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發(fā)布時(shí)間:2024/7/3      點(diǎn)擊次數(shù):202


Enzyscreen是一家位于荷蘭的公司,成立于2001年,是一家私人控股的生物技術(shù)公司。公司的主要目標(biāo)是幫助客戶選擇最佳的克隆、突變體或生長介質(zhì),以支持其在各種應(yīng)用領(lǐng)域的研究和發(fā)展,包括CHO細(xì)胞和其他動(dòng)物細(xì)胞系的培養(yǎng)、新酶活性或次級代謝產(chǎn)物的高通量篩選、E. coli或酵母中的克隆庫篩選和分發(fā)、高活性或高產(chǎn)突變體的高通量篩選、臨床分離株的比較研究以及生長介質(zhì)優(yōu)化研究 。

Enzyscreen專注于設(shè)計(jì)、開發(fā)和原型設(shè)計(jì)用于生物技術(shù)和制藥行業(yè)的產(chǎn)品和設(shè)備,特別是微型培養(yǎng)系統(tǒng)。公司的產(chǎn)品和設(shè)備主要用于生物制品的開發(fā),例如癌癥藥物的開發(fā),以及生物生產(chǎn)工藝的改進(jìn),如啤酒、精細(xì)化學(xué)品、CHO細(xì)胞抗體等 。


CR1424cl8 x transparent polystyrene square deepwell MTP (disposable,24 wells of 11 ml volume, gamma-irradiated, with PS lid, no  barcode)ea1327.7enzyscreen4-6周上海起發(fā)
CR1496c16x transparent polystyrene square half deepwell MTP 96 wells of 1.1 ml volume, gamma-irradiated)ea1664.3enzyscreen4-6周上海起發(fā)
CR1224aSandwich cover for all types of 24 deepwell MTPs (with closed cell silicone, 1.2 mm holes, low evap.)ea1645.6enzyscreen4-6周上海起發(fā)
CR1296aSandwich cover for all types of 96 deepwell MTPs (with black solid silicone, 0.8 mm holes, low evaporation)ea1757.8enzyscreen4-6周上海起發(fā)
CR1424Polypropylene square deepwell MTP (re-usable,24 wells of 11 ml volume, flattened, detoxified)ea392.7enzyscreen4-6周上海起發(fā)
CR1224Sandwich cover for all types of 24 deepwell MTPs (with closed cell silicone, 2.5 mm holes)ea1645.6enzyscreen4-6周上海起發(fā)
CR1296Sandwich cover for all types of 96 deepwell MTPs (with closed cell silicone, 1.5 mm holes)ea1645.6enzyscreen4-6周上海起發(fā)
CR1206Sandwich cover for extra high 6 deepwell MTPs (with black solid silicone, hole size 7 mm)ea1757.8enzyscreen4-6周上海起發(fā)
CR1296bSandwich cover for CR1496a MTPs (with closed cell silicone, fixed with pins, 1.5 mm holes)ea1832.6enzyscreen4-6周上海起發(fā)
CR14064x Extra high square deepwell MTP (polystyrene, 85 mm high 6 wells of 82 ml volume, Pyramid bottom, gamma irradiated)ea1421.2enzyscreen4-6周上海起發(fā)
CR1700Cover clamp for 4 deepwell MTPs(fits various shaker platforms)ea13464enzyscreen4-6周上海起發(fā)
CR1224cSandwich cover for 24 deepwell MTPs CR1424a & CR1424cl (with closed cell silicone, fixed with pins, 1.2 mm holes, low evap.)ea1645.6enzyscreen4-6周上海起發(fā)
CR1702aCover clamp for 2 deepwel MTPs(fits Kuhner shaker platforms only)ea7293enzyscreen4-6周上海起發(fā)
CR1000Cryo replicator with 96 pins of 3mm diameterea16643enzyscreen4-6周上海起發(fā)
CR1024Cryo replicator with 24 pins of 3 mm diameterea14773enzyscreen4-6周上海起發(fā)
CR1100Cryo replicator pressea23375enzyscreen4-6周上海起發(fā)
CR1200Sandwich coverwith no holes in the silicone layer (with closed cell, solid silicone, or butylrubber layer: please specifyea1140.7enzyscreen4-6周上海起發(fā)
CR1206aSandwich cover for extra high 6 deepwell MTPs (with black solid silicone: hole size: 4 mm, low evap.)ea1757.8enzyscreen4-6周上海起發(fā)
CR1224bSandwich cover for 24 deepwell MTPs CR1424a & CR1424cl (with closed cell silicone, fixed with pins, 2.5 mm holes)ea1645.6enzyscreen4-6周上海起發(fā)
CR1224dSandwich cover for all types of 24 deepwell MTPs (with black solid silicone,2.5 mm holes)ea1757.8enzyscreen4-6周上海起發(fā)
CR1224eSandwich cover for all types of 24 deepwell MTPs (with black solid silicone, 1.2 mm holes, low evap.)ea1757.8enzyscreen4-6周上海起發(fā)
CR1224fSandwich cover for 24 deepwell MTPs CR1424a, cl, d & dg (with black solid silicone, fixed with pins, 2.5 mm holes)ea1832.6enzyscreen4-6周上海起發(fā)
CR1224g(with black solid silicone, fixed with pins, 1.2 mm holes, low evap.)ea1832.6enzyscreen4-6周上海起發(fā)
CR1224hSandwich cover for extra tall 24 deepwell MTPs (hitplates)(with closed cell silicone, 2.5 mm holes)ea1832.6enzyscreen4-6周上海起發(fā)
CR1224iSandwich cover for extra tall 24 deepwell MTPs (hitplates)(with closed cell silicone, 1.2 mm holes)ea1832.6enzyscreen4-6周上海起發(fā)
CR1224tCO2 release Sandwich cover for all types of 24 well MTPs (solid silicone, with 24 FEP tubes, 0.1 mm I.D.x 5mm)ea2337.5enzyscreen4-6周上海起發(fā)
CR1296asSandwich cover for all types of 96 deepwell MTPs (with black solid silicone, with 0.5mm tubes, extra low evaporation)ea3328.6enzyscreen4-6周上海起發(fā)
CR1296cSandwich cover for CR1496a MTPs (with black solid silicone, fixed with pins, 0.8 mm holes, low evap.)ea1832.6enzyscreen4-6周上海起發(fā)
CR1296dSandwich cover for all types of 96 deepwell MTPs (with black solid silicone, 1.5 mm holes)ea1832.6enzyscreen4-6周上海起發(fā)
CR1296eSandwich cover for CR1496a MTPs (with black solid silicone, fixed with pins, 1.5 mm holes)ea1832.6enzyscreen4-6周上海起發(fā)
CR1296tCO2 release Sandwich cover for all types of 96 well MTPs (solid silicone, with 96 PEEK tubes, 0.075 mm I.D.x 5mm)ea3571.7enzyscreen4-6周上海起發(fā)
CR1324Universal sandwich cover for 24-well MTPs (with black solid silicone, 19.5 mm hole distance, 2.5 mm holes)ea1832.6enzyscreen4-6周上海起發(fā)
CR1324aUniversal sandwich cover for 24-well MTPs, low evaporation (with black solid silicone, 19.5 mm hole distance, 1.2 mm holes)ea1832.6enzyscreen4-6周上海起發(fā)
CR1324bUniversal sandwich cover for 24-well MTPs (with black solid silicone, 18 mm hole distance, 2.5 mm holes)ea1832.6enzyscreen4-6周上海起發(fā)
CR1324cUniversal sandwich cover for 24-well MTPs, low evaporation (with black solid silicone, 18 mm hole distance, 1.2 mm holes)ea1832.6enzyscreen4-6周上海起發(fā)
CR1324dUniversal sandwich cover for 24-well MTPs, low evaporation (with closed cell silicone, 18 mm hole distance, 1.2 mm holes)ea1832.6enzyscreen4-6周上海起發(fā)
CR1324eUniversal sandwich cover for 24-well MTPs, low evaporation (with closed cell silicone, 19.5 mm hole distance,1.2 mm holes)ea1832.6enzyscreen4-6周上海起發(fā)
CR1384Universal sandwich cover for 384-well MTPs (with black solid silicone, 0.6 mm holes)ea2449.7enzyscreen4-6周上海起發(fā)
CR1384tCO2 release sandwich cover for 384 well MTPs (solid silicone, with 384 PEEK tubes, 0.075 mm I.D. x 5mm)ea7143.4enzyscreen4-6周上海起發(fā)
CR1396Universal sandwich cover for 96-well MTPs (with black solid silicone, 0.8 mm holes)ea1832.6enzyscreen4-6周上海起發(fā)
CR1396aUniversal sandwich cover for 96-well MTPs (with closed cell silicone,1.5 mm holes)ea1832.6enzyscreen4-6周上海起發(fā)
CR1396bSandwich cover for CR1496a, CR1496c & CR1496dg (with black solid silicone, fixed with pins, 0.8 mm holes, low evap.)ea1832.6enzyscreen4-6周上海起發(fā)
CR1396bsSandwich cover for CR1496a, CR1496c & CR1496dg (with black solid silicone, fixed with pins, 0.5 mm tubes, extra low evapea3422.1enzyscreen4-6周上海起發(fā)
CR1396CSandwich cover for CR1496a, CR1496c & CR1496dg (with closed cell silicone, fixed with pins, 1.5 mm holes)ea1832.6enzyscreen4-6周上海起發(fā)
CR1396dSandwich cover for CR1496a, CR1496c & CR1496dg (with black solid silicone, fixed with pins, 1.5 mm holes)ea1832.6enzyscreen4-6周上海起發(fā)
CR1396ctSandwich cover for CR1496a,CR1496c & CR1496dg (solid silicone, with 96 PEEK tubes, 0.075 mm I.D. x 5mm)ea3889.6enzyscreen4-6周上海起發(fā)
CR1524Sandwich cover for polystyrene 24 low roundwell MTPs from Corning, 1.2 mm holes)ea1832.6enzyscreen4-6周上海起發(fā)
CR1524aSandwich cover for polystyrene 24 low roundwell MTPs from Corning (low-evaporation version of CR1524)ea1832.6enzyscreen4-6周上海起發(fā)
CR1596Sandwich cover for polystyrene 96 low roundwell MTPs (only suitable for MTPs with empty spaces between wells)ea1832.6enzyscreen4-6周上海起發(fā)
CR2206Robot-friendly sandwich cover for extra high 6 deepwell MTPs (with seals, hole size 7mm)ea2580.6enzyscreen4-6周上海起發(fā)


關(guān)鍵詞:enzyscreen、突變體、生長介質(zhì)、enzyscreen CR1424cl、深孔微孔板

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