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Hyaluronic Acid Oligosaccharides 透明質酸寡糖標準品

簡要描述:Hyaluronic Acid (HA) is a glycosaminoglycan composed of an alternating sequence of β1,3 glucuronic acid (GlcA) and β1,4 N-acetylglucosamine (GlcNAc).

  • 產品型號:
  • 廠商性質:經銷商
  • 更新時間:2024-08-29
  • 訪  問  量:2605


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Hyaluronic Acid Oligosaccharides

Hyaluronic Acid (HA) is a glycosaminoglycan composed of an alternating sequence of β1,3 glucuronic acid (GlcA) and β1,4 N-acetylglucosamine (GlcNAc). In its native state HA is normally present in the extracellular matrix as a high molecular weight, high viscosity polymer essential for maintenance tissue architecture, elasticity and hydration. However it also has other key functions including the regulation of cell behaviour through specific interactions with cell surface receptors and extracellular proteins. HA binding to individual proteins commonly involves relatively short sequences in the HA polymer and there is considerable evidence that HA fragments generated in vivo have distinctive properties from the intact polymer.

Iduron offers a range of oligosaccharides produced by controlled endolyase scission of purified, low endotoxin Hyaluronic Acid (Streptococcal species). The oligosaccharides are separated by high resolution gel filtration and purity assessed on an analytical Superdex S75 HPLC column (see Data Sheets for profiles).

Size range of oligosaccharides dp2 to dp 20

dp is degree of monosaccharide polyimerisation.
dp2 is a disaccharide, dp4 is a tetrasaccharide etc.

General formula:

?HexAβ1,3 - [GlcNAcβ1,4 GlcAβ1,3]n - GlcNAc
n = number of disaccharide units

?HexA is the C4-C5 unsaturated hexuronic acid at the non-reducing end of the oligosaccharides produced by endolyase scission of the HA polymer. The C4-C5 double bond absorbs strongly at 232nm and can be used for monitoring the oligosaccharides in various separation systems.

Hyaluronic acid polymers also available covering size range from 93,000 to 1,100,000 daltons (93kDa to 1,100kDa).

訂貨信息如下  4006551678

HA02 Hyaluronic Acid Oligosaccharide dp2 1mg 2750 iduron
HA04 Hyaluronic Acid Oligosaccharide dp4 1mg 2750 iduron
HA06 Hyaluronic Acid Oligosaccharide dp6 1mg 2750 iduron
HA08 Hyaluronic Acid Oligosaccharide dp8 1mg 2750 iduron
HA10 Hyaluronic Acid Oligosaccharide dp10 1mg 2750 iduron
HA1100 Hyaluronic Acid 1100kDa 1mg 3000 iduron
HA12 Hyaluronic Acid Oligosaccharide dp12 1mg 3250 iduron
HA14 Hyaluronic Acid Oligosaccharide dp14 1mg 3250 iduron
HA16 Hyaluronic Acid Oligosaccharide dp16 1mg 3250 iduron
HA18 Hyaluronic Acid Oligosaccharide dp18 1mg 3250 iduron
HA20 Hyaluronic Acid Oligosaccharide dp20 1mg 3250 iduron
HA391 Hyaluronic Acid 391kDa 1mg 3000 iduron
HA804 Hyaluronic Acid 804kDa 1mg 3000 iduron
HA93 Hyaluronic Acid 93kDa 1mg 3000 iduron



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