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納米膠體銀 british biocell international

簡要描述:The 2nmn colloid is too small to scatter light and the solution is clear. The remaining sizes scatter light to different degrees and the solution color changes with increasing particle size.

  • 產品型號:
  • 廠商性質:經銷商
  • 更新時間:2024-08-28
  • 訪  問  量:2393


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品牌Ted Pella/美國

BBI's unique recipe gold colloid has been used for over 20 years due to its superior quality and performance, and features in over 400 million tests in the global market place per year. Many of these have FDA cleared status.

Gold particles offer excellent stability and sensitivity characteristics, and as the market has grown to expect higher levels of sensitivity, gold has increasingly become regarded as an extremely reliable raw material in providing an accurate visual signal.

Gold colloid is an ideal reagent in the development and manufacture of assays because different particle sizes can be used for different applications. It is essentially inert and, when manufactured by BBInternational, forms uniform spherical particles at any size.

Stringent processes ensure that gold reagents are high quality, regardless of the particle size. This flexibility coupled with the excellent binding properties of gold to proteins makes gold the preferred label in the majority of rapid tests, whether wet or dry.

BBInternational gold colloid is available in a wide range of pre-determined sizes and is supplied ready for conjugation in a range of concentrations (measured in optical density units of 520nm (OD). BBInternational’s gold colloid has a shelf life of 12 months when stored unopened at 4°C.

The Key Benefits to BBI Gold – a market leading product

  • Stability and Sensitivity
  • Low Coefficient of Variation (<8%)
  • Uniform shape and size
  • Roundness (> 95 % spherical, <5% uneven shapes)

Gold Colloid Sizes Available from BBInternational


尺寸 每ML顆粒數 貨號 規格 價格 貨號 規格 價格 貨號 規格 價格
20nm 7.0 x 1010 15705-20SC 20 ml 1200 15705-1SC
100ml 4080 15705-5SC 500 ml 13175
40nm 9.0 x 109 15707-20SC 20 ml 1200 15707-1SC
100ml 4080 15707-5SC 500 ml 13175
60nm 2.6 x 109 15709-20SC 20 ml 1200 15708-6SC 100ml 4080 15708-65SC 500 ml 13175
80nm 1.1 x 109 15710-20SC 20 ml 1200 15708-8SC 100ml 4080 15708-85SC 500 ml 13175



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