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SciPac公司代理 fabp


  • 產品型號:
  • 廠商性質:經銷商
  • 更新時間:2024-08-29
  • 訪  問  量:2217


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SciPac(英國)是人類蛋白的主要制造商。SciPac因研發生產人的抗原而著名,此外,SciPac還提供大量人類血清和血漿,包括正常、處理和去除了某種成分的血清。SciPac生產系列細胞培養蛋白,是世界上人轉鐵蛋白(Transferrins)的主要生產商。由于深受廣大顧客歡迎,SciPac也針對供應的抗原提供相應的單抗和多抗。SciPac擁有自己的生物庫,可供應疾病狀態血漿、疾病狀態血漿檢測試劑盒和單個病人樣品。SciPac全部通過了ISO 13485 和 ISO 9001認證。SciPac產品遍布*,60%銷往美國。

2011年1月,SciPac公司研發出產品——脂肪酸結合蛋(FABP)上市,并可大量供應FABP。FABP主要在心臟和肝臟內發現。這些類似物通常區分于FABP3 (心臟)和 FABP1 (肝臟)。FABP是人的天然和重組的zui終產物,可用于各種診斷。

FABP分子量為14 kDa,根據分離的身體組織,它以不同類型存在。關于心臟來源的產品(FABP-H 或者FABP-3),一些研究表明,它也許是心肌梗死(Myocardial Infarction)比肌紅蛋白(Myoglobin)更早期的標志物。肝臟類型(FABP-L 或者 FABP-1)是腎臟損傷尿液中的一個指標。

FABP Heart recombinant
FABP Liver recombinant
FABP, Heart, FABP-3
Min Pk:
100 µg
100 µg
1 mg
短期2-8°C ,長期<-15°C

Specification Abbreviation Min. Order  
ACTH Adrenocorticotropic Hormone > 98% pure 10 mg
  Albumin > 99% pure 2 mg
AFP Alpha Fetoprotein > 99% pure 1 mg
A1AGP Alpha-1-Acid Glycoprotein > 96% pure 1 mg
ACT Alpha-1-Antichymotrypsin > 90% pure 1 mg
A1AT Alpha-1-Antitrypsin > 96% pure 2 mg
A1M Alpha-1-Microglobulin > 96% pure 1 mg
A2M, α2M Alpha-2-Macroglobulin > 96% pure 2 mg
APO B Apolipoprotein B > 95% pure 1 mg
APO E Apolipoprotein E > 95% pure 100 µg
B2GP1, β2GP1 Beta-2-glycoprotein 1 > 96% pure 1 mg
B2M, β2M Beta-2-Microglobulin > 98% pure 2 mg
BNP, GC-B, Pro-BNP, NT-BNP Brain natriuretic peptide > 80% pure 250 µg
BCHE, BuChE Butyrylcholinesterase   100 U
CRP C Reactive Protein > 99% pure 2 mg
CA19-9 CA19-9 low cross contamination 10 KU
CEA Carcinoembryonic Antigen > 90% pure 100 µg
CD4 CD4 Antigen > 95% pure 100 µg
  Ceruloplasmin > 95% pure 1 mg
CHIK Chickungunya Antigen > 95% pure 1 mg
C1q Complement C1q > 96% pure 1 mg
CK, CK-MM, CK-MB, CK-BB Creatine Kinase > 10% pure 100 U
CYFRA 21-1 Cyfra 21-1 low cross contamination 500 µg
  Cystatin C > 96% pure 1 mg
D-D, DD, D-Di D-Dimer > 90% pure 1 mg
  Dengue Antigen > 95% pure 1 mg
ECP Eosinophil Cationic Protein > 98% pure 500 µg
FABP, FABP 3, FABP 1 Fatty Acid Binding Protein > 96% pure 1 mg
  Ferritin > 96% pure 1 mg
  Fibronectin > 99% pure 1 mg
FBP Folate Binding Protein > 95% pure 100 µg
GH Growth Hormone > 98% pure 1 mg
Hp Haptoglobin > 95% pure 1 mg
HbA1c Hemoglobin A1c > 96% pure 1 mg
HPX Hemopexin > 95% pure 1 mg
HBV, HBsAg Hepatitis B Antigen > 92% pure 1 mg
HDL High Density Lipoprotein >99% HDL compared to LDL 1 g
hCG Human Chorionic Gonadotropin > 65% pure 1 mega IU
Abbreviation Product Name Specification Min. Order
CRP C Rreactive Protein Depleted Serum < 200 ng/ml 500 ml
  Homocystein Depleted Serum < 2 µmol/L 500 ml
  Hormones Depleted Serum FSH = <0.2 IU/L | hCG = < 1.0 IU/L | LH= < 0.2 IU/L 500 ml
  Immunoglobulins Depleted Serum < 5 IU/ml 500 ml
  Insulin Depleted Serum < 1 MIU/L 500 ml
  Steroid Depleted Serum Progesterone = < 0.5 nmol/L | Estradiol = < 0.07 nmol/L | Testosterone = < 0.4nmol/L 500 ml
  T3 and T4 Depleted Serum Total T4 = < 20 nmol/L | Total T3 = < 1.0 nmol/L | Free T4 = < 1.0 pmol/L | Free T3 = < 5.0 pmol/L 500 ml
TSH Thyroid Stimulating Hormone Depleted Serum < 0.05 MIU/L 500 ml
  Troponin I Depleted Serum < 0.03 µg/L 500 ml
Vit. D Vitamin D Depleted Serum < 10 nmol/L 500 ml
Abbreviation Product Name Specification Min. Order
  Allergy Serum/Plasma Plasma from patients with a recognised allegy 10 ml
AFP Alpha Fetoprotein Positive Serum/Plasma Measured AFP levels 10 ml
ACP Anti Citrullinated Peptide Antibodies Positive Serum/Plasma Positive for ACP Antibodies 10 ml
  Anti-Steptolysin Positive Serum/Plasma Positive for Anti-Steptolysin 10 ml
ANA Antinuclear Antibodies Positive Serum/Plasma Positive for ANA 10 ml
APLS Antiphospholipid Syndrome Positive Serum/Plasma Positive diagnosis for Antiphospholipid Syndrome 10 ml
  Beta-2-Glycoprotein 1 Positive Serum/Plasma Positive for B2GP1 10 ml
  Billirubin Positive Serum/Plasma Positive for Billirubin 10 ml
  Borellia Birgdoferi (Lyme) Positive Serum/Plasma Positive for Lyme IgG 10 ml
  Brain Naturic Peptide Clinical Patient Samples    
  C Reactive Protein Clinical Patient Samples    
  C Reactive Protein Positive Serum/Plasma Measured CRP levels 100 ml
  C-Peptide Clinical Patient Samples    
  CA125 Clinical Patient Samples    
CA125 CA125 Positive Serum/Plasma Positive for CA125 10 ml
CA15-3 CA15-3 Positive Serum/Plasma Positive for CA15-3 10 ml
  CA19-9 Positive Serum/Plasma Positive for CA19-9 10 ml
  Carcino Embryonic Antigen Clinical Patient Samples    
CEA Carcinoembryonic Antigen Positive Serum/Plasma Measured CEA levels 100 ml
  Cardiolipin Antibodies Positive Serum/Plasma Positive for Cardiolipin IgA Antibodies 10 ml
  Celiac Disease Clinical Patient Samples    
  Celiac Disease Positive Serum/Plasma Positive diagnosis for Celiac Disease 10 ml
  CK-MB Clinical Patient Samples    
C1q Complement C1q Positive Serum/Plasma Positive for C1q 10 ml
  Contraceptive Pill Positive Serum/Plasma From patients taking the contraceptive pill 10 ml
CREST CREST Positive Serum/Plasma Positive diagnosis for CREST disease 10 ml
  Crohn’s Disease Clinical Patient Samples    
  Cyclic Citrullinated Peptide Antibodies Positive Serum/Plasma Positive for CCP Antibodies 10 ml
  Cytomeglovirus Positive Serum/Plasma Positive for CMV IgG 10 ml
  D-Dimer Clinical Patient Samples    
  Diabetes Clinical Patient Samples    
  Diabetes Positive Serum/Plasma Positive for Diabetes Type 1 10 ml
  dsDNA Positive Serum/Plasma Positive for dsDNA 10 ml
EBV Epstein Barr Virus Positive Serum/Plasma Positive for EBV IgM 10 ml
  Erythropointin Clinical Patient Samples    
  Estradiol Clinical Patient Samples    
FSH Follicle Stimulating Hormone Clinical Patient Samples    
  Follicle Stimulating Hormone Positive Serum/Plasma Measured FSH levels 100 ml
  Ganglioside antibodies Clinical Patient Samples    
  Glomerular Basement Membrane Antibodies Elevated Serum/Plasma Positive for GBM Antibodies 10 ml
  Graves Disease Clinical Patient Samples    
  Graves Disease Positive Serum/Plasma Positive diagnosis of Graves disease 10 ml
  Growth Hormone Clinical Patient Samples    
  H. Pylori Positive Serum/Plasma Positive for H. Pylori IgG 10 ml
HAMA HAMA Positive Serum/Plasma Positive for HAMA 10 ml
  Hashimotos Disease Clinical Patient Samples    
  Hashimotos Disease Positive Serum/Plasma Positive diagnosis of Hashimotos Disease 10 ml
Aflatoxin B mAb Aflatoxin B Monoclonal Antibody Protein G Purified 1 mg
AFP mAb Alpha Fetoprotein Monoclonal Antibody Protein G Purified 1 mg
ahCG mAb alpha human Chorionic Gonadotropin Monoclonal Antibody Protein G Purified 1 mg
bhCG beta human Chorionic Gonadotropin Monoclonal Antibody Protein G Purified 1 mg
B2M mAb, hB2M mAb Beta-2-Microglobulin Monoclonal Antibody Affinity purified 1 mg
CRP mAb C Reactive Protein Monoclonal Antibody Protein A Purified 1 mg
CA125 mAb CA125 Monoclonal Antibody Affinity Purified 1 mg
CA15-3 mAb CA15-3 Monoclonal Antibody Protein G Purified 1 mg
CA19-9 mAb CA19-9 Monoclonal Antibody Protein A Purified 1 mg
CT mAb, HCT mAb Calcitonin Monoclonal Antibody Affinity Purified 1 mg
Calprotectin mAb Calprotectin Monoclonal Antibody Affinity Purified  
CEA mAb Carcinoembryonic Antigen Monoclonal Antibody Protein A Purified 1 mg
CHIKV mAb Chikungunya Monoclonal Antibody Protein G Purified 1 mg
Cortisol mAb Cortisol Monoclonal Antibody Affinity Purified 1 mg
CK-MB mAb Creatine Kinase (CK-MB) Monoclonal Antibody Affinity Purified 1 mg
Cystatin C mAb Cystatin C Monoclonal Antibody Protein G Purified 1 mg
CK19 mAb Cytokeratin 19 Monoclonal Antibody Protein A Purified 1 mg
D-D mAb D-Dimer Monoclonal Antibody Prrotein A Purified 1 mg
DHEA mAb, DHEA sulphate mAb Dehydroepiandrosterone, sulphate Monoclonal Antibody Affinity Purified 1 mg
Dengue mAb Dengue NS1 Monoclonal Antibody Affinity Purified 1 mg
Estriol mAb Estriol Monoclonal Antibody Affinity Purified 1 mg
Ev71 mAb Ev71 Monoclonal Antibody Affinity Purified 1 mg
FSH mAb Follicle Stimulating Hormone Monoclonal Antibody Protein A Purified 1 mg
GH mAb, hGH mab Growth Hormone Monoclonal Antibody Affinity Purified 1 mg
H. Pylori mAb H. Pylori Monoclonal Antibody Protein G Purified 1 mg
HbA1c mAb HbA1c Monoclonal Antibody Protein G Purified 1 mg
Hb mAb Hemoglobin Monoclonal Antibody Protein G Purified 1 mg
Abbreviation Product Name Specification Min. Order
HbA1c HbA1c Reagent for Boronate Affinity and Immunoassay < 3.5% HbA1c (DCCT Aligned) 10 ml
HbA1c HbA1c Reagent for HPLC < 20 nmol/mol (IFCC Aligned) 10 ml



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