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簡要描述:Located in New Jersey, Torrey Pines Biolabs is specialized in providing quality immunological reagents to the chemokine and cytokine research community.

  • 產品型號:
  • 廠商性質:經銷商
  • 更新時間:2024-08-29
  • 訪  問  量:1836


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Located in New Jersey, Torrey Pines Biolabs is specialized in providing quality immunological reagents to the chemokine and cytokine research community. Our major product line for chemokines and cytokines can be accessed through Internet, at www.chemokine.com. Many of our products are unique or hard to find elsewhere. Through our tireless research effort, we continue to bring to the research community new antibodies that are suitable for immmunoprecipitation, immunohistochemistry, western blot, and neutralization assays.

Catalog Number*  Antibody Name  Size  Price#   
TP-241 Rabbit anti-mouse BLC 0.2 mg 3315 chemokine
TP-214 Rabbit anti-human eotaxin 0.5 mg 3315 chemokine
TP-215 Rabbit anti-mouse eotaxin 0.5 mg 3315 chemokine
TP-213 Rabbit anti-human fractalkine/neurotactin 0.5 mg 3315 chemokine
TP-237 Rabbit anti-human fractalkine/Intracellular domain 0.5 mg 3315 chemokine
TP-203 Rabbit anti-rat fractalkine/neurotactin 0.5 mg 3315 chemokine
TP-233 Rabbit anti-mouse fractalkine/neurotactin 0.5 mg 3315 chemokine
TP-240 Rabbit anti-rat IP-10 0.2 mg 3315 chemokine
TP-212 Rabbit anti-rat KC 0.5 mg 4165 chemokine
TP-210 Rabbit anti-rat LARC 0.5 mg 3315 chemokine
TP-235 Rabbit anti-mouse MDC 0.2 mg 3315 chemokine
TP-238 Rabbit anti-rat MDC 0.2 mg 3315 chemokine
TP-205 Rabbit anti-rat lymphotactin 0.2 mg 3315 chemokine
TP-204 Rabbit anti-mouse lymphotactin 0.2 mg 3315 chemokine
TP-216 Rabbit anti-rat MCP-1 0.5 mg 3315 chemokine
TP-209 Rabbit anti-rat MCP-1 (1-73) 0.5 mg 3315 chemokine
TP-206 Rabbit anti-rat MIP-1a 0.5 mg 3315 chemokine
TP-207 Rabbit anti-rat MIP-1b 0.5 mg 3315 chemokine
TP-208 Rabbit anti-rat MIP-2 0.5 mg 3315 chemokine
TP-211 Rabbit anti-rat RANTES 0.5 mg 3315 chemokine
TP-201 Rabbit anti-mouse SDF-1a 0.2 mg 3315 chemokine
TP-202 Rabbit anti-rat SDF-1b 0.2 mg 3315 chemokine
TP-239 Rabbit anti-rat SLC 0.2 mg 3315 chemokine
TP-501 Rabbit anti-rat CX3CR1 0.2 mg 3315 chemokine
TP-502 Rabbit anti-human CX3CR1 0.2 mg 3315 chemokine
TP-503 Rabbit anti-rat CXCR4 0.2 mg 3315 chemokine
TP-504 Rabbit anti-human C3a receptor 0.2 mg 3315 chemokine
TP-505 Rabbit anti-KSHV GPCR 0.2 mg 3315 chemokine
TP-243 Rabbit anti-mouse CTGF 0.2 mg 3315 chemokine
TP-236 Rabbit anti-rat IFNg 0.5mg 3315 chemokine
TP-242 Rabbit anti-mouse IL-15 0.2 mg 3315 chemokine
TP-231 Rabbit anti-rat IL-15A 0.2 mg 3315 chemokine
TP-232 Rabbit anti-rat IL-15B 0.2 mg 3315 chemokine
TP-254 Rabbit anti-porcine TGFb 0.5mg 3315 chemokine
TP-253 Rabbit anti-porcine mature TGFb 0.5mg 3315 chemokine
TP-220 Rabbit anti-rat MMP2 0.2 mg 3315 chemokine
TP-221 Rabbit anti-rat MMP9 0.2 mg 3315 chemokine
TP-271 Rabbit anti-rat DAP12 0.2 mg 3315 chemokine
TP-272 Rabbit anti-human DAP12 0.2 mg 3315 chemokine
TP-234 Rabbit anti-rat MIF 0.2 mg 3315 chemokine
TP-252 Rabbit anti-rat Mpg-1 0.2 mg 3315 chemokine
TP-223 Rabbit anti-rat PAI-1 0.2 mg 3315 chemokine
TP-251 Rabbit anti-rat perforin 0.2 mg 3315 chemokine
TP-365 Rabbit anti-mouse IkBa 0.2 mg 2975 chemokine
TP-362 Rabbit anti-human IKKa 0.2 mg 2975 chemokine
TP-361 Rabbit anti-human NIK 0.2 mg 2975 chemokine
TP-363 Rabbit anti-human MEK1 0.2 mg 2975 chemokine
TP-364 Rabbit anti-human MKK3 0.2 mg 2975 chemokine
TP-281 Rabbit anti-mouse OB 0.5mg 3315 chemokine
TP-282 Rabbit anti-human OB 0.5mg 3315 chemokine
TP-283 Rabbit anti-mouse OB receptor / E1 0.2 mg 3315 chemokine
TP-284 Rabbit anti-mouse OB receptor / E2 0.2 mg 3315 chemokine
TP-401 Rabbit anti-GFP 0.2 mg 3315 chemokine
TP-361 Anti-NIK , rabbit IgG 0.2 mg 2975 chemokine
TP-362 Anti-I kappa B kinase a (IKKa) , rabbit IgG 0.2 mg 2975 chemokine
TP-365 Anti-I kappa B a (IkBa) , rabbit IgG 0.2 mg 2975 chemokine
TP-363 Anti-MEK1, rabbit IgG 0.2 mg 2975 chemokine
TP-364 Anti-MKK3, rabbit IgG 0.2 mg 2975 chemokine
TP-371 Anti-Akt/PKB , rabbit IgG 0.2 mg 3315 chemokine
TP-373 Anti-PAK1 , rabbit IgG 0.2 mg 3315 chemokine
TP-374 Anti-Gai2 , rabbit IgG 0.2 mg 3315 chemokine
TP-375 Anti-Ga16 , rabbit IgG 0.2 mg 3315 chemokine
TP-372 Anti-RGS3 , rabbit IgG 0.2 mg 4165 chemokine
TP-376 Anti-TLR4 , rabbit IgG 0.2 mg 4165 chemokine



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