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Quad Five 產品列表

簡要描述:Quad Five has been producing donor animal blood and serum products (sheep blood, horse blood, bovine blood, and goat blood) since 1987.

  • 產品型號:
  • 廠商性質:經銷商
  • 更新時間:2024-08-28
  • 訪  問  量:2593


Quad Five has been producing donor animal blood and serum products (sheep blood, horse blood, bovine blood,
and goat blood) since 1987.


The company's priority has been to produce the most consistent and traceable blood fractions available. We
are extremely proud of our 4200 sheep, 600 goats, 85 horses and 50 cattle that ensure that goal.

Our 5,555 acres located in central Montana provide a clean, healthy environment for our donor animals. Our
location allows us to have species-specific holding and collection facilities where we can monitor every aspect
of their feed, health and status as to the production of our blood products. All of the animals at Quad Five are chosen
specifically for their fitness and use exclusively as blood donors.

Our committed employees handle:

  • Phlebotomy and animal care
  • Laboratory
  • QA/QC
  • Customer Service
  • Cold storage
  • Marketing/Sales
  • Accounting
  • Management
    . . . . all from the headquarters at Ryegate, Montana

Quad Five is inspected annually for compliance with European Union Regulation (EC) No. 1774/2002, and we are
registered as MT-TEC-0001.


When you purchase donor animal blood or serum sheep blood, horse blood, bovine blood, and goat blood from
Quad Five, you have the confidence of knowing the product. There are no brokers or resellers to confuse the
origin/traceability or middleman to add to the price.

For 22 years, Quad Five has been successful by providing the best products, pricing, and service to our
customers - worldwide.

Please let us know how we may be of service.

Sincerely, img_1588d


Wiley Micks 








貨號 品名 100ml價格     250ml價格     品牌
210 Defibrinated Horse Blood 1106 1257 quadfive
243 Horse Washed Blood Cells 1667 1937 quadfive
* Horse Blood in Anticoagulant 1361 1563 quadfive
205 Lysed Horse Blood 1361 1563 quadfive
270 Laked Horse Blood 1106 quadfive
275 Laked / Lysed Horse Blood 1395 quadfive
276 Laked / Lysed Supernate Horse Blood 1446 quadfive
610 Defibrinated Sheep Blood 1106 1257 quadfive
643 Sheep Washed Blood Cells 1667 1937 quadfive
* Sheep Blood in Anticoagulant 1361 1563 quadfive
605 Lysed Sheep Blood 1361 1563 quadfive
670 Laked Sheep Blood 1106 quadfive
910 Defibrinated Bovine Blood 1106 1257 quadfive
943 Bovine Washed Blood Cells 1667 1937 quadfive
* Bovine Blood in Anticoagulant 1361 1563 quadfive
905 Lysed Bovine Blood 1361 1563 quadfive
970 Laked Bovine Blood 1106 quadfive
410 Defibrinated Goat Blood 1106 1257 quadfive
443 Goat Washed Blood Cells 1667 1937 quadfive
* Goat Blood in Anticoagulant 1361 1563 quadfive
405 Lysed Goat Blood 1361 1563 quadfive
470 Laked Goat Blood 1106 quadfive



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