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Genebridege 產(chǎn)品介紹

簡要描述:熱烈慶祝起福生物成為德國Genebridege公司分子生物學(xué)產(chǎn)品中國*代理,*,到貨快,價格查詢請上CX.78BIO.COM 謝謝,咨詢 4006551678

  • 產(chǎn)品型號:
  • 廠商性質(zhì):經(jīng)銷商
  • 更新時間:2024-08-29
  • 訪  問  量:2481



Genebridege公司的FLPe表達質(zhì)粒707-710可以促成大腸桿菌中以FLP為媒介的定點重組,在30°C時以低拷貝數(shù)傳播。Flpe基因由λR啟動子驅(qū)動,受控于不耐熱cI857阻遏蛋白。溫度從30°C上升至37°C會引發(fā)FLPe重組酶暫態(tài)表達。由于pSC101復(fù)制原點的緣故,表達質(zhì)粒在37°C時不再復(fù)制,因此它們zui終會消失。與野生型FLP蛋白相比,F(xiàn)LPe擁有更好的耐熱性,在37 – 40°C時顯示出更強的重組酶活性

All Red/ET Recombination Kits come with tailored control experiments and harbor the same Red/ET proficiency plasmid.


Quick & Easy BAC Modification Kit

For all types of BAC modifications.
ID: K001 690.00 €* Details Manual Order


Counter Selection BAC Modification Kit

For advanced BAC modifications using a counter-selection cassette, also for bacterial chromosomes.
ID: K002 795.00 €* Details Manual Order


BAC Subcloning Kit

For subcloning of DNA fragments from BACs and cosmids.
ID: K003 620.00 €* Details Manual Order


Quick & Easy Conditional Knock Out Kit - FRT

For fast and simple integration of FRT-sites into large vector plasmids at any intended position (for generation of transgenic mouse models).
ID: K004 690.00 €* Details Manual Order


Quick & Easy Conditional Knock Out Kit - loxP

For fast and simple integration of loxP-sites into large vector plasmids at any intended position (for generation of transgenic mouse models).
ID: K005 690.00 €* Details Manual Order


Quick & Easy E.coli Gene Deletion Kit

For fast knockouts or modifications of genes on the E.coli chromosome.
ID: K006 620.00 €* Details Manual Order

Red/ET Recombination Strains


E. coli strain GB05-dir

Direct cloning-proficient E. coli strain for linear plus linear homologous recombination
ID: K008 590.00 €* Details Manual Order


E. coli strain GB08-red

Recombineering-proficient E. coli strain for linear plus circular homologous recombination
ID: K009 590.00 €* Details Manual Order

Selection Cassettes

Also available are accessory selection cassettes designed for use in Eukaryotes or Prokaryotes, some flanked by loxP- or FRT-sites. These sites will allow the subsequent removal of the selection marker by a Cre- or FLP-recombinase step if required. These cassettes may be very helpful for generating targeting constructs in mammals, or for introducing sequences without leaving a selection marker behind.



Pro- and Eukaryotic Neomycin Selection Cassette
ID: A001 290.00 €* Details Manual Order



Pro- and Eukaryotic Neomycin Selection Cassette flanked by FRT-sites
ID: A002 290.00 €* Details Manual Order



Pro- and Eukaryotic Neomycin Selection Cassette flanked by loxP-sites
ID: A003 290.00 €* Details Manual Order



Pro- and Eukaryotic Neomycin Selection Cassette flanked by FRT-sites and one additional downstream loxP site
ID: A004 290.00 €* Details Manual Order



Pro- and Eukaryotic Neomycin Selection Cassette flanked by FRT-sites and one additional upstream loxP site
ID: A005 290.00 €* Details Manual Order



Prokaryotic Chloramphenicol Selection Cassette flanked by FRT-sites
ID: A006 290.00 €* Details Manual Order



Prokaryotic Chloramphenicol Selection Cassette flanked by loxP-sites
ID: A007 290.00 €* Details Manual Order



Prokaryotic Ampicillin Selection Cassette flanked by FRT-sites
ID: A008 290.00 €* Details Manual Order



Prokaryotic Ampicillin Selection Cassette flanked by loxP-sites
ID: A009 290.00 €* Details Manual Order



FRT flanked, Pro- and Eukaryotic Hygromycin Selection Cassette
ID: A010 290.00 €* Details Manual Order



loxP flanked, Pro- and Eukaryotic Hygromycin Selection Cassette
ID: A011 290.00 €* Details Manual Order



Codon improved Cre (iCre) with attached FRT flanked, Pro- and Eukaryotic Neomycin Selection Cassette
ID: A012 325.00 €* Details Manual Order


Expression Plasmids

The following recombinase expression plasmids are very useful to excise FRT- or loxP-flanked DNA stretches (such as selection markers) during a modification task. The plasmids are easily transformed into cells resulting in an activation of the recombinases in vivo.



707-FLPe, tet

Flp Expression Plasmid with tetracycline resistance marker for use in E.coli only
ID: A104 290.00 €* Details Manual Order



708-FLPe, cm

Flp Expression Plasmid with chloramphenicol resistance marker for use in E.coli only
ID: A105 290.00 €* Details Manual Order



709-FLPe, ap

Flp Expression Plasmid with ampicillin resistance marker for use in E.coli only
ID: A106 275.00 €* Details Manual Order



710-FLPe, km

Flp Expression Plasmid with kanamycin resistance marker for use in E.coli only
ID: A107 275.00 €* Details Manual Order




Cre Expression Plasmid with chloramphenicol resistance marker for use in E.coli only
ID: A112 290.00 €* Details Manual Order




Cre Expression Plasmid with tetracycline resistance marker for use in E.coli only
ID: A113 290.00 €* Details Manual Order




Enhanced Eukaryotic FLP Expression Plasmid optimized for 37°C (Academia).
The use of the this product is governed by the terms and conditions of the pCAGGS-FLPe Material Transfer Agreement.
ID: A201 375.00 €* Details Manual Order




Enhanced Eukaryotic FLP Expression Plasmid optimized for 37°C (Industry).
The use of the this product is governed by the terms and conditions of the pCAGGS-FLPe Material Transfer Agreement.
ID: A202 3250.00 €* Details Manual Order




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