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  • 產品型號:
  • 廠商性質:經銷商
  • 更新時間:2024-08-29
  • 訪  問  量:2423



Interferons(干擾素類), Interleukins(白介素類), Tumor Necrosis factors(腫瘤壞死因子),Bone Morphogenetic Protein (骨形態發育蛋白)act.
Growth Factors生長因子
Leptins(瘦素蛋白), Stem Cell factors(干細胞因子)Prolactins(催乳素),Plaet Derived(血小板源),Epidermal(表皮),Insulin Like(胰島素樣),Nerve(神經),Connective Tissue(結締組織),Vascular Endothelial(血管內皮細胞),Fibroblast(成纖維細胞)act.
Chemokines 趨化因子
Eotaxin(嗜酸細胞激活趨化因子), MCP, MIG, TARC, Plaet Factor(血小板因子), SDF, MEC,MDC,MIP, Lymphotactin, Interleukin-8(白介素8), IP-10, act.
CD Antigens CD抗原
Neurotrophins 神經營養因子
Beta-Nerve Growth Factor(β-神經生長因子),Ciliary-Neurotrophic Factor(睫狀神經營養因子),
Glia Maturation Factor(神經膠質細胞成熟因子),Pigment Epithelium-Derived Factor(色素上皮衍生因子),act.
Hormones 激素
Endothelin(內皮素), GHRP(生長激素釋放肽),
GLP,HCG,TSH,FSH,Thyrostimulin(胸腺刺激素),Glucagon(脂高血糖素),Peptide Hormones(肽類激素),act.
Enzymes 酶
Aurora Kinase, Casein Kinase-2(酪蛋白激酶2), Creatin Kinases(肌酸激酶), Cyclin(細胞周期蛋白), Cyclophilin(細胞周期蛋白), EGF Receptor(表皮生長因子), FGF Receptors, Hexokinase(己糖激酶), Hydroxylase(羥化酶), Lapase(肽酶),act.
Vial Antigens 病毒抗原
Hepatitis A/ B/ E(A/B/E型肝炎) ,HIV(艾滋病毒),Cytomegalo(巨細胞),Malaria(瘧疾),HBsAg(乙肝表面抗原),act.
Recombinant Proteins 重組蛋白
Natural Proteins 天然蛋白
Albumin(白蛋白) Avidin(親和素), Thrombin(凝血酶), AntiCoagulation Factors(抗凝集因子),Aprotinin(抑肽酶),Fibronectin(纖維連接蛋白) Transferrin(鐵傳遞蛋白, act.
Monoclonal Antibodies 單克隆抗體
Anti Human Chemokine,Anti Human Cytokine, Anti Human Enzyme,Anti Human Heat Shock Protein,
Anti Human Lymphocyte,Anti Mouse Cytokine,Anti Mouse
Lymphocyte,Anti Viral, Anti-GST, act.
Polyclonal Antibodies 多抗隆抗體
Anti Viral, Anti-GST,act.

MPPT-1000  Tube Assay Poster  each 240 Trevigen

Name Catalog # Description Size-A  Size-B  Size-C 
Activin A cyt-569 Recombinant Human Activin-A 2µg 665  10µg 1710  1mg 75050
Activin A Active cyt-414 Recombinant Human Activin-A Active 1ug 665  5ug 1710  100µg 19950
Activin A, Plant cyt-052 Recombinant Human Activin-A, Plant 2µg 665  10µg 1710  1mg 68400
Activin B Active cyt-057 Recombinant Human Activin-B Active 1ug 665  5ug 1710  100µg 19950
Activin B, Plant cyt-058 Recombinant Human Activin-B, Plant 2µg 665  10µg 1710  1mg 68400
Acrp30   cyt-024 Human Adiponectin  2µg 665  10µg 1710  0.1mg 13300
Acrp30   cyt-280 Recombinant Human Adiponectin  5µg 665  25µg 1710  1mg 37240
Acrp30 His cyt-433 Recombinant Human Adiponectin, His tag 10µg 665  50µg 1710  1mg 26600
mAcrp30 His cyt-537 Recombinant Mouse Adiponectin, His tag 5µg 665  25µg 1710  1mg 43890
Acrp30 HEK cyt-434 Recombinant Human Adiponectin glycosilated, HEK  2µg 665  10µg 1710  1mg 74100
mAcrp30 HEK cyt-435 Recombinant Mouse Adiponectin glycosilated, HEK  2µg 665  10µg 1710  1mg 74100
pAcrp30 HEK cyt-696 Recombinant Porcine Adiponectin glycosilated, HEK  2µg 665  10µg 1710  1mg 74100
Acrp30 Tri cyt-233 Recombinant Human Adiponectin Trimeric Form 2µg 665  10µg 1710  1mg 85500
mAcrp30 Tri cyt-247 Recombinant Mouse Adiponectin Trimeric Form 2µg 665  10µg 1710  1mg 85500
gAcrp30 cyt-615 Recombinant Human Adiponectin Globular 5µg 665  25µg 1710  1mg 37240
gAcrp30 His cyt-277 Recombinant Human Adiponectin Globular, His tag 2µg 665  10µg 1710  1mg 53200
mgAcrp30 cyt-432 Recombinant Mouse Adiponectin Globular 10µg 665  50µg 1710  1mg 23940
AIF1 cyt-697 Recombinant Human Allograft Inflammatory Factor 1 2µg 665  10µg 1710  1mg 62700
AIF1L cyt-007 Recombinant Human Allograft Inflammatory Factor 1 Like 5µg 665  20µg 1710  1mg 36100
AITRL cyt-317 Recombinant Human AITRL 5µg 665  20µg 1710  1mg 76000
ANGPTL3 cyt-248 Recombinant Human Angiopoietin-like Protein 3  2µg 665  10µg 1710  1mg 72200
ANGPTL4 cyt-249 Recombinant Human Angiopoietin-like Protein 4 2µg 665  10µg 1710  1mg 72200
ANGPTL4 HEK cyt-698 Recombinant Human Angiopoietin-like Protein 4, HEK 2µg 665  10µg 1710  1mg 72200
APOA1 cyt-661 Recombinant Human Apolipoprotein A-I 20µg 665  100µg 1900  1mg 19000
APOA1 cyt-037 Human Apolipoprotein A-I 20µg 665  100µg 1710  1mg 7980
APOA2 cyt-038 Human Apolipoprotein A-II 20µg 665  100µg 1710  1mg 11970
APOA5 cyt-025 Recombinant Human Apolipoprotein A-V 2µg 665  10µg 1710  1mg 69160
AREG cyt-041 Recombinant Human Amphiregulin 10µg 665  50µg 1710  1mg 17955
Clusterin cyt-278 Recombinant Human Apoliprotein-J 2µg 665  10µg 1710  1mg 95000
Clusterin cyt-548 Human Apoliprotein-J 2µg 665  10µg 1710  1mg 63840
rClusterin cyt-437 Recombinant Rat Apoliprotein-J 2µg 665  10µg 1710  1mg 53200
k9Clusterin cyt-549 Recombinant Canine Apoliprotein-J 2µg 665  10µg 1710  1mg 79800
k9Clusterin HEK cyt-618 Recombinant Canine Apoliprotein-J HEK 2µg 665  10µg 1710  1mg 98800
APO D cyt-547 Recombinant Human Apoliprotein-D 2µg 665  10µg 1710  1mg 79800
APO D GST cyt-652 Recombinant Human APO-D GST Tag 2µg 2660  5µg 4085  10µg 7410
APOM cyt-715 Recombinant Human Apolipoprotein-M 2µg 665  10µg 1710  1mg 69160
APOM HEK cyt-026 Recombinant Human Apolipoprotein-M, HEK 2µg 665  10µg 1710  1mg 69160
Artemin cyt-306 Recombinant Human Artemin 5µg 665  20µg 1710  1mg 39900
BD 1 cyt-564 Recombinant Human Beta Defensin -1 5µg 665  20µg 1710  1mg 36100
mBD 1 cyt-044 Recombinant Mouse Beta Defensin -1 5µg 665  20µg 1710  1mg 36100
rBD 1 cyt-062 Recombinant Rat Beta Defensin -1 5µg 665  20µg 1710  1mg 36100
BD 2 cyt-571 Recombinant Human Beta Defensin -2 5µg 665  20µg 1710  1mg 36100
mBD 2 cyt-035 Recombinant Mouse Beta Defensin -2 5µg 665  20µg 1710  1mg 36100
BD 3 cyt-461 Recombinant Human Beta Defensin -3 5µg 665  20µg 1710  1mg 18620
mBD 3 cyt-036 Recombinant Mouse Beta Defensin -3 5µg 665  20µg 1710  1mg 36100
rBD 3 cyt-063 Recombinant Rat Beta Defensin -3 5µg 665  20µg 1710  1mg 36100
BD 4 cyt-599 Recombinant Human Beta Defensin -4 5µg 665  20µg 1710  1mg 36100
rBD 4 cyt-066 Recombinant Rat Beta Defensin -4 5µg 665  20µg 1710  1mg 36100
BDNF cyt-207 Recombinant Human Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor 2µg 665  10µg 1710  1mg 62700
proBDNF cyt-014 Recombinant Human Precursor Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor 2µg 665  10µg 1710  1mg 69160
BAFF cyt-307 Recombinant Human BAFF (BLyS) 5µg 665  20µg 1710  1mg 62700
BAFF His cyt-545 Recombinant Human BAFF (BLyS), His Tag 5µg 665  20µg 1710  1mg 47880
BAFF Plant cyt-054 Recombinant Human BAFF (BLyS), Plant 1ug 665  5ug 1710  100µg 19950
BAFF R cyt-429 Recombinant Human BAFF (BLyS) Receptor 5µg 665  20µg 1710  1mg 26600
BMPR1A cyt-380 Recombinant Human Bone Morphogenetic protein Receptor-1A 2µg 665  10µg 1710  1mg 53200
BMPR1A HEK cyt-713 Recombinant Human Bone Morphogenetic protein Receptor-1A HEK 2µg 665  10µg 1710  100µg 14630
BMP 2 cyt-261 Recombinant Human Bone Morphogenetic protein-2 2µg 665  10µg 1710  1mg 62700
BMP 2 Mono cyt-627 Recombinant Human Bone Morphogenetic protein-2 Monomer 5µg 665  20µg 1710  1mg 39900
Pro BMP 2 cyt-427 Recombinant Human Pro Bone Morphogenetic protein-2 2µg 665  10µg 1710  100µg 13300
BMP 4 cyt-361 Recombinant Human Bone Morphogenetic protein-4 2µg 665  10µg 1710  1mg 47880
BMP 5 cyt-660 Recombinant Human Bone Morphogenetic protein-5 5µg 665  20µg 1710  1mg 39900
BMP 7 cyt-333 Recombinant Human Bone Morphogenetic protein-7 2µg 665  10µg 1710  1mg 47880
BMP 7 His cyt-629 Recombinant Human Bone Morphogenetic protein-7 His Tag 10µg 665  50µg 1710  1mg 23940
BMP 7 CHO cyt-276 Recombinant Human Bone Morphogenetic protein-7, CHO 2µg 665  10µg 1710  1mg 93100
BMP 7 Plant cyt-039 Recombinant Human Bone Morphogenetic protein-7, Plant 2µg 665  10µg 1710  1mg 93100
b NGF  cyt-579 Recombinant Human beta Nerve Growth Factor 5µg 665  20µg 1710  1mg 36100
b NGF CHO cyt-246 Recombinant Human beta Nerve Growth Factor, CHO 5µg 665  20µg 1710  1mg 36100
mb NGF cyt-581 Recombinant Mouse beta Nerve Growth Factor 5µg 665  20µg 1710  1mg 36100
mb NGF cyt-440 Mouse beta Nerve Growth Factor 5µg 665  20µg 1710  1mg 43700
ProNGF cyt-426 Recombinant Human Pro-Nerve Growth Factor 2µg 665  10µg 1710  100µg 13300
BNP cyt-327 Recombinant Human B-type Natriuretic Protein 2µg 665  10µg  1710  1mg 62700
BNP His cyt-605 Recombinant Human B-type Natriuretic Protein His Tag 2µg 665  10µg  1710  1mg 62700
BNP cyt-369 Human B-type Natriuretic Protein 10mg 3990  25mg 6650  100mg 19950
BST2 cyt-059 Recombinant Human Bone Marrow Stromal Cell Antigen 2 2µg 665  10µg 1710  1mg 69160
BTC cyt-330 Recombinant Human Betacellulin 5µg 665  20µg 1710  1mg 36100
bBTC cyt-406 Recombinant Bovine Betacellulin 5µg 665  20µg 1710  1mg 62700
CLCF1 cyt-071 Recombinant Human Cardiotrophin-Like Cytokine Factor 1 5µg 665  20µg 1710  1mg 36100
CNTF cyt-272 Recombinant Human Ciliary Neurotrophic Factor 5µg 665  20µg 1710  1mg 36100
CNTF His cyt-573 Recombinant Human Ciliary Neurotrophic Factor, His Tag 5µg 665  20µg 1710  1mg 47880
rCNTF cyt-654 Recombinant Rat Ciliary Neurotrophic Factor 5µg 665  25µg 1710  1mg 36100
CT 1 cyt-436 Recombinant Human Cardiotrophin-1 2µg 665  10µg 1710  1mg 63840
CTGF cyt-541 Recombinant Human Connective Tissue Growth Factor 5µg 665  20µg 1710  1mg 46740
CTGF His cyt-438 Recombinant Human Connective Tissue Growth Factor, His Tag 2µg 665  10µg 1710  1mg 55100
CTGF (182-250 a.a.) cyt-526 Recombinant Human Connective Tissue Growth Factor 182-250 a.a. 4µg 665  20µg 1710  1mg 31920
CTGF HEK cyt-687 Recombinant Human Connective Tissue Growth Factor, HEK 2µg 665  10µg 1710  100µg 13300
CTLA 4 cyt-366 Recombinant Human Cytotoxic T-Lymphocyte Associated Antigen-4 5µg 665  25µg 1710  1mg 53200
EBI3 cyt-367 Recombinant Human Epstein Barr Virus Induced 3 2µg 665  10µg 1710  1mg 69160
EBI3 His cyt-668 Recombinant Human Epstein Barr Virus Induced 3, His Tag 2µg 665  10µg 1710  1mg 63840
mEBI3 cyt-621 Recombinant Mouse Epstein Barr Virus Induced 3 2µg 665  10µg 1710  1mg 69160
EG VEGF cyt-338 Recombinant Human Endocrine Gland Vacular Endothelial Growth Factor 5µg 665  20µg 1710  1mg 36100
EGF cyt-217 Recombinant Human Epidermal Growth Factor 100µg 665  500µg 1710  1mg 3040
EGF Pichia cyt-332 Recombinant Human Epidermal Growth Factor, Pichia  100µg 665  500µg 1710  1mg 3325
EGF (Leu 21) cyt-466 Recombinant Human Epidermal Growth Factor 21-Leu 20µg 665  100µg 1710  1mg 12350
mEGF cyt-326 Recombinant Mouse Epidermal Growth Factor 100µg 665  500µg 1710  1mg 3040
mEGF cyt-554 Mouse Epidermal Growth Factor 10µg 665  50µg 1710  1mg 27265
rEGF cyt-556 Rat Epidermal Growth Factor 2µg 2660  5µg 4085  10µg 7410
rEGF cyt-669 Recombinant Rat Epidermal Growth Factor 20µg 665  100µg 1710  1mg 13110
EMAP II cyt-607 Recombinant Human Endothelial-Monocyte Activating Polypeptide II 5µg 665  20µg 1710  1mg 47880
AIMP1 cyt-021 Recombinant Human Aminoacyl tRNA Synthetase Complex-Interacting Multifunctional Protein 1 1µg 665  5µg 1710  50µg 15960
Endoglin Sf9 cyt-389 Recombinant Human Endoglin, Sf9 2µg 665  10µg 1710  100µg 13300
Endoglin cyt-525 Recombinant Human Endoglin 2µg 2660  5µg 4085  10µg 7410
mEndoglin cyt-424 Recombinant Mouse Endoglin 2µg 665  10µg 1710  100µg 13300
EPGN cyt-601 Recombinant Human Epigen 5µg 665  25µg 1710  1mg 36100
EREG cyt-609 Recombinant Human Epiregulin 5µg 665  25µg 1710  1mg 36100
EPO a cyt-201 Recombinant Human Erythropoietin-alpha 5µg 665  50µg 1710  1mg 19950
EPO a Fc cyt-325 Recombinant Human Erythropoietin-alpha Fc/Chimera 2µg 665  10µg 1710  1mg 63840
FASLG cyt-051 Recombinant Human FAS Ligand 2µg 665  10µg 1710  1mg 50540
FGF 1 cyt-264 Recombinant Human Fibroblast Growth Factor-acidic 10µg 665  50µg 1710  1mg 17955
FGF 1 Sf9 cyt-364 Recombinant Human Fibroblast Growth Factor-acidic, Sf9 2µg 665  10µg 1710  1mg 87400
mFGF 1 cyt-528 Recombinant Mouse Fibroblast Growth Factor-acidic 10µg 665  50µg 1710  1mg 17955
mFGF 1 His cyt-072 Recombinant Mouse Fibroblast Growth Factor-acidic, His Tag 5µg 665  20µg 1710  1mg 36100
baFGF cyt-613 Bovine Fibroblast Growth Factor-acidic 1µg 665  5µg 1710  100µg 28500
FGF 2 cyt-218 Recombinant Human Fibroblast Growth Factor-basic 10µg 665  50µg 1710  1mg 14345
FGF 2 Sf9 cyt-365 Recombinant Human Fibroblast Growth Factor-basic, Sf9 2µg 665  10µg 1710  1mg 87400
FGF 2 (147 a.a.) cyt-557 Recombinant Human Fibroblast Growth Factor-basic (147 a.a) 10µg 665  50µg 1710  1mg 16815
bFGF 2 cyt-288 Recombinant Bovine Fibroblast Growth Factor-basic 10µg 665  50µg 1710  1mg 16815
bFGF 2 cyt-560 Bovine Fibroblast Growth Factor-basic 2µg 1520  5µg 2565  10µg 3895
mFGF 2 cyt-386 Recombinant Mouse Fibroblast Growth Factor-basic 10µg 665  50µg 1710  1mg 16815
rFGF 2 cyt-608 Recombinant Rat Fibroblast Growth Factor-basic 10µg 665  50µg 1710  1mg 16815
FGF 4 cyt-312 Recombinant Human Fibroblast Growth Factor-4 5µg 665  25µg 1710  1mg 41800
FGF 8 cyt-714 Recombinant Human Fibroblast Growth Factor-8 5µg 665  25µg 1710  1mg 60800
mFGF 8 cyt-070 Recombinant Mouse Fibroblast Growth Factor-8 5µg 665  25µg 1710  1mg 36100
FGF 9 cyt-415 Recombinant Human Fibroblast Growth Factor-9 5µg 665  20µg 1710  1mg 73150
mFGF 9 cyt-349 Recombinant Mouse Fibroblast Growth Factor-9 2µg 665  10µg 1710  1mg 46740
rFGF 9 cyt-558 Recombinant Rat Fibroblast Growth Factor-9 2µg 665  10µg 1710  1mg 46740
FGF12 cyt-620 Recombinant Human Fibroblast Growth Factor 12 2µg 665  10µg 1710  1mg 69160
mFGF-15 cyt-027 Recombinant Mouse Fibroblast Growth Factor-15 2µg 665  10µg 1710  1mg 69160
mFGF-18 cyt-064 Recombinant Mouse Fibroblast Growth Factor-18 5µg 665  25µg 1710  1mg 36100
FGF 19  cyt-700 Recombinant Human Fibroblast Growth Factor-19  5µg 665  25µg 1710  1mg 36100
FGF 19 His cyt-279 Recombinant Human Fibroblast Growth Factor-19 His Tag 5µg 665  25µg 1710  1mg 56050
FGF 21 cyt-474 Recombinant Human Fibroblast Growth Factor-21 5µg 665  20µg 1710  1mg 36100
FGF 21 His cyt-281 Recombinant Human Fibroblast Growth Factor-21, His Tag 10µg 665  50µg 1710  1mg 23940
mFGF 21 cyt-339 Recombinant Mouse Fibroblast Growth Factor-21 2µg 665  10µg 1710  1mg 72200
mFGF 21 His cyt-516 Recombinant Mouse Fibroblast Growth Factor-21, His Tag 2µg 665  10µg 1710  1mg 72200
bFGF 21 cyt-657 Recombinant Bovine Fibroblast Growth Factor-21 2µg 665  10µg 1710  1mg 69160
FGF 22 cyt-428 Recombinant Human Fibroblast Growth Factor-22 2µg 665  10µg 1710  1mg 79800
FGF 23 cyt-020 Recombinant Human Fibroblast Growth Factor-23  5µg 665  20µg 1710  1mg 46740
FGF 23 His cyt-374 Recombinant Human Fibroblast Growth Factor-23 His Tag 2µg 665  10µg 1710  100µg 15960
FGF 23 C-term cyt-028 Recombinant Human Fibroblast Growth Factor-23 C-Terminal 2µg 665  10µg 1710  1mg 69160
Flt3 Ligand cyt-331 Recombinant Human Flt3-Ligand 2µg 665  10µg 1710  1mg 47500
Flt3 Ligand, HEK cyt-706 Recombinant Human Flt3-Ligand, HEK 2µg 665  10µg 1710  100µg 14630
mFlt3 Ligand cyt-340 Recombinant Mouse Flt3-Ligand 2µg 665  10µg 1710  1mg 47500
Flt3 Ligand Sf9 cyt-409 Recombinant Human Flt3-Ligand Sf9  2µg 665  10µg 1710  100µg 14630
FST cyt-232 Recombinant Human Follistatin 5µg 665  20µg 1710  1mg 62700
FST His cyt-029 Recombinant Human Follistatin His Tag 2µg 665  10µg 1710  1mg 69160
mHB-EGF cyt-068 Recombinant Mouse Proheparin-Binding EGF-like Growth Factor 10µg 665  50µg 1710  1mg 17955
LGALS1 cyt-544 Recombinant Human Galectin-1 10µg 665  50µg 1710  1mg 17955
LGALS2 cyt-725 Recombinant Human Galectin-2 5µg 665  25µg 1710  1mg 36100
LGALS3 cyt-606 Recombinant Human Galectin-3 10µg 665  50µg 1710  1mg 17955
LGALS3 His cyt-693 Recombinant Human Galectin-3 His Tag 5µg 665  25µg 1710  1mg 29925
LGALS4 cyt-686 Recombinant Human Galectin-4 5µg 665  25µg 1710  1mg 29925
LGALS7  cyt-016 Recombinant Human Galectin-7 2µg 665  10µg 1710  1mg 69160
LGALS7 His cyt-617 Recombinant Human Galectin-7 His Tag 5µg 665  20µg 1710  1mg 36100
LGALS8  cyt-017 Recombinant Human Galectin-8 2µg 665  10µg 1710  1mg 59850
LGALS8 His cyt-727 Recombinant Human Galectin-8, His Tag 2µg 665  10µg 1710  1mg 69160
LGALS9 cyt-708 Recombinant Human Galectin-9 2µg 665  10µg 1710  1mg 69160
LGALS13 cyt-004 Recombinant Human Galectin-13 20µg 665  100µg 1710  1mg 15960
LGALS14 cyt-003 Recombinant Human Galectin-14 1µg 665  5µg 1710  50µg 14630
LGALSL cyt-073 Recombinant Human Galectin-Related Protein 5µg 665  20µg 1710  1mg 36100
GDNF cyt-305 Recombinant Human Glial-Derived Neurotrophic Factor 2µg 665  10µg 1710  1mg 62700
GDF3 cyt-694 Recombinant Human Growth and Differentiation factor 3 5µg 665  20µg 1710  1mg 57000
GDF5 cyt-442 Recombinant Human Growth and Differentiation factor 5 10µg 665  50µg 1710  1mg 19000
GDF5 His cyt-653 Recombinant Human Growth and Differentiation factor 5 His Tag 5µg 665  25µg 1710  1mg 36100
GDF10 cyt-659 Recombinant Human Growth and Differentiation factor 10 5µg 665  20µg 1710  1mg 47880
GDF15 cyt-691 Recombinant Human Growth and Differentiation factor 15 2µg 665  10µg 1710  1mg 69160
GDF5 D cyt-314 Recombinant Human Growth and Differentiation factor 15 D-Vairant 2µg 665  10µg 1710  1mg 69160
GDF5 H cyt-335 Recombinant Human Growth and Differentiation factor 15 H-Variant 2µg 665  10µg 1710  1mg 69160
G CSF cyt-220 Recombinant Human Granulocyte-Colony Stimulating Factor 2µg 665  10µg 1710  1mg 62700
G CSF His cyt-476 Recombinant Human Granulocyte-Colony Stimulating Factor, His Tag 2µg 665  10µg 1710  1mg 53200
G CSF CHO cyt-329 Recombinant Human Granulocyte-Colony Stimulating Factor, CHO  2µg 665  10µg 1710  1mg 69160
mG CSF cyt-410 Recombinant Mouse Granulocyte-Colony Stimulating Factor 2µg 665  10µg 1710  1mg 62700
G CSF PEG cyt-018 Recombinant Human Pegylated Granulocyte-Colony Stimulating Factor 2µg 665  10µg 1710  1mg 69160
GH cyt-202 Recombinant Human Growth Hormone 100µg 665  500µg 1710  1mg 3420
pGH 22kDa cyt-235 Recombinant Human Placental Corr Growth Hormone 10µg 665  50µg 1710  1mg 27930
GH 20kDa cyt-259 Recombinant Human Pituitary Growth Hormone 20kDa 10µg 665  50µg 1710  1mg 27930
pGH 20kDa cyt-337 Recombinant Human Placental Growth Hormone 20kDa 10µg 665  50µg 1710  1mg 27930
GH, Plant cyt-053 Recombinant Human Growth Hormone, Plant 2µg 665  10µg 1710  1mg 69160
GHBP cyt-238 Recombinant Human Growth Hormone Binding Protein 5µg 665  20µg 1710  1mg 44650
oGHBP cyt-470 Recombinant Ovine Growth Hormone Binding Protein 5µg 665  20µg 1710  1mg 44650
bGHBP cyt-471 Recombinant Bovine Growth Hormone Binding Protein 5µg 665  20µg 1710  1mg 44650
raGHBP cyt-593 Recombinant Rabbit Growth Hormone Binding Protein 5µg 665  20µg 1710  1mg 44650
chGH cyt-430 Recombinant Chicken Growth Hormone 20µg 665  100µg 1710  1mg 11210
oGH cyt-237 Recombinant Ovine Growth Hormone 20µg 665  100µg 1710  1mg 7030
oGH Placental cyt-594 Recombinant Placental Ovine Growth Hormone 20µg 665  100µg 1710  1mg 13965
bGH cyt-636 Recombinant Bovine Growth Hormone 20µg 665  100µg 1710  1mg 7030
mGH cyt-540 Recombinant Mouse Growth Hormone 100µg 5320  200µg 7980  1mg 31920
rGH cyt-296 Recombinant Rat Growth Hormone 100µg 3420  200µg 4560  1mg 15960
cGH cyt-297 Recombinant Carp Growth Hormone 10µg 665  50µg 1710  1mg 27930
dGH cyt-498 Recombinant Denis Growth Hormone 10µg 665  50µg 1710  1mg 27930
maiGH cyt-499 Recombinant Mai Mai Growth Hormone 10µg 665  50µg 1710  1mg 27930
sGH cyt-529 Recombinant Gilthead Seabream Growth Hormone 100µg 3420  200µg 4560  1mg 15960
raGH cyt-514 Recombinant Rabbit Growth Hormone 10µg 665  50µg 1710  1mg 27930
pGH cyt-519 Recombinant Porcine Growth Hormone 100µg 665  500µg 1710  1mg 3420
chGH Antagonist cyt-538 Recombinant Chicken Growth Hormone Anatagonist 20µg 665  100µg 1710  1mg 11210
oGH Antagonist cyt-215 Recombinant Ovine Growth Hormone Anatagonist 20µg 665  100µg 1710  1mg 7030
zGH  cyt-710 Recombinant Zebrafish Growth Hormone  5µg 665  50µg 1710  1mg 30400
zGH Mutant cyt-709 Recombinant Zebrafish Growth Hormone Mutant 5µg 665  50µg 1710  1mg 30400
GM CSF cyt-221 Recombinant Human Granulocyte Macrophage-Colony Stimulating Factor 2µg 665  10µg 1710  1mg 38950
GM CSF Pichia cyt-324 Recombinant Human Granulocyte Macrophage-Colony Stimulating Factor, Pichia  2µg 665  10µg 1710  1mg 47880
GM CSF Sf9 cyt-416 Recombinant Human Granulocyte Macrophage-Colony Stimulating Factor, Sf9  2µg 665  10µg 1710  1mg 48450
PIXY321 cyt-360 Recombinant Human gm-csf/IL-3 Fusion Protein (PIXY321) 2µg 665  10µg 1710  1mg 69160
GM CSF His cyt-477 Recombinant Human Granulocyte Macrophage-Colony Stimulating Factor, His Tag 5µg 665  20µg 1710  1mg 41800
mGM CSF  cyt-222 Recombinant Mouse Granulocyte Macrophage-Colony Stimulating Factor 2µg 665  10µg 1710  1mg 38950
rGM CSF  cyt-395 Recombinant Rat Granulocyte Macrophage-Colony Stimulating Factor 2µg 665  10µg 1710  1mg 39900
pGM CSF  cyt-401 Recombinant Porcine Granulocyte Macrophage-Colony Stimulating Factor 2µg 665  10µg 1710  100µg 17100
rmGM CSF cyt-720 Recombinant Rhesus Macaque Granulocyte Macrophage-Colony Stimulating Factor 2µg 665  10µg 1710  1mg 38950
k9GM CSF cyt-724 Recombinant Canine Granulocyte Macrophage-Colony Stimulating Factor 2µg 665  10µg 1710  1mg 38950
GMF b cyt-565 Recombinant Human Glia Maturation Factor Beta 2µg 665  10µg 1710  1mg 62700
GMF b His cyt-726 Recombinant Human Glia Maturation Factor Beta His Tag 5µg 665  20µg 1710  1mg 36100
mGMF b cyt-006 Recombinant Mouse Glia Maturation Factor Beta 2µg 665  10µg 1710  1mg 62700
rGMF b cyt-049 Recombinant Rat Glia Maturation Factor Beta 2µg 665  10µg 1710  1mg 62700
GMFG cyt-632 Recombinant Human Glia Maturation Factor Gamma 5µg 665  20µg 1710  1mg 36100
HDGF cyt-681 Recombinant Human Hepatoma-Derived Growth Factor 5µg 665  20µg 1710  1mg 47880
HGF CHO cyt-251 Recombinant Human Hepatocyte Growth Factor, CHO 2µg 665  10µg 1710  1mg 79800
HGF cyt-244 Recombinant Human Hepatocyte Growth Factor, Sf9 2µg 665  10µg 1710  1mg 79800
HGF-A cyt-664 Recombinant Human Hepatocyte Growth Factor A Chain 2µg 665  10µg 1710  1mg 63840
HGF-B cyt-665 Recombinant Human Hepatocyte Growth Factor B Chain 2µg 665  10µg 1710  1mg 63840
pHGF cyt-522 Porcine Hepatocyte Promoting Growth Factor 2µg 665  10µg 1710  1mg 41800
IFN a 1 cyt-291 Recombinant Human Interferon-alpha 1 5µg 665  20µg 1710  1mg 39900
IFN a 1a cyt-520 Recombinant Human Interferon-alpha 1a 20µg 665  100µg 1710  1mg 11970
IFN a 1b cyt-283 Recombinant Human Interferon-alpha 1b 20µg 665  100µg 1710  1mg 11970
IFN a 2a cyt-204 Recombinant Human Interferon-alpha 2a 20µg 665  100µg 1710  1mg 11970
IFN a 2a, Plant cyt-543 Recombinant Human Interferon-alpha 2a, Tobacco  5µg 665  25µg 1710  1mg 39900
IFN a 2b cyt-205 Recombinant Human Interferon-alpha 2b 20µg 665  100µg 1710  1mg 11970
IFN a 2b, Yeast cyt-460 Recombinant Human Interferon-alpha 2b, Saccharomyces 10µg 665  50µg 1710  1mg 18620
IFN a 2b 40kd-PEG cyt-019 Recombinant Human Interferon-alpha 2b 40kd-Pegylated 2µg 665  10µg 1710  1mg 69160
IFN a 2b 20kd-PEG cyt-034 Recombinant Human Interferon-alpha 2b 20kd-Pegylated 2µg 665  10µg 1710  1mg 69160
IFN b 1a cyt-236 Recombinant Human Interferon-beta 1a 2µg 665  10µg 1710  1mg 51300
IFN b 1b cyt-234 Recombinant Human Interferon-beta 1b 2µg 665  10µg 1710  1mg 36100
mIFN b  cyt-550 Recombinant Mouse Interferon-beta  2µg 665  10µg 1710  100µg 14630
mIFN b His cyt-651 Recombinant Mouse Interferon-beta His Tag 5µg 665  25µg 1710  1mg 36100
IFN g cyt-206 Recombinant Human Interferon-gamma 20µg 665  100µg 1710  1mg 13300
IFN g His cyt-478 Recombinant Human Interferon-gamma His Tag 10µg 665  50µg 1710  1mg 20900
mIFN g cyt-358 Recombinant Mouse Interferon-gamma 20µg 665  100µg 1710  1mg 13300
rIFN g cyt-359 Recombinant Rat Interferon-gamma 20µg 665  100µg 1710  1mg 13300
pIFN g cyt-402 Recombinant Porcine Interferon-gamma 10µg 665  50µg 1710  1mg 38000
IFNW1 cyt-040 Recombinant Human Interferon-Omega 1 20µg 665  100µg 1710  1mg 13300
oIFN tau cyt-377 Recombinant Ovine Interferon-Tau 2µg 665  10µg 1710  1mg 54340
IRF 1 cyt-449 Recombinant Human Interferon Regulatory Factor-1 5µg 665  20µg 1710  1mg 36100
IRF 2 cyt-534 Recombinant Human Interferon Regulatory Factor-2 5µg 665  20µg 1710  1mg 47880
IRF 3 cyt-292 Recombinant Human Interferon Regulatory Factor-3  5µg 665  20µg 1710  1mg 36100
IGF1 cyt-216 Recombinant Human Insulin Like Growth Factor-1 20µg 665  100µg 1710  1mg 3610
IGF1 GST cyt-690 Recombinant Human Insulin Like Growth Factor-1, GST-Tag 2µg 2660  5µg 4085  10µg 7410
IGF1 Des1-3 cyt-518 Recombinant Human Insulin Like Growth Factor-1 Des (1-3) 20µg 665  100µg 1710  1mg 15960
Long R3 IGF1 cyt-022 Recombinant Human Long R3 Insulin Like Growth Factor-1 100µg 665  500µg 1710  1mg 3040
mIGF1 cyt-229 Recombinant Mouse Insulin Like Growth Factor-1 10µg 665  50µg 1710  1mg 18050
rIGF1 cyt-289 Recombinant Rat Insulin Like Growth Factor-1 10µg 665  50µg 1710  1mg 18050
sIGF1 cyt-295 Recombinant Gilthead Seabream Insulin Like Growth Factor-1 10µg 665  50µg 1710  1mg 27930
IGF2 cyt-265 Recombinant Human Insulin Like Growth Factor-2 10µg 665  50µg 1710  1mg 16815
IGFBP 1 cyt-299 Human Insulin Like Growth Factor Binding Protein-1 /2µg 2660  10µg 8550  100µg 57000
IGFBP 3 cyt-300 Recombinant Human Insulin Like Growth Factor Binding Protein-3 5µg 665  25µg 1710  1mg 36100
IGFBP 4 cyt-030 Recombinant Human Insulin Like Growth Factor Binding Protein-4 5µg 665  20µg 1710  1mg 62700
IGFBP 5 cyt-464 Recombinant Human Insulin Like Growth Factor Binding Protein-5 5µg 665  25µg 1710  1mg 52250
IGFBP 6 cyt-258 Recombinant Human Insulin Like Growth Factor Binding Protein-6 5µg 665  20µg 1710  1mg 32300
IL 1 alpha cyt-253 Recombinant Human Interleukin-1 alpha 2µg 665  10µg 1710  1mg 62700
IL 1 alpha His cyt-479 Recombinant Human Interleukin-1 alpha, His Tag 5µg 665  20µg 1710  1mg 55100
mIL 1 alpha cyt-523 Recombinant Mouse Interleukin-1 alpha 2µg 665  10µg 1710  1mg 62700
rIL 1 alpha cyt-381 Recombinant Rat Interleukin-1 alpha 2µg 665  10µg 1710  100µg 17100
pIL 1 alpha cyt-396 Recombinant Porcine Interleukin-1 alpha 2µg 665  10µg 1710  100µg 17100
IL 1 beta cyt-208 Recombinant Human Interleukin-1 beta 2µg 665  10µg 1710  1mg 46740
IL 1 beta His cyt-480 Recombinant Human Interleukin-1 beta, His Tag 5µg 665  20µg 1710  1mg 47500
mIL 1 beta cyt-273 Recombinant Mouse Interleukin-1 beta 2µg 665  10µg 1710  1mg 62700
mIL 1 beta His cyt-578 Recombinant Mouse Interleukin-1 beta, His Tag 5µg 665  25µg 1710  1mg 36100
rIL 1 beta cyt-394 Recombinant Rat Interleukin-1 beta 2µg 665  10µg 1710  1mg 62700
pIL 1 beta cyt-400 Recombinant Porcine Interleukin-1 beta 2µg 1995  10µg 5985  100µg 39900
rmIL 1 beta cyt-718 Recombinant Rhesus Macaque Interleukin-1 beta  2µg 665  10µg 1710  1mg 46740
IL 1RA cyt-203 Recombinant Human Interleukin-1 Receptor Antagonist 20µg 665  100µg 1710  1mg 13205
IL 1RA His cyt-481 Recombinant Human Interleukin-1 Receptor Antagonist, His Tag 10µg 1995  50µg 6650  1mg 43700
IL1RL1 cyt-671 Recombinant Human Interleukin-1 Receptor Like-1 2µg 665  10µg 1710  1mg 63840
mIL 1RA cyt-658 Recombinant Mouse Interleukin-1 Receptor Antagonist 5µg 665  20µg 1710  1mg 39900
IL1F5 cyt-009 Recombinant Human Interleukin 1 Family, Member 5  2µg 665  10µg 1710  1mg 59850
IL1F6 cyt-010 Recombinant Human Interleukin 1 Family, Member 6 2µg 665  10µg 1710  1mg 59850
IL1F7 cyt-011 Recombinant Human Interleukin 1 Family, Member 7 2µg 665  10µg 1710  1mg 59850
IL1F10 cyt-012 Recombinant Human Interleukin 1 Family, Member 10 2µg 665  10µg 1710  1mg 59850
IL 2 cyt-209 Recombinant Human Interleukin-2 10µg 665  50µg 1710  1mg 9595
IL 2 His cyt-666 Recombinant Human Interleukin-2 His Tag 2µg 665  10µg 1710  1mg 63840
mIL 2 cyt-370 Recombinant Mouse Interleukin-2 5µg 665  20µg 1710  1mg 34200
mIL 2 His cyt-624 Recombinant Mouse Interleukin-2, His Tag 10µg 665  50µg 1710  1mg 23940
rIL 2 cyt-382 Recombinant Rat Interleukin-2 5µg 665  20µg 1710  100µg 8550
pIL 2 cyt-397 Recombinant Porcine Interleukin-2 2µg 665  10µg 1710  100µg 17100
sIL 2R cyt-285 Recombinant Human Soluble Iinterleukin-2 Receptor alpha 5µg 665  25µg 1710  1mg 49400
IL 3  cyt-210 Recombinant Human Interleukin-3 2µg 665  10µg 1710  1mg 36100
IL 3 His cyt-482 Recombinant Human Interleukin-3, His Tag 10µg 665  50µg 1710  1mg 37050
mIL 3  cyt-371 Recombinant Mouse Interleukin-3 2µg 665  10µg 1710  1mg 62700
rIL 3  cyt-383 Recombinant Rat Interleukin-3 5µg 665  20µg 1710  1mg 36100
IL 3 Sf9 cyt-417 Recombinant Human Interleukin-3, Sf9  2µg 665  10µg 1710  1mg 56050
k9 IL 3 cyt-722 Recombinant Canine Interleukin-3 2µg 665  10µg 1710  1mg 36100
IL 4 cyt-211 Recombinant Human Interleukin-4 2µg 665  10µg 1710  1mg 46740
IL 4 CHO cyt-271 Recombinant Human Interleukin-4 CHO  2µg 665  10µg 1710  1mg 63840
IL 4 His cyt-483 Recombinant Human Interleukin-4, His Tag 5µg 665  20µg 1710  1mg 47500
mIL 4 cyt-282 Recombinant Mouse Interleukin-4 2µg 665  10µg 1710  1mg 46740
rIL 4 cyt-385 Recombinant Rat Interleukin-4 2µg 665  10µg 1710  1mg 76000
pIL 4 cyt-398 Recombinant Porcine Interleukin-4 2µg 665  10µg 1710  100µg 17100
IL 5  cyt-212 Recombinant Human Interleukin-5 2µg 665  10µg 1710  1mg 62700
mIL 5  cyt-689 Recombinant Mouse Interleukin-5 2µg 665  10µg 1710  1mg 62700
rIL 5 cyt-387 Recombinant Rat Interleukin-5 2µg 665  10µg 1710  1mg 76000
IL 6 cyt-213 Recombinant Human Interleukin-6 5µg 665  20µg 1710  1mg 36100
IL 6 CHO cyt-274 Recombinant Human Interleukin-6, CHO 2µg 665  10µg 1710  1mg 62700
IL 6 His cyt-484 Recombinant Human Interleukin-6, His Tag 10µg 665  50µg 1710  1mg 34200
mIL 6 cyt-350 Recombinant Mouse Interleukin-6 2µg 665  10µg 1710  1mg 62700
rIL 6 cyt-388 Recombinant Rat Interleukin-6 2µg 665  10µg 1710  1mg 62700
pIL 6 cyt-399 Recombinant Porcine Interleukin-6 2µg 1995  10µg 5985  100µg 39900
sIL 6R cyt-286 Recombinant Human Soluble IL-6 Receptor alpha 5µg 665  20µg 1710  1mg 57000
IL 7 cyt-254 Recombinant Human Interleukin-7 2µg 665  10µg 1710  1mg 62700
IL 7 Yeast cyt-298 Recombinant Human Interleukin-7, Saccharomyces  2µg 665  10µg 1710  1mg 62700
IL 7 His cyt-485 Recombinant Human Interleukin-7, His Tag 2µg 665  10µg 1710  1mg 58900
mIL 7 cyt-372 Recombinant Mouse Interleukin-7 2µg 665  10µg 1710  1mg 62700
IL 9 cyt-348 Recombinant Human  Interleukin-9 2µg 665  10µg 1710  1mg 62700
mIL 9 cyt-373 Recombinant Mouse  Interleukin-9 2µg 665  10µg 1710  1mg 76000
IL 10 cyt-500 Recombinant Human Interleukin-10 2µg 665  10µg 1710  1mg 62700
IL 10 His cyt-486 Recombinant Human Interleukin-10, His Tag 2µg 665  10µg 1710  1mg 58900
mIL 10 cyt-497 Recombinant Mouse Interleukin-10 2µg 665  10µg 1710  1mg 62700
rIL 10 cyt-465 Recombinant Rat Interleukin-10 2µg 665  10µg 1710  1mg 62700
pIL 10 cyt-404 Recombinant Porcine Interleukin-10 2µg 665  10µg 1710  100µg 17100
IL 11 cyt-214 Recombinant Human Interleukin-11 2µg 665  10µg 1710  1mg 62700
IL 11 Pichia CYT-013 Recombinant Human Interleukin-11, Pichia 2µg 665  10µg 1710  1mg 62700
mIL 11 cyt-646 Recombinant Mouse Interleukin-11 2µg 665  10µg 1710  1mg 62700
IL 12 cyt-362 Recombinant Human Interleukin-12 2µg 665  10µg 1710  100µg 13300
rIL 12 cyt-390 Recombinant Rat Interleukin-12 2µg 665  10µg 1710  100µg 13300
IL 12 p35 His cyt-487 Recombinant Human Interleukin-12 p35, His Tag 2µg 665  10µg 1710  1mg 72200
IL 12 p40 His cyt-488 Recombinant Human Interleukin-12 p40, His Tag 2µg 665  10µg 1710  1mg 72200
IL 12 p40, Plant cyt-056 Recombinant Human Interleukin-12 p40, Plant 1ug 665  5ug 1710  100µg 19950
IL 13 cyt-446 Recombinant Human Interleukin-13 2µg 665  10µg 1710  1mg 62700
IL 13 Variant cyt-682 Recombinant Human Interleukin-13 Variant 2µg 665  10µg 1710  1mg 62700
IL 13 His cyt-489 Recombinant Human Interleukin-13, His Tag 2µg 665  10µg 1710  1mg 58900
mIL 13 cyt-375 Recombinant Mouse Interleukin-13 2µg 665  10µg 1710  1mg 62700
rIL 13 cyt-391 Recombinant Rat Interleukin-13 2µg 665  10µg 1710  1mg 62700
IL 15 cyt-230 Recombinant Human Interleukin-15 2µg 665  10µg 1710  1mg 46740
IL 15 His cyt-490 Recombinant Human Interleukin-15, His Tag 2µg 665  10µg 1710  1mg 58900
mIL 15 cyt-344 Recombinant Mouse Interleukin-15 2µg 665  10µg 1710  1mg 46740
mIL 15 His cyt-647 Recombinant Mouse Interleukin-15, His Tag 2µg 665  10µg 1710  1mg 62700
rIL 15 cyt-345 Recombinant Rat Interleukin-15 2µg 665  10µg 1710  1mg 66690
pIL 15 cyt-403 Recombinant Porcine Interleukin-15 2µg 665  10µg 1710  100µg 17100
IL 16 cyt-536 Recombinant Human Interleukin-16 2µg 665  10µg 1710  1mg 62700
IL 16, His cyt-562 Recombinant Human Interleukin-16, His Tag 5µg 665  25µg 1710  1mg 36100
mIL 16 cyt-559 Recombinant Mouse Interleukin-16 2µg 665  10µg 1710  1mg 62700
IL 17 cyt-250 Recombinant Human Interleukin-17A 5µg 665  25µg 1710  1mg 36100
IL 17 His cyt-662 Recombinant Human Interleukin-17A His Tag 2µg 665  10µg 1710  1mg 63840
IL 17E cyt-583 Recombinant Human Interleukin-17E 5µg 665  25µg 1710  1mg 41800
IL 17F cyt-587 Recombinant Human Interleukin-17F 5µg 665  25µg 1710  1mg 36100
IL 17 A/F cyt-623 Recombinant Human Interleukin-17 A/F Heterodimer 2µg 665  10µg 1710  100µg 11970
mIL 17 cyt-378 Recombinant Mouse Interleukin-17A 5µg 665  25µg 1710  1mg 47500
mIL 17E cyt-641 Recombinant Mouse Interleukin-17E 5µg 665  25µg 1710  1mg 36100
mIL 17F cyt-642 Recombinant Mouse Interleukin-17F 5µg 665  25µg 1710  1mg 36100
mIL 17 A/F cyt-640 Recombinant Mouse Interleukin-17 A/F Heterodimer 2µg 665  10µg 1710  100µg 11970
rIL 17 A/F cyt-677 Recombinant Rat Interleukin-17 A/F Heterodimer 2µg 665  10µg 1710  100µg 11970
rIL 17 cyt-542 Recombinant Rat Interleukin-17A 5µg 665  25µg 1710  1mg 36100
rIL 17E cyt-576 Recombinant Rat Interleukin-17E 5µg 665  25µg 1710  1mg 36100
rIL 17F cyt-643 Recombinant Rat Interleukin-17F 5µg 665  25µg 1710  1mg 39900
IL 18 cyt-269 Recombinant Human Interleukin-18 5µg 665  25µg 1710  1mg 48450
IL 18 His cyt-663 Recombinant Human Interleukin-18 His Tag 2µg 665  10µg 1710  1mg 63840
mIL 18 cyt-634 Recombinant Mouse Interleukin-18 5µg 665  25µg 1710  1mg 36100
rIL 18 cyt-376 Recombinant Rat Interleukin-18 5µg 665  25µg 1710  1mg 66500
IL 19 cyt-363 Recombinant Human Interleukin-19 2µg 665  10µg 1710  1mg 62700
mIL 19 cyt-411 Recombinant Mouse Interleukin-19 2µg 665  10µg 1710  1mg 81700
IL 20 cyt-347 Recombinant Human Interleukin-20 2µg 665  10µg 1710  1mg 62700
mIL 20 cyt-379 Recombinant Mouse Interleukin-20 2µg 665  10µg 1710  1mg 81700
IL 21 cyt-408 Recombinant Human Interleukin-21 2µg 665  10µg 1710  1mg 62700
mIL 21 cyt-684 Recombinant Mouse Interleukin-21 2µg 665  10µg 1710  1mg 62700
rIL 21 cyt-033 Recombinant Rat Interleukin-21 2µg 665  10µg 1710  1mg 62700
IL 22 cyt-328 Recombinant Human Interleukin-22 2µg 665  10µg 1710  1mg 62700
mIL 22 cyt-539 Recombinant Mouse Interleukin-22 2µg 665  10µg 1710  1mg 62700
mIL 22 PEG cyt-701 Recombinant Mouse Interleukin-22, Pegylated 2µg 665  10µg 1710  1mg 98800
IL 23 cyt-050 Recombinant Human Interleukin-23 2µg 665  10µg 1710  0.1mg 16150
IL 23 His cyt-067 Recombinant Human Interleukin-23, His Tag 2µg 665  10µg 1710  0.1mg 16150
IL 24 cyt-515 Recombinant Human Interleukin-24 2µg 665  10µg 1710  1mg 76000
IL 27 cyt-048 Recombinant Human Interleukin-27 1µg 665  5µg 1710  100µg 19950
mIL 27 cyt-570 Recombinant Mouse Interleukin-27 2µg 665  10µg 1710  1mg 69160
IL 28A cyt-602 Recombinant Human Interleukin-28A 5µg 665  20µg 1710  1mg 36100
IL 29 cyt-603 Recombinant Human Interleukin-29 5µg 665  20µg 1710  1mg 36100
IL 31 cyt-625 Recombinant Human Interleukin-31 2µg 665  10µg 1710  1mg 62700
mIL 31 cyt-604 Recombinant Mouse Interleukin-31 2µg 665  10µg 1710  1mg 62700
IL 32A cyt-584 Recombinant Human IL-32 alpha 2µg 665  10µg 1710  1mg 69160
IL 32A His Tag cyt-648 Recombinant Human IL-32 alpha His Tag 5µg 665  20µg 1710  1mg 36100
IL 33 cyt-425 Recombinant Human Interleukin-33 2µg 665  10µg 1710  1mg 69160
IL 33 His cyt-667 Recombinant Human Interleukin-33 His Tag 2µg 665  10µg 1710  1mg 63840
mIL 33 cyt-655 Recombinant Mouse Interleukin-33 2µg 665  10µg 1710  1mg 69160
Insulin cyt-270 Recombinant Human Insulin 25mg 1520  250mg 4180  1gram 13300
Insulin Yeast cyt-614 Recombinant Human Insulin Yeast 2mg 665  10mg 1710  100mg 7980
pInsulin cyt-468 Porcine Insulin 25mg 1520  250mg 4180  1gram 13300
KGF cyt-219 Recombinant Human Keratinocyte Growth Factor 2µg 665  10µg 1710  1mg 62700
mKGF cyt-721 Recombinant Mouse Keratinocyte Growth Factor 2µg 665  10µg 1710  1mg 62700
KGF 2 cyt-303 Recombinant Human Keratinocyte Growth Factor-2 5µg 665  25µg 1710  1mg 36100
Leptin cyt-228 Recombinant Human Leptin 200µg 665  1mg 1710  5mg 5985
Leptin cyt-683 Human Leptin 200µg 665  1mg 1710  5mg 5985
Leptin His cyt-287 Recombinant Human Leptin, His Tag 5µg 665  25µg 1710  1mg 31920
mLeptin cyt-351 Recombinant Mouse Leptin 200µg 665  1mg 1710  5mg 5985
mLeptin PEG cyt-591 Recombinant Pegylated Mouse Leptin 5µg 665  20µg 1710  1mg 37905
rLeptin cyt-227 Recombinant Rat Leptin 200µg 665  1mg 1710  5mg 5985
rLeptin PEG cyt-592 Recombinant Pegylated Rat Leptin 20µg 665  100µg 1710  1mg 13965
oLeptin cyt-239 Recombinant Ovine Leptin 20µg 665  100µg 1710  1mg 12635
oLeptin, MTS cyt-531 Recombinant Ovine Leptin, MTS tag 20µg 665  100µg 1710  1mg 13965
bLeptin cyt-502 Recombinant Bovine Leptin 20µg 665  100µg 1710  1mg 12635
pLeptin cyt-503 Recombinant Porcine Leptin 20µg 665  100µg 1710  1mg 12635
pfLeptin cyt-530 Recombinant Pufferfish Leptin 20µg 665  100µg 1710  1mg 13965
sLeptin cyt-704 Recombinant Salamander Leptin 100µg 3420  200µg 4560  1mg 15960
hLeptin cyt-504 Recombinant Horse Leptin 20µg 665  100µg 1710  1mg 12635
chLeptin cyt-505 Recombinant Chicken Leptin 20µg 665  100µg 1710  1mg 12635
dLeptin cyt-506 Recombinant Dog Leptin 20µg 665  100µg 1710  1mg 12635
raLeptin cyt-507 Recombinant Rabbit Leptin 20µg 665  100µg 1710  1mg 12635
Leptin tA cyt-352 Recombinant Human Leptin Triple Antagonist 10µg 665  50µg 1710  1mg 22344
Leptin tA PEG cyt-702 Recombinant Human Leptin Triple Antagonist, Pegylated 5µg 665  20µg 1710  1mg 44650
Leptin qA cyt-353 Recombinant Human Leptin Quadruple Antagonist 10µg 665  50µg 1710  1mg 22344
mLeptin tA cyt-354 Recombinant Mouse Leptin Triple Antagonist 10µg 665  50µg 1710  1mg 22344
mLeptin tA PEG cyt-566 Recombinant Pegylated Mouse Leptin Triple Antagonist, Pegylated 5µg 665  20µg 1710  1mg 44650
rLeptin tA cyt-355 Recombinant Rat Leptin Triple Antagonist 10µg 665  50µg 1710  1mg 22344
rLeptin tA PEG cyt-567 Recombinant Pegylated Rat Leptin Triple Antagonist, Pegylated 5µg 665  20µg 1710  1mg 44650
oLeptin tA cyt-356 Recombinant Ovine Leptin Triple Antagonist 10µg 665  50µg 1710  1mg 22344
oLeptin tA PEG cyt-703 Recombinant Ovine Leptin Triple Antagonist, Pegylated 5µg 665  20µg 1710  1mg 44650
oLeptin qA cyt-357 Recombinant Ovine Leptin Quadruple Antagonist 10µg 665  50µg 1710  1mg 22344
Leptin Receptor cyt-508 Recombinant Human Leptin Binding Domain 5µg 665  20µg 1710  1mg 50540
chLeptin Receptor cyt-509 Recombinant Chicken Leptin Binding Domain 5µg 665  20µg 1710  1mg 50540
LeukinFeron cyt-243    Human LeukinFeron 10,000IU 1710  20,000IU 3230  100,000IU 14630
LFA 3 cyt-423 Recombinant Human Leukocyte Function Associated Antigen-3 Fusion Protein  20µg 665  100µg 1710  1mg 11305
LIF cyt-644 Recombinant Human Leukemia Inhibitory Factor 2µg 665  10µg 1710  1mg 69160
mLIF cyt-645 Recombinant Mouse Leukemia Inhibitory Factor 2µg 665  10µg 1710  1mg 69160
LIF GST cyt-001 Recombinant Human Leukemia Inhibitory Factor, GST tag 2µg 665  10µg 1710  1mg 69160
M CSF cyt-308 Recombinant Human Macrophage Colony Stimulating Factor 2µg 665  10µg 1710  1mg 62700
M CSF, Baculovirus cyt-637 Recombinant Human Macrophage Colony Stimulating Factor, Baculovirus 2µg 665  10µg 1710  1mg 62700
M CSF His cyt-695 Recombinant Human Macrophage Colony Stimulating Factor, His Tag 2µg 665  25µg 1710  1mg 29925
mM CSF cyt-439 Recombinant Mouse Macrophage Colony Stimulating Factor 2µg 665  10µg 1710  1mg 62700
rM CSF cyt-046 Recombinant Rat Macrophage Colony Stimulating Factor 2µg 665  10µg 1710  1mg 62700
MIF  cyt-575 Recombinant Human Macrophage Migration Inhibitor Factor 5µg 665  25µg 1710  1mg 47880
MIF (Active) cyt-596 Recombinant Human Macrophage Migration Inhibitor Factor 2µg 665  10µg 1710  1mg 62700
MIF His N cyt-431 Recombinant Human Macrophage Migration Inhibitor Factor, His Tag N-Terminus 5µg 665  25µg 1710  1mg 23940
MIF His C cyt-521 Recombinant Human Macrophage Migration Inhibitor Factor, His Tag C-Terminus 5µg 665  25µg 1710  1mg 23940
MIA cyt-310 Recombinant Human Melanoma Inhibitory Activity Protein 5µg 665  20µg 1710  1mg 64600
MIA2 cyt-638 Recombinant Human Melanoma Inhibitory Activity Protein 2 5µg 665  20µg 1710  1mg 36100
Midkine cyt-444 Recombinant Human Midkine 5µg 665  20µg 1710  1mg 51300
MTPN cyt-723 Recombinant Human Myotrophin 5µg 665  20µg 1710  1mg 36100
Myostatin cyt-418 Recombinant Human Myostatin 2µg 665  10µg 1710  1mg 62700
Myostatin His cyt-445 Recombinant Human Myostatin, His-Tag 2µg 665  10µg 1710  1mg 55100
Myostatin Propetide cyt-448 Recombinant Human Myostatin Propeptide 5µg 665  25µg 1710  1mg 62700
Myostatin, Plant cyt-055 Recombinant Human Myostatin, Plant 2µg 665  10µg 1710  1mg 79800
NGB cyt-450 Recombinant Human Neuroglobin 2µg 665  10µg 1710  1mg 75050
NRG1 cyt-407 Recombinant Human Neuregulin-1/Heregulin-b2 10µg 665  50µg 1710  1mg 17955
NT 3 cyt-257 Recombinant Human Neurotrophin-3 2µg 665  10µg 1710  1mg 62700
proNT3 cyt-015 Recombinant Human Precursor Neurotrophin-3 2µg 665  10µg 1710  1mg 69160
mNT 3 cyt-688 Recombinant Mouse Neurotrophin-3 2µg 665  10µg 1710  1mg 62700
NT 4 cyt-626 Recombinant Human Neurotrophin-4 2µg 665  10µg 1710  1mg 62700
Noggin cyt-475 Recombinant Human Noggin 5µg 665  20µg 1710  1mg 46740
mNoggin cyt-600 Recombinant Mouse Noggin 5µg 665  20µg 1710  1mg 46740
Omentin cyt-301 Recombinant Human Omentin 2µg 665  10µg 1710  1mg 69350
Omentin His cyt-551 Recombinant Human Omentin His Tag 2µg 665  10µg 1710  1mg 79800
Omentin 298 a.a. cyt-061 Recombinant Human Omentin 298 a.a. 5µg 665  20µg 1710  1mg 36100
OPG Fc cyt-266 Recombinant Human Osteoprotegerin 10µg 665  50µg 1710  1mg 28500
OPG His cyt-290 Recombinant Human Osteoprotegerin, His Tag 10µg 665  50µg 1710  1mg 31920
OPG Hi-5 cyt-633 Recombinant Human Osteoprotegerin Hi-5 2µg 665  10µg 1710  100µg 15960
OSM cyt-231 Recombinant Human Oncostatin-M 2µg 665  10µg 1710  1mg 62700
OSM (209 a.a.) cyt-639 Recombinant Human Oncostatin-M  (209 a.a.) 2µg 665  10µg 1710  1mg 62700
OSM, His cyt-060 Recombinant Human Oncostatin-M, His Tag 5µg 665  20µg 1710  1mg 36100
OSTF1 cyt-630 Recombinant Human Osteoclast Stimulating Factor-1 10µg 665  50µg 1710  1mg 23940
OTOR cyt-582 Recombinant Human Otoraplin 5µg 665  20µg 1710  1mg 46740
PDGF AA cyt-341 Recombinant Human Plaet Derived Growth Factor-AA 2µg 665  10µg 1710  1mg 49400
PDGF AA Yeast cyt-568 Recombinant Human Plaet Derived Growth Factor-AA Yeast 2µg 665  10µg 1710  1mg 62700
PDGF A cyt-491 Recombinant Human Plaet Derived Growth Factor-A 5µg 665  20µg 1710  1mg 45600
mPDGF AA cyt-590 Recombinant Mouse Plaet Derived Growth Factor-AA 2µg 665  10µg 1710  1mg 49400
PDGF AB cyt-342 Recombinant Human Plaet Derived Growth Factor-AB 2µg 665  10µg 1710  1mg 49400
PDGF BB Yeast cyt-242 Recombinant Human Plaet Derived Growth Factor-BB, Yeast 2µg 665  10µg 1710  1mg 46740
PDGF BB  cyt-501 Recombinant Human Plaet Derived Growth Factor-BB 2µg 665  10µg 1710  1mg 46740
PDGF B cyt-492 Recombinant Human Plaet Derived Growth Factor-B 5µg 665  20µg 1710  1mg 45600
mPDGF BB cyt-412 Recombinant Mouse Plaet Derived Growth Factor-BB 2µg 665  10µg 1710  1mg 66500
PDGFRA cyt-065 Recombinant Human Plaet-Derived Growth Factor Receptor, Alpha  1µg 665  5µg 1710  50µg 15960
PEDF  cyt-580 Recombinant Human Pigment Epithelium-Derived Factor 5µg 665  20µg 1710  1mg 62700
PEDF His cyt-552 Recombinant Human Pigment Epithelium-Derived Factor, His Tag 5µg 665  20µg 1710  1mg 39900
PEDF HEK cyt-553 Recombinant Human Pigment Epithelium-Derived Factor, HEK 2µg 665  10µg 1710  100µg 15200
Periostin cyt-452 Recombinant Human Periostin 2µg 665  10µg 1710  1mg 58900
PGRN cyt-524 Recombinant Human Progranulin 2µg 665  10µg 1710  100µg 15960
Pleiotrophin cyt-451 Recombinant Human Pleiotrophin 5µg 665  20µg 1710  1mg 51300
Placental Lactogen cyt-656 Recombinant Human Placental Lactogen 10µg 665  50µg 1710  1mg 27930
bPlacental Lactogen cyt-511 Recombinant Bovine Placental Lactogen 50µg 665  200µg 1710  1mg 6650
oPlacental Lactogen cyt-512 Recombinant Ovine Placental Lactogen 50µg 665  200µg 1710  1mg 6650
cPlacental Lactogen cyt-510 Recombinant Caprine Placental Lactogen 50µg 665  200µg 1710  1mg 6650
PLGF 1 cyt-419 Recombinant Human Placenta Growth Factor-1 2µg 665  10µg 1710  1mg 94050
PLGF 2 cyt-420 Recombinant Human Placenta Growth Factor-2 2µg 665  10µg 1710  1mg 82650
Prolactin cyt-267 Recombinant Human Prolactin 10µg 665  50µg 1710  1mg 17955
Prolactin His cyt-493 Recombinant Human Prolactin, His Tag 5µg 665  20µg 1710  1mg 36100
mProlactin cyt-321 Recombinant Mouse Prolactin 10µg 665  50µg 1710  1mg 18050
rProlactin cyt-322 Recombinant Rat Prolactin 10µg 665  50µg 1710  1mg 18050
oProlactin cyt-240 Recombinant Ovine Prolactin 10µg 665  50µg 1710  1mg 9310
raProlactin cyt-513 Recombinant Rabbit Prolactin 10µg 665  50µg 1710  1mg 18050
Prl R, GST cyt-469 Recombinant Human Prolactin Receptor , GST Tag 2µg 2660  5µg 4085  10µg 7600
Prl R cyt-595 Recombinant Human Prolactin Receptor  5µg 665  20µg 1710  1mg 44650
raPrl R cyt-268 Recombinant Rabbit Prolactin Soluble Receptor 5µg 665  20µg 1710  1mg 44650
oPrl R cyt-293 Recombinant Ovine Prolactin Soluble Receptor 5µg 665  20µg 1710  1mg 44650
bPrl R cyt-294 Recombinant Bovine Prolactin Soluble Receptor 5µg 665  20µg 1710  1mg 44650
tPrl R cyt-532 Recombinant Raibow Trout Prolactin Soluble Receptor 5µg 665  20µg 1710  1mg 44650
rPrl R cyt-533 Recombinant Rat Prolactin Soluble Receptor 5µg 665  20µg 1710  1mg 44650
oPrl A cyt-311 Recombinant Ovine Prolactin Antagonist 10µg 665  50µg 1710  1mg 18050
oPrl A Mutant cyt-705 Recombinant Ovine Prolactin Antagonist, Mutant 10µg 665  50µg 1710  1mg 18050
sCD4 cyt-304 Recombinant Human Soluble CD4 2µg 665  10µg 1710  1mg 83600
CD4 (26-226) cyt-313 Recombinant Human CD4 (26-226) 2µg 2660  5µg 4180  10µg 7600
CD4 (125-202) cyt-315 Recombinant Human CD4 (125-202) 5µg 665  20µg 1710  1mg 31920
CD4 (203-317) cyt-316 Recombinant Human CD4 (203-317) 5µg 665  20µg 1710  1mg 31920
sCD40L cyt-245 Recombinant Human soluble CD40 Ligand/TRAP 10µg 665  50µg 1710  1mg 18810
sCD40L His cyt-670 Recombinant Human soluble CD40 Ligand/TRAP His Tag 5µg 665  20µg 1710  1mg 36100
msCD40L cyt-472 Recombinant Mouse soluble CD40 Ligand/TRAP 5µg 665  25µg 1710  1mg 36100
SHH cyt-676 Recombinant Human Sonic HedgeHog  5µg 665  25µg 1710  1mg 36100
SHH, His cyt-717 Recombinant Human Sonic HedgeHog, His Tag 5µg 665  25µg 1710  1mg 29925
mSHH cyt-597 Recombinant Mouse Sonic HedgeHog  5µg 665  25µg 1710  1mg 33535
mSHH, His cyt-711 Recombinant Mouse Sonic HedgeHog, His Tag 5µg 665  25µg 1710  1mg 29925
DHH cyt-467 Recombinant Human Desert HedgeHog 5µg 665  25µg 1710  1mg 38000
sRANKL cyt-334 Recombinant Human Soluble RANK Ligand 2µg 665  10µg 1710  1mg 62700
sRANKL, His cyt-692 Recombinant Human Soluble RANK Ligand, His Tag 5µg 665  20µg 1710  1mg 36100
sRANKL GST cyt-631 Recombinant Human Soluble RANK Ligand, GST Tag 2µg 665  10µg 1710  0.1mg 14630
msRANKL cyt-320 Recombinant Mouse Soluble RANK Ligand 2µg 665  10µg 1710  1mg 62700
mRELM a cyt-309 Recombinant Mouse RELM-alpha 5µg 665  25µg 1710  1mg 36100
mRELM a His cyt-453 Recombinant Mouse RELM-alpha His Tag 5µg 665  25µg 1710  1mg 53200
RELM b cyt-454 Recombinant Human RELM-beta 5µg 665  25µg 1710  1mg 53200
mRELM b cyt-413 Recombinant Mouse RELM-beta 5µg 665  25µg 1710  1mg 47500
mRELM g cyt-455 Recombinant Mouse RELM-Gamma 5µg 665  25µg 1710  1mg 53200
Resistin  cyt-456 Recombinant Human Resistin  5µg 665  25µg 1710  1mg 62700
Resistin His cyt-256 Recombinant Human Resistin, His Tag 5µg 665  25µg 1710  1mg 49400
Resistin Mutant cyt-585 Recombinant Human Resistin Mutant  2µg 665  10µg 1710  1mg 88920
mResistin cyt-457 Recombinant Mouse Resistin 5µg 665  25µg 1710  1mg 62700
rResistin cyt-458 Recombinant Rat Resistin 5µg 665  25µg 1710  1mg 62700
RBP4 cyt-535 Recombinant Human Retinol Binding Protein-4 5µg 665  20µg 1710  1mg 47880
RBP4 His cyt-555 Recombinant Human Retinol Binding Protein-4 His Tag 2µg 665  10µg 1710  1mg 79800
RBP5 cyt-650 Recombinant Human Retinol Binding Protein-5 2µg 665  10µg 1710  1mg 69160
RBP7 cyt-023 Recombinant Human Retinol Binding Protein-7 5µg 665  20µg 1710  1mg 36100
SAA1 cyt-675 Recombinant Human Serum Amyloid A (APO-SAA1) 10µg 665  50µg 1710  1mg 22800
rmSAA1 cyt-719 Recombinant Rhesus Macaque Serum Amyloid A (APO-SAA1) 2µg 665  10µg 1710  1mg 47500
SAA4 cyt-002 Recombinant Human Serum Amyloid A4 2µg 665  10µg 1710  1mg 69160
SCF cyt-255 Recombinant Human Stem Cell Factor 2µg 665  10µg 1710  1mg 36100
mSCF cyt-275 Recombinant Mouse Stem Cell Factor 2µg 665  10µg 1710  1mg 36100
rSCF cyt-323 Recombinant Rat Stem Cell Factor 2µg 665  10µg 1710  1mg 36100
SCF Sf9 cyt-421 Recombinant Human Stem Cell Factor, Sf9  2µg 665  10µg 1710  1mg 67450
SF20 cyt-622 Recombinant Human Chromosome 19 Open Reading Frame 10 10µg 665  50µg 1710  1mg 23940
mSF20 cyt-678 Recombinant Mouse Chromosome 19 Open Reading Frame 10 2µg 665  10µg 1710  1mg 62700
SPP1 cyt-635 Recombinant Human Osteopontin 2µg 665  10µg 1710  1mg 69160
SPP1 HEK cyt-047 Recombinant Human Osteopontin, HEK 2µg 665  10µg 1710  1mg 69160
TDGF1 cyt-712 Recombinant Human Teratocarcinoma-Derived Growth Factor 1 2µg 665  10µg 1710  1mg 76000
TFF1 cyt-586 Recombinant Human Trefoil Factor-1 5µg 665  20µg 1710  1mg 36100
TFF1 His cyt-610 Recombinant Human Trefoil Factor-1 His Tag 5µg 665  20µg 1710  1mg 53200
TFF2  cyt-612 Recombinant Human Trefoil Factor-2 5µg 665  20µg 1710  1mg 36100
TFF2 His cyt-611 Recombinant Human Trefoil Factor-2 His Tag 5µg 665  20µg 1710  1mg 53200
TFF3  cyt-005 Recombinant Human Trefoil Factor-3  5µg 665  20µg 1710  1mg 36100
TFF3 His cyt-616 Recombinant Human Trefoil Factor-3 His Tag 5µg 665  20µg 1710  1mg 53200
TGF b 1  cyt-716 Recombinant Human Transforming Growth Factor-Beta 1 1µg 665  5µg 1710  100µg 19950
TGF b 1 cyt-561 Human Transforming Growth Factor-Beta 1 1µg 5320  2.5µg 12635  5µg 23940
TGF b 1 GST cyt-473 Recombinant Human Transforming Growth Factor-Beta 1, GST tag 2µg 665  10µg 1710  100µg 13300
TGF b 1 His cyt-672 Recombinant Human Transforming Growth Factor-Beta 1 His Tag 2µg 665  10µg 1710  1mg 63840
TGF b 1 (113 a.a.) cyt-679 Recombinant Human Transforming Growth Factor-Beta 1 (113 a.a.) 2µg 665  10µg 1710  1mg 69160
TGF b 2 cyt-441 Recombinant Human Transforming Growth Factor-Beta 2 1µg 665  5µg 1710  100µg 19950
TGF b 3 cyt-368 Recombinant Human Transforming Growth Factor-Beta 3 2µg 665  10µg 1710  100µg 13300
TGF b 3 CHO cyt-685 Recombinant Human Transforming Growth Factor-Beta 3, CHO  2µg 665  10µg 1710  100µg 13300
TGF b 3 Plant cyt-588 Recombinant Human Transforming Growth Factor-Beta 3, Plant 1µg 665  5µg 1710  100µg 19950
TGF b 3 (207 a.a.) cyt-319 Recombinant Human Transforming Growth Factor-Beta 3 (644-850) 2µg 2660  5µg 4085  10µg 7600
4 1BBR cyt-463 Recombinant Human 4-1BB Receptor 5µg 665  20µg 1710  1mg 36100
4 1BBL cyt-649 Recombinant Human 4-1BB Ligand 5µg 665  20µg 1710  1mg 36100
TNF a  cyt-223 Recombinant Human Tumor Necrosis Factor-alpha 10µg 665  50µg 1710  1mg 17955
TNF a His cyt-494 Recombinant Human Tumor Necrosis Factor-alpha, His Tag 10µg 665  50µg 1710  1mg 26600
mTNF a cyt-252 Recombinant Mouse Tumor Necrosis Factor-alpha 5µg 665  20µg 1710  1mg 36100
rTNF a cyt-393 Recombinant Rat Tumor Necrosis Factor-alpha 5µg 665  20µg 1710  1mg 36100
rpTNF a cyt-405 Recombinant Porcine Tumor Necrosis Factor-alpha 5µg 665  20µg 1710  1mg 85500
raTNF a cyt-008 Recombinant Rabbit Tumor Necrosis Factor-alpha 5µg 665  20µg 1710  1mg 36100
TNF a Mutant cyt-384 Recombinant Human Tumor Necrosis Factor-alpha, Mutant 10µg 665  50µg 1710  1mg 17955
TNF b cyt-224 Recombinant Human Tumor Necrosis Factor-beta 5µg 665  20µg 1710  1mg 36100
TNF b His cyt-495 Recombinant Human Tumor Necrosis Factor-beta, His Tag 5µg 665  20µg 1710  1mg 35150
TNFR cyt-422 Recombinant Human Tumor Necrosis Factor Receptor Fusion Protein 10µg 665  50µg 1710  1mg 17955
TNFRSF17 cyt-598 Recombinant Human B-Cell Maturation Antigen 5µg 665  20µg 1710  1mg 62700
TNFR1 cyt-707 Recombinant Human Tumor Necrosis Factor Receptor Type 1 5µg 665  20µg 1710  1mg 36100
TNFR1 His cyt-673 Recombinant Human Tumor Necrosis Factor Receptor Type 1, His Tag 5µg 665  20µg 1710  1mg 63840
TNFR2 cyt-674 Recombinant Human Tumor Necrosis Factor Receptor Type 2 5µg 665  20µg 1710  1mg 63840
TNFSF12 cyt-699 Recombinant Human TNF Ligand Superfamily Member 12 5µg 665  25µg 1710  1mg 72200
TNFRSF10B cyt-069 Recombinant Human TNF Ligand Receptor Superfamily Member 10B 10µg 665  50µg 1710  1mg 17955
TNFRSF12A cyt-043 Recombinant Human TNF Ligand Receptor Superfamily Member 12A  5µg 665  25µg 1710  1mg 36100
TSLP cyt-572 Recombinant Human Thymic Stromal Lymphopoietin 5µg 665  20µg 1710  1mg 62700
TPO cyt-302 Recombinant Human Thrombopoietin 2µg 665  10µg 1710  1mg 57000
TPO CHO cyt-462 Recombinant Human Thrombopoietin, CHO  2µg 665  10µg 1710  1mg 57000
mTPO cyt-346 Recombinant Mouse Thrombopoietin 2µg 665  10µg 1710  1mg 69445
TRAIL cyt-443 Recombinant Human TNF-Related Apoptosis Inducing Ligand/Apo2L 10µg 665  50µg 1710  1mg 17955
TRAIL (114-281 a.a.) cyt-546 Recombinant Human TNF-Related Apoptosis Inducing Ligand/Apo2L (114-281) 10µg 665  50µg 1710  1mg 23940
Vaspin cyt-459 Recombinant Human Vaspin 5µg 665  25µg 1710  1mg 47500
VEGF cyt-241 Recombinant Human Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor 2µg 665  10µg 1710  1mg 46740
VEGF His cyt-496 Recombinant Human Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor His Tag 2µg 665  10µg 1710  1mg 64600
VEGF CHO cyt-260 Recombinant Human Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor, CHO  2µg 665  10µg 1710  1mg 68400
VEGF HEK cyt-225 Recombinant Human Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor, HEK 2µg 665  10µg 1710  100µg 14630
VEGF Yeast cyt-577 Recombinant Human Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor, Yeast 2µg 665  10µg 1710  1mg 46740
VEGF (121a.a.) cyt-343 Recombinant Human Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor (121) 2µg 665  10µg 1710  1mg 47500
VEGF (121a.a.) Sf9 cyt-200 Recombinant Human Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor (121), Sf9 2µg 665  10µg 1710  1mg 90250
VEGF (121a.a.) His cyt-619 Recombinant Human Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor (121) His Tag 2µg 665  10µg 1710  1mg 59850
rmVEGF cyt-336 Recombinant Mouse Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor 2µg 665  10µg 1710  1mg 46740
mVEGF Sf9 cyt-226 Recombinant Mouse Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor-Sf9 2µg 665  10µg 1710  1mg 79800
rmVEGF (121a.a.) cyt-574 Recombinant Mouse Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor (121) 2µg 665  10µg 1710  1mg 46740
rmVEGF His cyt-680 Recombinant Mouse Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor His Tag 2µg 665  10µg 1710  1mg 74100
rVEGF cyt-392 Recombinant Rat Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor 2µg 665  10µg 1710  1mg 46740
VEGFB cyt-628 Recombinant Human Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor B 2µg 665  10µg 1710  1mg 69160
VEGF C cyt-527 Recombinant Human Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor Related Protein 2µg 665  10µg 1710  1mg 85500
rVEGF C cyt-262 Recombinant Rat Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor Related Protein 2µg 665  10µg 1710  1mg 79800
rVEGF C (152a.a.) cyt-284 Recombinant Rat Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor-C (152) 2µg 665  10µg 1710  1mg 76000
VEGF D cyt-045 Recombinant Human Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor D 2µg 665  10µg 1710  1mg 62700
VEGF E (Orf Virus) cyt-263 Recombinant Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor-E (Orf Virus) 2µg 665  10µg 1710  1mg 94050
VEGI cyt-517 Recombinant Human Vascular Endothelial Growth Inhibitor 2µg 665  10µg 1710  100µg 12635
VEGI, His cyt-589 Recombinant Human Vascular Endothelial Growth Inhibitor, His Tag 5µg 665  20µg 1710  1mg 36100
Visfatin cyt-318 Recombinant Human Visfatin 5µg 665  25µg 1710  1mg 56050
Visfatin, His cyt-563 Recombinant Human Visfatin, His Tag 5µg 665  25µg 1710  1mg 59850
mVisfatin cyt-447 Recombinant Mouse Visfatin 5µg 665  25µg 1710  1mg 47880
BCA 1 chm-348 Recombinant Human BCA-1/ BLC (CXCL13) 5µg 665  20µg 1710  1mg 36100
BRAK His chm-239 Recombinant Human BRAK (CXCL14), His Tag 5µg 665  20µg 1710  1mg 57000
BRAK  chm-001 Recombinant Human BRAK (CXCL14) 5µg 665  20µg 1710  1mg 36100
mC 10 chm-307 Recombinant Mouse C-10 (CCL6) 2µg 665  10µg 1710  1mg 52250
rC 10 chm-268 Recombinant Rat C-10 (CCL6) 2µg 665  10µg 1710  1mg 36100
CCL16 chm-237 Recombinant Human LEC/NCC-4  (CCL16) 5µg 665  20µg 1710  1mg 36100
CCL3L1 His chm-251 Recombinant Human LD78-beta (CCL3L1), His Tag 5µg 665  20µg 1710  1mg 36100
CCL3L1 chm-263 Recombinant Human LD78-beta (CCL3L1) 5µg 665  20µg 1710  1mg 36100
CTACK chm-373 Recombinant Human CTACK (CCL27) 5µg 665  20µg 1710  1mg 29925
mCXCL16 chm-363 Recombinant Mouse CXCL16 5µg 665  25µg 1710  1mg 36100
ENA 78 chm-331 Recombinant Human  Epithelial Neutrophil-Activating Protein 78 (CXCL5) 5µg 665  20µg 1710  1mg 36100
mENA 78 chm-365 Recombinant Mouse  Epithelial Neutrophil-Activating Protein 78 (CXCL5) 5µg 665  20µg 1710  1mg 36100
ENA 78 (8-78 a.a.) chm-265 Recombinant Human  Epithelial Neutrophil-Activating Protein 78 (CXCL5), 8-78 a.a. 5µg 665  20µg 1710  1mg 36100
rENA 78 chm-267 Recombinant Rat  Epithelial Neutrophil-Activating Protein 78 (CXCL5) 5µg 665  20µg 1710  1mg 36100
Eotaxin chm-256 Recombinant Human Eotaxin (CCL11) 5µg 665  20µg 1710  1mg 36100
Eotaxin, His chm-344 Recombinant Human Eotaxin (CCL11), His Tag 5µg 665  20µg 1710  1mg 36100
mEotaxin chm-308 Recombinant Mouse Eotaxin (CCL11) 5µg 665  20µg 1710  1mg 36100
rEotaxin chm-260 Recombinant Rat Eotaxin (CCL11) 5µg 665  20µg 1710  1mg 36100
Eotaxin 2 chm-238 Recombinant Human Eotaxin-2 (CCL24) 5µg 665  20µg 1710  1mg 36100
mEotaxin 2 chm-368  Recombinant Mouse Eotaxin-2 (CCL24) 5µg 665  20µg 1710  1mg 36100
Eotaxin 3 chm-362 Recombinant Human Eotaxin-3 (CCL26) 10µg 665  50µg 1710  1mg 23940
Exodus 2 chm-332 Recombinant Human Exodus-2 (CCL21) 5µg 665  20µg 1710  1mg 36100
mExodus 2 chm-371 Recombinant Mouse Exodus-2 (CCL21) 5µg 665  20µg 1710  1mg 36100
Fractalkine chm-235 Recombinant Human Fractalkine (CX3CL1) 5µg 665  20µg 1710  1mg 36100
Fractalkine His chm-360 Recombinant Human Fractalkine (CX3CL1) His Tag 2µg 665  10µg 1710  1mg 63840
GRO a chm-329 Recombinant Human GRO-alpha (CXCL1) 5µg 665  25µg 1710  1mg 36100
GRO a, His chm-242 Recombinant Human GRO-alpha (CXCL1), His Tag 10µg 665  50µg 1710  1mg 23940
mGRO1/KC chm-335 Recombinant Mouse GRO/KC (CXCL1) 5µg 665  20µg 1710  1mg 36100
rGRO a chm-375 Recombinant Rat GRO-alpha (CXCL1) 5µg 665  25µg 1710  1mg 36100
GRO b chm-309 Recombinant Human GRO-beta/MIP-2 (CXCL2) 2µg 665  10µg 1710  1mg 36100
GRO b His chm-356 Recombinant Human GRO-beta/MIP-2 (CXCL2) His 2µg 665  10µg 1710  1mg 36100
mGRO b chm-338 Recombinant Mouse GRO-beta/MIP-2 (CXCL2) 5µg 665  20µg 1710  1mg 36100
rGRO b chm-372 Recombinant Rat GRO-beta/MIP-2 (CXCL2) 5µg 665  20µg 1710  1mg 36100
vMIP2 chm-376 Recombinant Viral Macrophage inflammatory Protein-2 5µg 665  20µg 1710  1mg 36100
GRO g chm-310 Recombinant Human GRO-gamma (CXCL3) 2µg 665  10µg 1710  1mg 36100
GRO g His chm-244 Recombinant Human GRO-gamma (CXCL3), His Tag 2µg 665  10µg 1710  1mg 69160
mGRO g chm-255 Recombinant Mouse GRO-gamma (CXCL3) 2µg 665  10µg 1710  1mg 36100
rGRO g/CINC-2a chm-258 Recombinant Rat GRO-gamma (CXCL3), CINC-2 alpha 2µg 665  10µg 1710  1mg 36100
rGRO g/CINC-2b chm-273 Recombinant Rat GRO-gamma (CXCL3), CINC-2 beta 2µg 665  10µg 1710  1mg 36100
HCC 1 chm-311 Recombinant Human HCC-1 (CCL14) 2µg 665  10µg 1710  1mg 36100
HCC 1 His chm-253 Recombinant Human HCC-1 (CCL14) His Tag 2µg 665  10µg 1710  1mg 36100
I 309 chm-312 Recombinant Human I-309 (CCL1) 2µg 665  10µg 1710  1mg 36100
I 309 His chm-254 Recombinant Human I-309 (CCL1) His Tag 2µg 665  10µg 1710  1mg 69160
IL 8 (1-72) chm-231 Recombinant Human Interleuikin-8 (1-72) (CXCL8) 5µg 665  25µg 1710  1mg 36100
pIL 8 chm-340 Recombinant Porcine Interleuikin-8 (1-72) (CXCL8) 2µg 665  10µg 1710  100µg 14630
IL 8 (1-77) chm-327 Recombinant Human Interleuikin-8 (1-77) (CXCL8) 5µg 665  25µg 1710  1mg 36100
IL 8 Pichia chm-349 Recombinant Human Interleuikin-8 (1-77) (CXCL8) Pichia 5µg 665  25µg 1710  1mg 36100
IL 8 (1-77), His chm-345 Recombinant Human Interleuikin-8 (1-77) (CXCL8), His Tag 10µg 665  50µg 1710  1mg 38000
rIL 8 chm-261 Recombinant Rabbit Interleuikin-8  5µg 665  20µg 1710  1mg 48450
IP 10 chm-330 Recombinant Human IP-10 (CXCL10) 5µg 665  25µg 1710  1mg 36100
IP 10 His chm-346 Recombinant Human IP-10 (CXCL10), His Tag 5µg 665  25µg 1710  1mg 47500
mIP 10 chm-336 Recombinant Mouse IP-10 (CXCL10) 5µg 665  25µg 1710  1mg 36100
rIP 10 chm-264 Recombinant Rat IP-10 (CXCL10) 5µg 665  25µg 1710  1mg 36100
I TAC chm-334 Recombinant Human I-TAC (CXCL11) 5µg 665  20µg 1710  1mg 36100
I TAC, His chm-232 Recombinant Human I-TAC (CXCL11), His Tag 5µg 665  20µg 1710  1mg 31920
LAG-1 chm-272 Recombinant Human LAG-1 (CCL4L1) 5µg 665  20µg 1710  1mg 51300
Lymphotactin chm-314 Recombinant Human Lymphotactin (XCL1) 5µg 665  20µg 1710  1mg 36100
Lymphotactin His chm-357 Recombinant Human Lymphotactin (XCL1) His Tag 2µg 665  10µg 1710  1mg 69160
MCP 1 chm-271 Recombinant Human Monocyte Chemotactic Protein-1/MCAF (CCL2) 5µg 665  20µg 1710  1mg 36100
MCP 1 His chm-246 Recombinant Human Monocyte Chemotactic Protein-1/MCAF (CCL2), His Tag 10µg 665  50µg 1710  1mg 23940
mMCP 1 chm-313 Recombinant Mouse Monocyte Chemotactic Protein-1 (CCL2) 2µg 665  10µg 1710  1mg 36100
rMCP 1 chm-315 Recombinant Rat Monocyte Chemotactic Protein-1 (CCL2) 2µg 665  10µg 1710  1mg 36100
MCP 2 chm-316 Recombinant Human Monocyte Chemotactic Protein-2 (CCL8) 2µg 665  10µg 1710  1mg 36100
mMCP-2 chm-355 Recombinant Mouse Monocyte Chemotactic Protein-2 (CCL8) 2µg 665  10µg 1710  1mg 36100
MCP 3 chm-317 Recombinant Human Monocyte Chemotactic Protein-3 (CCL7) 2µg 665  10µg 1710  1mg 51300
mMCP 3 chm-318 Recombinant Mouse Monocyte Chemotactic Protein-3 (CCL7) 2µg 665  10µg 1710  1mg 36100
MCP 4 chm-319 Recombinant Human Monocyte Chemotactic Protein-4 (CCL13) 2µg 665  10µg 1710  1mg 36100
MCP 4, His chm-275 Recombinant Human Monocyte Chemotactic Protein-4 (CCL13), His Tag 1µg 665  5µg 1710  50µg 15960
MCP 5 chm-266 Recombinant Mouse Monocyte Chemotactic Protein-5 (CCL12)  5µg 665  20µg 1710  1mg 36100
MDC  chm-250 Recombinant Human Macrophage-Derived Chemokine (CCL22)  5µg 665  20µg 1710  1mg 36100
MDC His chm-367 Recombinant Human Macrophage-Derived Chemokine (CCL22) His Tag 5µg 665  20µg 1710  1mg 23940
mMDC  chm-370 Recombinant Mouse Macrophage-Derived Chemokine (CCL22)  5µg 665  20µg 1710  1mg 36100
MEC chm-353 Recombinant Human Mucosae-Associated Epithelial Chemokine (CCL28) 5µg 665  20µg 1710  1mg 36100
MEC His chm-366 Recombinant Human Mucosae-Associated Epithelial Chemokine (CCL28) His Tag 5µg 665  20µg 1710  1mg 48450
mMEC chm-369 Recombinant Mouse Mucosae-Associated Epithelial Chemokine (CCL28) 5µg 665  20µg 1710  1mg 36100
MIG chm-333 Recombinant Human MIG (CXCL9) 5µg 665  20µg 1710  1mg 36100
rmMIG chm-337 Recombinant Mouse MIG (CXCL9) 5µg 665  20µg 1710  1mg 48450
MIP 1a chm-233 Recombinant Human Macrophage Inflammatory protein-1 alpha (CCL3) 5µg 665  20µg 1710  1mg 36100
MIP 1a, His chm-347 Recombinant Human Macrophage Inflammatory protein-1 alpha (CCL3), His Tag 2µg 665  10µg 1710  1mg 41800
mMIP 1a chm-320 Recombinant Mouse Macrophage Inflammatory protein-1 alpha (CCL3) 2µg 665  10µg 1710  1mg 48450
rMIP 1a chm-343 Recombinant Rat Macrophage Inflammatory protein-1 alpha (CCL3) 5µg 665  20µg 1710  1mg 36100
MIP 1b chm-276 Recombinant Human Macrophage Inflammatory protein-1 beta (CCL4) 2µg 665  10µg 1710  1mg 36100
mMIP 1b chm-321 Recombinant Mouse Macrophage Inflammatory protein-1 beta (CCL4) 2µg 665  10µg 1710  1mg 36100
mMIP-1g chm-257 Recombinant Mouse Macrophage Inflammatory protein-1 gamma (CCL9) 5µg 665  20µg 1710  1mg 36100
MIP 3 chm-358 Recombinant Human Macrophage Inflammatory protein-3 (CCL23) 5µg 665  20µg 1710  1mg 36100
MIP 3b chm-287 Recombinant Human Macrophage Inflammatory protein-3 beta (CCL19) 5µg 665  20µg 1710  50µg 36100
MIP 3, T7 chm-374 Recombinant Human Macrophage Inflammatory protein-3 (CCL23), T7 Tag 5µg 665  20µg 1710  1mg 29925
mMIP 3b chm-341 Recombinant Mouse Macrophage Inflammatory protein-3 beta (CCL19) 5µg 665  20µg 1710  1mg 36100
MIP 3α chm-351 Recombinant Human  Macrophage Inflammatory protein-3 alpha (CCL20) 5µg 665  20µg 1710  1mg 36100
MIP 3α His chm-252 Recombinant Human  Macrophage Inflammatory protein-3 alpha (CCL20), His Tag 2µg 665  10µg 1710  1mg 69160
mMIP 3α chm-236 Recombinant Mouse Macrophage Inflammatory protein-3 alpha (CCL20) 5µg 665  20µg 1710  1mg 36100
MIP 4  chm-322 Recombinant Human Macrophage Inflammatory protein-4  (CCL18) 2µg 665  10µg 1710  1mg 36100
MIP 4 His chm-339 Recombinant Human Macrophage Inflammatory protein-4  (CCL18), His-Tag 1µg 665  5µg 1710  50µg 14630
MIP 5 chm-230 Recombinant Human Macrophage Inflammatory protein-5  (CCL15) 5µg 665  25µg 1710  1mg 36100
NAP 2 chm-274 Recombinant Human Neutrophil Activating Protein-2 (CXCL7) 2µg 665  10µg 1710  1mg 36100
NAP 2 95 a.a. chm-277 Recombinant Human Neutrophil Activating Protein-2 (CXCL7), 95 a.a. 2µg 665  10µg 1710  1mg 36100
rNAP 2 chm-269 Recombinant Rat Neutrophil Activating Protein-2 (CXCL7) 2µg 665  10µg 1710  1mg 36100
PF 4 chm-234 Human Plaet Factor-4 (CXCL4) 5µg 665  20µg 1710  1mg 38000
PF 4 chm-350 Recombinant Human Plaet Factor-4 (CXCL4) 5µg 665  20µg 1710  1mg 38000
PF 4 Variant-1 chm-243 Recombinant Human Plaet Factor-4 (CXCL4) Variant-1 1µg 665  5µg 1710  50µg 14630
mPF 4 chm-245 Recombinant Mouse Plaet Factor-4 (CXCL4) 5µg 665  20µg 1710  1mg 55100
Rantes chm-328 Recombinant Human Rantes (CCL5) 5µg 665  20µg 1710  1mg 36100
Rantes His chm-361 Recombinant Human Rantes (CCL5) His Tag 2µg 665  10µg 1710  1mg 63840
rmRantes chm-342 Recombinant Mouse Rantes (CCL5) 5µg 665  20µg 1710  1mg 36100
rRantes chm-352 Recombinant Rat Rantes (CCL5) 5µg 665  20µg 1710  1mg 36100
SDF 1a chm-262 Recombinant Human Stromal Cell-Derived Factor-1 alpha (CXCL12) 2µg 665  10µg 1710  1mg 36100
SDF 1a, His chm-241 Recombinant Human Stromal Cell-Derived Factor-1 alpha (CXCL12) His-Tag 2µg 665  10µg 1710  1mg 53200
mSDF 1a chm-324 Recombinant Mouse Stromal Cell-Derived Factor-1 alpha (CXCL12) 2µg 665  10µg 1710  1mg 36100
rSDF 1a chm-354 Recombinant Rat Stromal Cell-Derived Factor-1 alpha (CXCL12) 2µg 665  10µg 1710  1mg 36100
SDF 1b chm-325 Recombinant Human Stromal Cell-Derived Factor-1 beta (CXCL12) 2µg 665  10µg 1710  1mg 36100
SDF 1b His chm-249 Recombinant Human Stromal Cell-Derived Factor-1 beta (CXCL12) His Tag 2µg 665  10µg 1710  1mg 69160
mSDF 1b chm-326 Recombinant Mouse Stromal Cell-Derived Factor-1 beta (CXCL12) 2µg 665  10µg 1710  1mg 36100
fSDF 1b chm-247 Recombinant Feline Stromal Cell-Derived Factor-1 beta (CXCL12) 2µg 665  10µg 1710  1mg 36100
rSDF 1b chm-248 Recombinant Rat Stromal Cell-Derived Factor-1 beta (CXCL12) 2µg 665  10µg 1710  1mg 36100
TARC chm-240 Recombinant Human Thymus and Activation Regulated Chemokine (CCL17) 5µg 665  20µg 1710  1mg 36100
TARC His chm-359 Recombinant Human Thymus and Activation Regulated Chemokine (CCL17) His Tag 2µg 665  10µg 1710  1mg 69160
TECK chm-364 Recombinant Human Thymus Expressed Chemokine (CCL25) 5µg 665  20µg 1710  1mg 36100
mTECK chm-259 Recombinant Mouse Thymus Expressed Chemokine (CCL25) 5µg 665  20µg 1710  1mg 36100
ACTH hor-279 Adrenocorticotropic Hormone 2mg 665  10mg 1710  50mg 6517
AGRP hor-283 Recombinant Human Agouti–Related Protein 2µg 665  10µg 1710  1mg 55100
Alarelin hor-291 Alarelin 2mg 665  10mg 1710  100mg 5130
Antide hor-242 Antide 1mg 665  5mg 1710  25mg 6650
Atosiban hor-239 Human Atosiban 10mg 665  50mg 1995  1gram 29925
Buserelin hor-255 Human Buserelin 1mg 855  5mg 3515  20mg 10355
Cetrorelix hor-277 Cetrorelix 250µg 665  1mg 1710  10mg 10640
CRHBP hor-267 Recombinant Human Corticotropin Releasing Hormone Binding Protein 2µg 665  10µg 1710  1mg 69160
DDAVP hor-270 Desmopressin 5mg 1710  25mg 6935  100mg 20805
Deslorelin hor-240 Deslorelin 5mg 665  25mg 2660  100mg 7980
EDN1 hor-307 Human Endothelin-1 1mg 1710  5mg 9576  25mg 26980
EDN2 hor-308 Human Endothelin-2 1mg 1710  5mg 9576  25mg 26980
EDN3 hor-309 Human Endothelin-3 1mg 1710  5mg 9576  25mg 26980
Elcatonin hor-302 Elcatonin 0.2mg 665  1mg 1710  100mg 36100
Exenatide hor-246 Exenatide 1mg 2660  10mg 11970  50mg 30590
Exendin 4 hor-269 Recombinant Exendin-4 20µg 665  100µg 1710  1mg 5985
FSH hor-249 Human Follicle Stimulating Hormone 100IU 1235  500IU 2945  5000IU 5130
FSH hor-253 Recombinant Human Follicle Stimulating Hormone 2µg 665  10µg 1710  1mg 69160
pFSH hor-285 Porcine Follicle Stimulating Hormone 100IU 1235  500IU 2945  5000IU 5130
Ganirelix hor-276 Ganirelix 50µg 1995  150µg 3325  500µg 8645
Gastrin hor-252 Recombinant Human Gastrin 2µg 2660  5µg 4085  10µg 7410
GHRH hor-235 Human Growth Hormone Releasing Hormone 250µg 665  1mg 1710  5mg 5320
GHRL hor-297 Human Ghrelin 1mg 665  10mg 5320  20mg 9310
GHRL hor-294 Recombinant Human Ghrelin 5µg 665  25µg 1710  1mg 29925
GHRP 2 hor-271 Human Growth Hormone Releasing Peptide-2 5mg 665  25mg 1710  100mg 5225
GHRP 6 hor-298 Growth Hormone Releasing Peptide-6 5mg 665  25mg 1710  100mg 5225
GLP 1 hor-236 Recombinant Human Glucagon Like Peptide-1 (7-36) 10µg 665  50µg 1710  1mg 17955
GLP 1 hor-284 Human Glucagon Like Peptide-1 (7-36) 1mg 665  5mg 1710  100mg 25935
GLP 2 hor-305 Human Glucagon Like Peptide-2 1mg 665  5mg 1710  100mg 25935
Glucagon hor-286 Glucagon 4mg 4750  10mg 6650  50mg 11970
Glucagon hor-237 Recombinant Human Glucagon 100µg 665  500µg 1710  1mg 3325
Glucagon, His Tag hor-301 Recombinant Human Glucagon, His Tag 5µg 665  20µg 1710  1mg 36100
Goserelin hor-256 Human Goserelin 5mg 1045  25mg 4275  100mg 12920
GPHA2 hor-258 Recombinant Human Thyrostimulin Alpha 2µg 665  10µg 1710  1mg 72200
GPHB5 hor-257 Recombinant Human Thyrostimulin Beta 2µg 665  10µg 1710  1mg 72200
GUCA2B hor-245 Recombinant Human Prouroguanylin 2µg 665  10µg 1710  1mg 53200
hCG hor-250 Human Chorionic Gonadotropin 2.5mg 665  5mg 1235  10mg 1900
Hexarelin hor-288 Hexarelin 20mg 3990  100mg 9310  500mg 39900
Histrelin hor-244 Histrelin 1mg 665  5mg 1710  25mg 6935
Inhibin a hor-303 Recombinant Human Inhibin-Alpha 2µg 665  10µg 1710  1mg 75050
Inhibin alpha A Chain hor-293 Recombinant Human Inhibin-Alpha A Chain 2µg 665  10µg 1710  1mg 75050
Lanreotide hor-282 Lanreotide 200µg 665  1mg 1710  10mg 17100
Leuprorelin hor-260 Human Leuprolide 5mg 722  25mg 2945  100mg 8645
LHRH hor-268 Recombinant Human Leutenizing hormone Releasing Hormone (Gonadorelin) 10IU 665  75IU 1710  1000IU 17290
LHRH hor-261 Human Leutenizing hormone Releasing Hormone (Gonadorelin) 10mg 665  25mg 1520  100mg 4275
pLH hor-310 Porcine Leutenizing hormone  (Gonadorelin) 100IU 665  750IU 1710  10,000IU 9310
Lypressin hor-278 Lypressin 5mg 665  25mg 1710  100mg 5320
MG hor-251 Human Menopausal Gonadotropin 1mg 1045  5mg 3420  10mg 5700
MT I hor-306 Melanotan-I 20mg 3990  100mg 9310  500mg 26600
MT II hor-289 Melanotan-II 20mg 3990  100mg 9310  500mg 26600
NAF hor-248 Human Nafarelin 8mg 3325  16mg 5985  32mg 9975
OCT hor-265 Human Octreotide 1mg 665  5mg 2850  25mg 11970
OT hor-254 Human Oxytocin 5mg 665  25mg 1710  100mg 5225
pOXM hor-292 Recombinant Porcine Oxyntomodulin 10µg 665  50µg 1710  1mg 18620
PMSG hor-272 Pregnant Mare Serum Gonadotropin 1000IU 665  5000IU 1710  100,000IU 19950
Pramlintide hor-300 Pramlintide 1mg 665  5mg 1710  25mg 6650
Procalcitonin hor-304 Recombinant Human Procalcitonin 2µg 665  10µg 1710  1mg 72200
Procalcitonin His hor-295 Recombinant Human Procalcitonin His Tag 2µg 665  10µg 1710  1mg 64600
Proguanylin hor-281 Recombinant Human Proguanylin 2µg 665  10µg 1710  1mg 53200
PTH (1-34) hor-247 Recombinant Human Parathyroid Hormone (1-34) 100µg 2660  500µg 6650  1mg 10640
PTH (1-34) hor-290 Human Parathyroid Hormone (1-34) 200µg 665  1mg 1710  5mg 5985
PTH (1-84) hor-263 Recombinant Human Parathyroid Hormone (1-84) 100µg 2660  500µg 6650  1mg 10640
PTH (7-34) hor-266 Recombinant Human Parathyroid Hormone (7-34) 100µg 2660  500µg 6650  1mg 10640
sCalcitonin hor-262 Salmon Calcitonin Acetate 1mg 1045  5mg 4275  25mg 17100
Secretin hor-273 Human Secretin 1mg 665  5mg 1710  25mg 5225
Sincalide hor-274 Sincalide 1mg 665  5mg 1710  25mg 6650
SST hor-299 Somatostatin 1mg 665  10mg 1710  100mg 4655
STC 1 hor-259 Recombinant Human Stanniocalcin-1  2µg 665  10µg 1710  100µg 14630
STC 2 hor-296 Recombinant Human Stanniocalcin-2 2µg 665  10µg 1710  100µg 14630
Terlipressin hor-287 Terlipressin 50mg 3990  250mg 9310  1gr 26600
Thymosin α1 hor-243 Thymosin-a1  1mg 1710  5mg 7220  25mg 25270
Thymosin β4 hor-275 Thymosin-b4  1mg 1710  5mg 7220  25mg 25270
TP 5 hor-241 Thymopentin  25mg 665  100mg 1710  1gr 15200
TRH hor-264 Human Protirelin (Thyrotropin Releasing Hormone) 100mg 3325  250mg 6650  500mg 9975
TSH hor-001 Human Thyroid Stimulating Hormone 2µg 665  10µg 1710  1mg 69160
Trp hor-238 Triptorelin 5mg 1615  10mg 2660  20mg 4655
Vasopressin hor-280 Vasopressin 5mg 665  25mg 1710  100mg 5320
AASDHPPT enz-008 Recombinant Human Aminoadipate-Semialdehyde Dehydrogenase-Phosphopantetheinyl Transferase 5µg 665  $90/20µg 1710  1mg 36100
ABO enz-167 Recombinant Human ABO Blood Group  2µg 665  10µg 1710  1mg 69160
ACAA1 enz-251 Recombinant Human Acetyl-COA Acyltransferase 5µg 665  20µg 1710  1mg 36100
ACAD8 enz-294 Recombinant Human Acyl-Coenzyme A Dehydrogenase 8 2µg 665  10µg 1710  1mg 85500
ACADM enz-529 Recombinant Human Acyl-Coenzyme A Dehydrogenase, C-4 to C-12 2µg 665  10µg 1710  1mg 69160
ACADS enz-467 Recombinant Human Acyl-Coenzyme A Dehydrogenase, C-2 to C-3 2µg 665  10µg 1710  1mg 69160
ACADVL enz-250 Recombinant Human Acyl-CoA Dehydrogenase, Very Long Chain 2µg 665  10µg 1710  1mg 69160
ACAT2 enz-295 Recombinant Human Acetyl-Coenzyme A acetyltransferase 2  5µg 665  20µg 1710  1mg 36100
ACO1 enz-056 Recombinant Human Aconitase-1 1µg 665  5µg 1710  50µg 15960
ACOT13 enz-004 Recombinant Human Acyl-CoA Thioesterase 13 2µg 665  10µg 1710  1mg 69160
ACP1 enz-408 Recombinant Human Acid Phosphatase-1 5µg 665  20µg 1710  1mg 47880
ACY1 enz-296 Recombinant Human AminoAcylase-1  2µg 665  10µg 1710  1mg 63840
ACY3 enz-153 Recombinant Human AminoAcylase-3  2µg 665  10µg 1710  1mg 69160
ACYP1 enz-078 Recombinant Human Acylphosphatase 1 5µg 665  20µg 1710  1mg 36100
ADA enz-147 Recombinant Human Adenosine Deaminase 2µg 665  10µg 1710  1mg 69160
ADAT1 enz-307 Recombinant Human Adenosine Deaminase tRNA-Specific 1 2µg 665  10µg 1710  1mg 85500
ADAT2 enz-561 Recombinant Human Adenosine Deaminase, tRNA-specific 2 2µg 665  10µg 1710  1mg 63840
AHCY enz-532 Recombinant Human Adenosylhomocysteinase 5µg 665  20µg 1710  1mg 29925
AKR1A1 enz-464 Recombinant Human Aldo-Keto Reductase Family 1 Member A1 5µg 665  20µg 1710  1mg 29925
AKR1B1 enz-390 Recombinant Human Aldose Reductase 10µg 665  50µg 1710  1mg 23940
AKR1B10 enz-416 Recombinant Human Aldo-Keto Reductase Family 1 Member B10 5µg 665  20µg 1710  1mg 39900
AKR1C1 enz-496 Recombinant Human Aldo-Keto Reductase Family 1 Member C1 5µg 665  20µg 1710  1mg 29925
AKR1C3 enz-406 Recombinant Human Aldo-Keto Reductase Family 1 Member C3 5µg 665  20µg 1710  1mg 47880
AKR1C4 enz-145 Recombinant Human Aldo-Keto Reductase Family 1 Member C4 2µg 665  10µg 1710  1mg 69160
AKR1D1 enz-098 Recombinant Human Aldo-Keto Reductase Family 1 Member D1 5µg 665  20µg 1710  1mg 36100
AKR7A2 enz-485 Recombinant Human Aldo-Keto Reductase Family 7 Member A2 5µg 665  20µg 1710  1mg 47880
AKR7A3 enz-484 Recombinant Human Aldo-Keto Reductase Family 7 Member A3 2µg 665  10µg 1710  1mg 69160
ALAT enz-280 Recombinant Human Alanine Aminotransferase 1U 665  3U 1710  50U 23940
ALDH1A1 enz-453 Recombinant Human Aldehyde Dehydrogenase 1A1 5µg 665  20µg 1710  1mg 29925
ALDH2 enz-401 Recombinant Human Aldehyde Dehydrogenase 2  10µg 665  50µg 1710  1mg 23940
ALDH3A1 enz-479 Recombinant Human Aldehyde Dehydrogenase 3 A1 2µg 665  10µg 1710  1mg 69160
ALDH5A1 enz-567 Recombinant Human Aldehyde Dehydrogenase 5 A1 2µg 665  10µg 1710  1mg 69160



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