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簡要描述:Biothema A2 熒光測定儀 瑞典Biothema公司多年來一直致力于研究發展熒光分析技術,是一家ATP檢測和基因研究的專業公司。同時通過專業服務協助客戶和使用者尋求Z佳的解 決方法是Biothema公司的長期目標。

  • 產品型號:
  • 廠商性質:經銷商
  • 更新時間:2024-08-28
  • 訪  問  量:1828


瑞典Biothema  www.biothema.com
Excellence in products and support
BioThema is entirely devoted to luminescence analysis. We develop and produce reagents and kits for ATP analysis and reporter gene assays. Our goal is to develop innovative solutions which focus on our customer needs in academia and industry.

Unique technical expertise
BioThema has a unique technical expertise in the firefly luciferase reaction and ATP technology. We continuously strive to convert this expertise into high quality, user-friendly products. Our present products include a range of ATP reagents producing a stable light emission for continuous monitoring of ATP converting reactions as well as highly sensitive flash type reagents, which can detect 10-18 mol of ATP, i.e. half the amount found in a single bacterial cell. These reagents form the basis of a range of kits which are used in various applications such as rapid microbiology, cell proliferation and cytotoxicity, enzymes and metabolites, hygiene control and biomedicine. BioThema also produces reagents and kits for luciferase assays suitable for applications in reporter gene studies. In addition we supply high quality D-luciferin and luciferase and through collaboration with instrument manufacturers we can supply a range of advanced luminometers. All BioThema products are supported by Quality Control documentation. Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) and Certificates of Analysis (CofA) can be obtained on request.

In this website we hope to share our expertise as well as collect new ideas. You will find references to scientific papers, manuscripts and abstracts, and information on products and applications. Our organisation is well suited to respond rapidly to new requirements and we have a long tradition of customer application support to ensure that our assays and products really perform to expectations.

BioThema was started in 1987 by Arne and Ulrika Lundin. Dr . Lundin has devoted his entire career to luminescence analysis, in particular ATP technology. As the author of more than 60 scientific papers, Dr. Lundin has a distinguished scientific background with positions on the board of the International Society of Bioluminescence and Chemiluminescence, and as European editor of the Journal of Bioluminescence and Chemiluminescence.

In 2001 the company moved into new premises in Handen, just south of Stockholm, which currently house the administration, research and production departments, with state of the art clean room facilities for reagent production.




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