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更新時間:2016-05-12      點擊次數:4078

Athens Research & Technology 公司位于美國喬治亞州雅典市,從1986年以來一直致力于純化高純度,
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Albumin, Human Plasma16-16-011202



Alpha 1 Acid Glycoprotein, Human Plasma
Alpha 1 Antichymotrypsin, Human Plasma16-16-012400
Alpha 1 Antitrypsin, Human Plasma16-16-011609
Alpha 2 Antiplasmin, Human Plasma16-16-012901
Alpha 2 HS Glycoprotein, Human Plasma16-16-081907
Alpha 2 Macroglobulin, Human Plasma16-16-012013
Angiotensinogen, Human Plasma16-16-011407
Antisera to Albumin, Human Plasma01-16-011202
Antisera to Amylase, Human Pancreas01-19-010000
Antisera to Apolipoprotein AI, Human Plasma01-16-120101
Antisera to Apolipoprotein CII, Human Plasma01-16-120302
Antisera to Azurocidin, Human Neutrophil01-14-012621
Antisera to Catalase, Human Erythrocyte01-05-030000
Antisera to Cathepsin B, Human Liver01-12-030102
Antisera to Cathepsin D, Human Liver01-12-030104
Antisera to Cathepsin H, Human Liver01-12-030108
Antisera to Cathepsin L, Human Liver01-12-030112
Antisera to Elastase, Human Neutrophil01-14-051200
Antisera to Fibrinogen, Human Plasma01-16-060902
Antisera to Kallikrein, Human Plasma01-16-110112
Antisera to Myeloperoxidase, Human Neutrophil01-14-130000
Antisera to Thrombospondin, Human Plaet01-20-201319
Antisera to Trypsin, Human Pancreas01-19-032000
Antithrombin III, Human Plasma16-16-012020
Apolipoprotein AI, Human Plasma16-16-120101
Apolipoprotein AII, Human Plasma16-16-120102
Apolipoprotein AIV, Human Plasma16-16-120104
Apolipoprotein B, Human Plasma16-16-120200
Apolipoprotein CI, Human Plasma16-16-120301
Apolipoprotein CII, Human Plasma16-16-120302
Apolipoprotein CIII, Human Plasma16-16-120303
Apolipoprotein E, Human Plasma16-16-120500
Apotransferrin, Dog Plasma16-16-A32001-dog
Apotransferrin, Human Plasma16-16-A32001
Apotransferrin, Human Plasma, Low Endotoxin Level16-16-A32001-LEL
Apotransferrin, Mouse Plasma16-16-A32001-mouse
Apotransferrin, Rat Serum16-16-A32001-rat
Azurocidin, Human Neutrophil (Cationic protein 37)16-14-012621
Bacterial/Permeability-Increasing Protein, Human Neutrophil (BPI, CAP57)16-14-021609
C1 Esterase Inhibitor, Human Plasma16-16-031509
Calmodulin, Bovine Brain, High Purity16-BR-030112-HP-bovine
Calpain-1, Human Erythrocyte16-05-030112
Calpain-1, Porcine Erythrocytes16-05-030112-P
Catalase, Human Erythrocyte16-05-030000
Cathepsin B, Bovine Spleen16-SP-030102-bovine
Cathepsin B, Human Liver16-12-030102
Cathepsin D, Bovine Spleen16-SP-030104-bovine
Cathepsin D, Human Liver16-12-030104
Cathepsin G, Human Neutrophil16-14-030107
Cathepsin H, Human Liver16-12-030108
Cathepsin L, Human Liver16-12-030112
Cathepsin S, Human Spleen16-18-030118
Ceruloplasmin, Human Plasma16-16-030518
Chylomicrons, Human Plasma12-16-030825
Chymotrypsin, Human Pancreas16-19-030820
Defensins, Alpha, Mixed from Human Neutrophils (HNP)16-14-081416
Dipeptidyl Peptidase IV, Human Placenta16-23-041606
Elastase, Human Neutrophil16-14-051200
Eosinophil Cationic Protein, Human Eosinophils (ECP)16-15-050316
Eosinophil Derived Neurotoxin, Human Eosinophils (EDN)16-15-050414
Eosinophil Peroxidase, Human Eosinophils (EPO)16-15-160518
Factor Va, Human Plasma16-16-060601
GC-Globulin, Human Plasma, Mixed Type (維D結合蛋白)16-16-070307
Haptoglobin, Human Plasma, Mixed Type16-16-080116
Hemopexin, Human Plasma16-16-080513
Immunoglobulin A, Human Plasma16-16-090701
Immunoglobulin A1, Human Myeloma Protein16-16-090701-1M
Immunoglobulin A2, Human Myeloma Plasma16-16-090701-2M
Immunoglobulin D, Human Myeloma Plasma16-16-090704-M
Immunoglobulin D, Human Plasma16-16-090704
Immunoglobulin E, Human Myeloma Plasma16-16-090705-M
Immunoglobulin E, Human Plasma16-16-090705
Immunoglobulin G, Dog Plasma16-16-090707-dog
Immunoglobulin G, Human Plasma16-16-090707
Immunoglobulin G, Human Plasma, Fab Fragment16-16-090707-Fab
Immunoglobulin G, Human Plasma, FC Fragment16-16-090707-FC
Immunoglobulin G, Mouse Plasma16-16-090707-mouse
Immunoglobulin G, Rat Serum16-16-090707-rat
Immunoglobulin G1, Human Myeloma Plasma16-16-090707-1M
Immunoglobulin G2, Human Myeloma Plasma16-16-090707-2M
Immunoglobulin G3, Human Plasma16-16-090707-3
Immunoglobulin G4, Human Myeloma Plasma16-16-090707-4M
Immunoglobulin M, Fc5mu, Human Plasma16-16-090713-Mfc5u
Immunoglobulin M, Human Myeloma Plasma16-16-090713-M
Immunoglobulin M, Human Plasma16-16-090713
Immunoglobulin M, mu Chain, Human Plasma16-16-090713-MU
Kallikrein, Human Plasma16-16-110112
Kininogen, HMW, Human Plasma16-16-110914-H
Kininogen, LMW, Human Plasma16-16-110914-L
Lactalbumin, Human Milk13-16-011202
Lactoferrin, Human Neutrophil16-14-120103
Lipoprotein a, [Lp(a)], Human Plasma12-16-121601
Lipoproteins, High Density, Human Plasma12-16-080412
Lipoproteins, High Density, Human Plasma, 適于細胞培養12-16-080412-TC
Lipoproteins, Intermediate Density, Human Plasma12-16-090412
Lipoproteins, Low Density, Human Plasma12-16-120412
Lipoproteins, Low Density, Human Plasma, 適于細胞培養12-16-120412-TC
Lipoproteins, Very Low Density, Human Plasma12-16-221204
Lipoproteins, Very Low Density, Human Plasma, 適于細胞培養12-16-221204-TC
Lysozyme, Human Neutrophil16-14-122519
Myeloperoxidase, Human Neutrophil16-14-130000
Plasmin, Human Plasma, Frozen16-16-161213-F
Plasmin, Human Plasma, Lyophilized16-16-161213-L
Plasminogen, Human Plasma16-16-161200
Plaet Factor 4, Human Plaet16-20-060306
Prealbumin, Human Plasma (Transthyretin)16-16-161801
Proteinase 3, Human Neutrophil16-14-161820
S-100 Protein, Bovine Brain16-BR-190816-bovine
S-100b Protein, Bovine Brain16-BR-190802-bovine
S-100αα Protein, Bovine Brain16-BR-190801-bovine
Serum Amyloid A, Human Plasma16-16-190101
Thrombospondin, Human Plaet16-20-201319
Transferrin, Dog Plasma16-16-032001-dog
Transferrin, Human Plasma16-16-032001
Transferrin, Human Plasma, 組織培養級16-16-032001-LEL
Transferrin, Mouse Plasma16-16-032001-mouse
Transferrin, Rat Serum16-16-032001-rat
Trypsin, Human Pancreas16-19-032000
Vitronectin, Human Plasma16-16-220920



Albumin, Human Plasma16-16-011202
Alpha 1 Acid Glycoprotein (A1AGP), Human Plasma16-16-010700
Alpha 1 Antichymotrypsin, Human Plasma16-16-012400
Alpha 1 Antitrypsin, Human Plasma16-16-011609
Alpha 2 Antiplasmin, Human Plasma16-16-012901
Alpha 2 HS Glycoprotein, Human Plasma16-16-081907
Alpha 2 Macroglobulin, Human Plasma16-16-012013
Angiotensinogen, Human Plasma16-16-011407
Antisera to Albumin, Human Plasma01-16-011202
Antisera to Amylase, Human Pancreas01-19-010000
Antisera to Apolipoprotein AI, Human Plasma01-16-120101
Antisera to Apolipoprotein CII, Human Plasma01-16-120302
Antisera to Azurocidin, Human Neutrophil01-14-012621
Antisera to Catalase, Human Erythrocyte01-05-030000
Antisera to Cathepsin B, Human Liver01-12-030102
Antisera to Cathepsin D, Human Liver01-12-030104
Antisera to Cathepsin G, Human Neutrophil01-14-030107
Antisera to Cathepsin H, Human Liver01-12-030108
Antisera to Cathepsin L, Human Liver01-12-030112
Antisera to Elastase, Human Neutrophil01-14-051200
Antisera to Fibrinogen, Human Plasma01-16-060902
Antisera to Kallikrein, Human Plasma01-16-110112
Antisera to Myeloperoxidase, Human Neutrophil01-14-130000
Antisera to Thrombospondin, Human Plaet01-20-201319
Antisera to Trypsin, Human Pancreas01-19-032000
Antithrombin III, Human Plasma16-16-012020
Apolipoprotein AI, Human Plasma16-16-120101
Apolipoprotein AII, Human Plasma16-16-120102
Apolipoprotein AIV, Human Plasma16-16-120104
Apolipoprotein B, Human Plasma16-16-120200
Apolipoprotein CI, Human Plasma16-16-120301
Apolipoprotein CII, Human Plasma16-16-120302
Apolipoprotein CIII, Human Plasma16-16-120303
Apolipoprotein E, Human Plasma16-16-120500
Apotransferrin, Dog Plasma16-16-A32001-dog
Apotransferrin, Human Plasma16-16-A32001
Apotransferrin, Human Plasma, Tissue Culture Grade16-16-A32001-LEL
Apotransferrin, Mouse Plasma16-16-A32001-mouse
Apotransferrin, Rat Serum16-16-A32001-rat
Azurocidin, Human Neutrophil (Cationic protein 37)16-14-012621
Bacterial/Permeability-Increasing Protein, Human Neutrophil (BPI, CAP57)16-14-021609
C1 Esterase Inhibitor, Human Plasma16-16-031509
Calmodulin, Bovine Brain, High Purity16-BR-030112-HP-bovine
Calpain-1, Human Erythrocyte16-05-030112
Calpain-1, Porcine Erythrocytes16-05-030112-P
Catalase, Human Erythrocyte16-05-030000
Cathepsin B, Bovine Spleen16-SP-030102-bovine
Cathepsin B, Human Liver16-12-030102
Cathepsin D, Bovine Spleen16-SP-030104-bovine
Cathepsin D, Human Liver16-12-030104
Cathepsin G, Human Neutrophil16-14-030107
Cathepsin H, Human Liver16-12-030108
Cathepsin L, Human Liver16-12-030112
Cathepsin S, Human Spleen16-18-030118
Ceruloplasmin, Human Plasma16-16-030518
Chylomicrons, Human Plasma12-16-030825
Chymotrypsin, Human Pancreas16-19-030820
Defensins, Alpha, Mixed from Human Neutrophils (HNP, Human Neutrophil Peptides)16-14-081416
Dipeptidyl Peptidase IV, Human Placenta16-23-041606
Elastase, Human Neutrophil16-14-051200
Eosinophil Derived Neurotoxin, Human Eosinophils (EDN)16-15-050414
Eosinophil Peroxidase, Human Eosinophils (EPO)16-15-160518
Factor Va, Human Plasma16-16-060601
GC-Globulin, Human Plasma, Mixed Type (Vitamin D Binding Protein)16-16-070307
Haptoglobin, Human Plasma, Mixed Type16-16-080116
Haptoglobin, Phenotype 1-1, Human Plasma16-16-080116-1/1
Haptoglobin, Phenotype 2-2, Human Plasma16-16-080116-2/2
Hemopexin, Human Plasma16-16-080513
Immunoglobulin A, IgA Human Plasma16-16-090701
Immunoglobulin A1, IgA1 Human Myeloma Plasma16-16-090701-1M
Immunoglobulin A2, IgA2 Human Myeloma Plasma16-16-090701-2M
Immunoglobulin D, IgD Human Myeloma Plasma16-16-090704-M
Immunoglobulin D, IgD Human Plasma16-16-090704
Immunoglobulin E, IgE Human Myeloma Plasma16-16-090705-M
Immunoglobulin E, IgE Human Plasma16-16-090705
Immunoglobulin G, Dog Plasma16-16-090707-dog
Immunoglobulin G, Human Plasma, Fab Fragment IgG16-16-090707-Fab
Immunoglobulin G, Human Plasma, FC Fragment IgG16-16-090707-FC
Immunoglobulin G, IgG Human Plasma16-16-090707
Immunoglobulin G, Mouse Plasma16-16-090707-mouse
Immunoglobulin G1, IgG1 Human Myeloma Plasma16-16-090707-1M
Immunoglobulin G1, IgG1 Normal Human Plasma16-16-090707-1
Immunoglobulin G2, IgG2 Human Myeloma Plasma16-16-090707-2M
Immunoglobulin G2, IgG2 Normal Human Plasma16-16-090707-2
Immunoglobulin G3, IgG3 Normal Human Plasma16-16-090707-3
Immunoglobulin G4, IgG4 Human Myeloma Plasma16-16-090707-4M
Immunoglobulin M, Fc5mu, Human Plasma16-16-090713-Mfc5u
Immunoglobulin M, IgM Human Myeloma Plasma16-16-090713-M
Immunoglobulin M, IgM Human Plasma16-16-090713
Immunoglobulin M, mu Chain, Human Plasma16-16-090713-MU
Inter Alpha Inhibitor Proteins (IaIp), Human Plasma16-16-090109
Kallikrein, Human Plasma16-16-110112
Kininogen, HMW, Human Plasma16-16-110914-H
Kininogen, LMW, Human Plasma16-16-110914-L
Lactalbumin, Human Milk13-16-011202
Lactoferrin, Human Milk13-16-120103
Lactoferrin, Human Neutrophil16-14-120103
Lipoprotein a, [Lp(a)], Human Plasma12-16-121601
Lipoproteins, High Density, Human Plasma12-16-080412
Lipoproteins, High Density, Human Plasma, Suitable for Cell Culture12-16-080412-TC
Lipoproteins, Intermediate Density, Human Plasma12-16-090412
Lipoproteins, Low Density, Human Plasma12-16-120412
Lipoproteins, Low Density, Human Plasma, Suitable for Cell Culture12-16-120412-TC
Lipoproteins, Very Low Density, Human Plasma12-16-221204
Lipoproteins, Very Low Density, Human Plasma, Suitable for Cell Culture12-16-221204-TC
Lysozyme, Human Neutrophil16-14-122519
Myeloperoxidase, Human Neutrophil16-14-130000
Plasmin, Human Plasma, Frozen16-16-161213-F
Plasmin, Human Plasma, Lyophilized16-16-161213-L
Plasminogen, Human Plasma16-16-161200
Plaet Factor 4, Human Plaet16-20-060306
Prealbumin, Human Plasma (Transthyretin)16-16-161801
Proteinase 3 PR3, Human Neutrophil16-14-161820
Retinol Binding Protein (RBP4), Human Plasma16-16-180216
S-100 Protein, Bovine Brain16-BR-190816-bovine
S-100b Protein, Bovine Brain16-BR-190802-bovine
S-100αα Protein, Bovine Brain16-BR-190801-bovine
Secretory Immunoglobulin A, Human Colostrum (SigA)13-16-090701
Thrombospondin, Human Plaet16-20-201319
Transferrin, Human Plasma (HOLO)16-16-032001
Transferrin, Human Plasma, Large Scale Protein Purification16-16-032001-Kilo
Transferrin, Human Plasma, Partially Iron Saturated, (SIDERO) Tissue Culture Grade16-16-S32001-LEL
Transferrin, Human Plasma, Tissue Culture Grade16-16-032001-LEL
Transferrin, Rat Serum16-16-032001-rat
Trypsin, Human Pancreas16-19-032000
Vitronectin, Human Plasma16-16-220920



Albumin, Human Plasma16-16-011202



Alpha 1 Acid Glycoprotein, Human Plasma
Alpha 1 Antichymotrypsin, Human Plasma16-16-012400
Alpha 1 Antitrypsin, Human Plasma16-16-011609
Alpha 2 Antiplasmin, Human Plasma16-16-012901
Alpha 2 HS Glycoprotein, Human Plasma16-16-081907
Alpha 2 Macroglobulin, Human Plasma16-16-012013
Angiotensinogen, Human Plasma16-16-011407
Antisera to Albumin, Human Plasma01-16-011202
Antisera to Amylase, Human Pancreas01-19-010000
Antisera to Apolipoprotein AI, Human Plasma01-16-120101
Antisera to Apolipoprotein CII, Human Plasma01-16-120302
Antisera to Azurocidin, Human Neutrophil01-14-012621
Antisera to Catalase, Human Erythrocyte01-05-030000
Antisera to Cathepsin B, Human Liver01-12-030102
Antisera to Cathepsin D, Human Liver01-12-030104
Antisera to Cathepsin H, Human Liver01-12-030108
Antisera to Cathepsin L, Human Liver01-12-030112
Antisera to Elastase, Human Neutrophil01-14-051200
Antisera to Fibrinogen, Human Plasma01-16-060902
Antisera to Kallikrein, Human Plasma01-16-110112
Antisera to Myeloperoxidase, Human Neutrophil01-14-130000
Antisera to Thrombospondin, Human Plaet01-20-201319
Antisera to Trypsin, Human Pancreas01-19-032000
Antithrombin III, Human Plasma16-16-012020
Apolipoprotein AI, Human Plasma16-16-120101
Apolipoprotein AII, Human Plasma16-16-120102
Apolipoprotein AIV, Human Plasma16-16-120104
Apolipoprotein B, Human Plasma16-16-120200
Apolipoprotein CI, Human Plasma16-16-120301
Apolipoprotein CII, Human Plasma16-16-120302
Apolipoprotein CIII, Human Plasma16-16-120303
Apolipoprotein E, Human Plasma16-16-120500
Apotransferrin, Dog Plasma16-16-A32001-dog
Apotransferrin, Human Plasma16-16-A32001
Apotransferrin, Human Plasma, Low Endotoxin Level16-16-A32001-LEL
Apotransferrin, Mouse Plasma16-16-A32001-mouse
Apotransferrin, Rat Serum16-16-A32001-rat
Azurocidin, Human Neutrophil (Cationic protein 37)16-14-012621
Bacterial/Permeability-Increasing Protein, Human Neutrophil (BPI, CAP57)16-14-021609
C1 Esterase Inhibitor, Human Plasma16-16-031509
Calmodulin, Bovine Brain, High Purity16-BR-030112-HP-bovine
Calpain-1, Human Erythrocyte16-05-030112
Calpain-1, Porcine Erythrocytes16-05-030112-P
Catalase, Human Erythrocyte16-05-030000
Cathepsin B, Bovine Spleen16-SP-030102-bovine
Cathepsin B, Human Liver16-12-030102
Cathepsin D, Bovine Spleen16-SP-030104-bovine
Cathepsin D, Human Liver16-12-030104
Cathepsin G, Human Neutrophil16-14-030107
Cathepsin H, Human Liver16-12-030108
Cathepsin L, Human Liver16-12-030112
Cathepsin S, Human Spleen16-18-030118
Ceruloplasmin, Human Plasma16-16-030518
Chylomicrons, Human Plasma12-16-030825
Chymotrypsin, Human Pancreas16-19-030820
Defensins, Alpha, Mixed from Human Neutrophils (HNP)16-14-081416
Dipeptidyl Peptidase IV, Human Placenta16-23-041606
Elastase, Human Neutrophil16-14-051200
Eosinophil Cationic Protein, Human Eosinophils (ECP)16-15-050316
Eosinophil Derived Neurotoxin, Human Eosinophils (EDN)16-15-050414
Eosinophil Peroxidase, Human Eosinophils (EPO)16-15-160518
Factor Va, Human Plasma16-16-060601
GC-Globulin, Human Plasma, Mixed Type (維D結合蛋白)16-16-070307
Haptoglobin, Human Plasma, Mixed Type16-16-080116
Hemopexin, Human Plasma16-16-080513
Immunoglobulin A, Human Plasma16-16-090701
Immunoglobulin A1, Human Myeloma Protein16-16-090701-1M
Immunoglobulin A2, Human Myeloma Plasma16-16-090701-2M
Immunoglobulin D, Human Myeloma Plasma16-16-090704-M
Immunoglobulin D, Human Plasma16-16-090704
Immunoglobulin E, Human Myeloma Plasma16-16-090705-M
Immunoglobulin E, Human Plasma16-16-090705
Immunoglobulin G, Dog Plasma16-16-090707-dog
Immunoglobulin G, Human Plasma16-16-090707
Immunoglobulin G, Human Plasma, Fab Fragment16-16-090707-Fab
Immunoglobulin G, Human Plasma, FC Fragment16-16-090707-FC
Immunoglobulin G, Mouse Plasma16-16-090707-mouse
Immunoglobulin G, Rat Serum16-16-090707-rat
Immunoglobulin G1, Human Myeloma Plasma16-16-090707-1M
Immunoglobulin G2, Human Myeloma Plasma16-16-090707-2M
Immunoglobulin G3, Human Plasma16-16-090707-3
Immunoglobulin G4, Human Myeloma Plasma16-16-090707-4M
Immunoglobulin M, Fc5mu, Human Plasma16-16-090713-Mfc5u
Immunoglobulin M, Human Myeloma Plasma16-16-090713-M
Immunoglobulin M, Human Plasma16-16-090713
Immunoglobulin M, mu Chain, Human Plasma16-16-090713-MU
Kallikrein, Human Plasma16-16-110112
Kininogen, HMW, Human Plasma16-16-110914-H
Kininogen, LMW, Human Plasma16-16-110914-L
Lactalbumin, Human Milk13-16-011202
Lactoferrin, Human Neutrophil16-14-120103
Lipoprotein a, [Lp(a)], Human Plasma12-16-121601
Lipoproteins, High Density, Human Plasma12-16-080412
Lipoproteins, High Density, Human Plasma, 適于細胞培養12-16-080412-TC
Lipoproteins, Intermediate Density, Human Plasma12-16-090412
Lipoproteins, Low Density, Human Plasma12-16-120412
Lipoproteins, Low Density, Human Plasma, 適于細胞培養12-16-120412-TC
Lipoproteins, Very Low Density, Human Plasma12-16-221204
Lipoproteins, Very Low Density, Human Plasma, 適于細胞培養12-16-221204-TC
Lysozyme, Human Neutrophil16-14-122519
Myeloperoxidase, Human Neutrophil16-14-130000
Plasmin, Human Plasma, Frozen16-16-161213-F
Plasmin, Human Plasma, Lyophilized16-16-161213-L
Plasminogen, Human Plasma16-16-161200
Plaet Factor 4, Human Plaet16-20-060306
Prealbumin, Human Plasma (Transthyretin)16-16-161801
Proteinase 3, Human Neutrophil16-14-161820
S-100 Protein, Bovine Brain16-BR-190816-bovine
S-100b Protein, Bovine Brain16-BR-190802-bovine
S-100αα Protein, Bovine Brain16-BR-190801-bovine
Serum Amyloid A, Human Plasma16-16-190101
Thrombospondin, Human Plaet16-20-201319
Transferrin, Dog Plasma16-16-032001-dog
Transferrin, Human Plasma16-16-032001
Transferrin, Human Plasma, 組織培養級16-16-032001-LEL
Transferrin, Mouse Plasma16-16-032001-mouse
Transferrin, Rat Serum16-16-032001-rat
Trypsin, Human Pancreas16-19-032000
Vitronectin, Human Plasma16-16-220920


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