EII (UBC9) 50 ug (Good for 50 reactions) 1020  
Cat# P012 SUMO I 50 ug (Good for 50 reactions) 1020  
Cat# P013 SUMO III 50 ug (Good for 50 reactions) 1020  
Cat# P014 SUMO I(Lys->Arg) 50 ug (Good for 50 reactions) 1360  
Cat# P023 Rat Phospho-DARPP-32 50 ug 4250 New*
Cat# P026 Phospho-Protein Phosphatase Inhibitor-1 50 ug 4250 New*
Cat# B001 5X Topo I reaction buffer 500ul 100  
Cat# B002 Topo I Stop buffer with dye 500ul 100  
Cat# B003 5X Topo II reaction buffer 500ul 100  
Cat# B006 10x Sumoylation buffer 200ul 100  
Cat# B007 Topo I substrate-50Kd 40ul 2550  
DNA markers (quote upon request)
Cat# D001 p LAE1 plasmid 100ul    
Cat# D002 pre-relaxed p LAE1 plasmid 100ul    



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