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更新時間:2022-04-02      點擊次數:1203

Xenometrix 于 1995 年 6 月在瑞士 Allschwil 成立。從那時起,專門從事細胞生物學、生物化學、免疫學領域的科學家加入了公司。已經建立了全球分銷商網絡以及 GLP 和非 GLP 條件下的服務分析網絡。

我們的愿景是為 Ames 測試、內分泌干擾物測定、皮膚吸收測試或細胞毒性測試系統等生物測定提供質量和服務。Xenometrix 產品用于分子藥理學、藥物發現的早期階段、化學品篩選、農用化學品、殺生物劑、化妝品、食品以及用于測試環境水、土壤、空氣或污水。

xenometrix C01-512-S1-P

Ames MPF Penta 1 - 1 Sample Ames Test Kit


5 x 48 個測量點:5 個菌株(TA98、TA100、TA1535、TA1537、大腸桿菌 uvrA/E.coli pkM101)中的 1 個樣品,如果在 3 次重復、6 次稀釋、+/- 1254 Aroclor 誘導的 S9、陰性和陽性對照。不包括在試劑盒中:S9 輔因子溶液、微孔板

用于 Ames 測試的即用型入門套件,包括半固體 TA98、TA100、TA1535、TA1537、E.coli WP2 uvrA、E.coli WP2 pKM101、Booster、Growth -、Exposure -、Reversion Indicator Media、Positive Controls、Post -來自凍干的Aroclor 1254誘導的大鼠肝臟的線粒體上清液S9。


  • 質量控制試劑:菌株、S9、培養基、陽性對照 - 無需內部質量控制,無需無菌控制   

  • 提供分析證書

  • 支持數據解釋的 Excel 計算表

  • 測試數量對應于 5 x 480 瓊脂板。

  • 標準化程序

  • 足夠的材料來單獨處理應變

  • 在室溫下從德國或瑞士的外部存儲中運送

  • 與瓊脂平板測試的高靈敏度和出色的相關性(參見參考文獻)

  • 與瓊脂平板測試相比,測試化合物減少 4 倍

  • 減少手動操作時間和同時處理多個重復

  • 可用自動化 - 高吞吐量

  • 大鼠肝臟 S9 消耗量減少 3Rs - 12 倍,犧牲的測試動物顯著減少

  • 由于易于比色讀數,不易出錯

  • 廢物 - 顯著減少塑料廢物,從而減少環境中的污染廢物


單獨提供: S9 輔因子套件(Art.No. PCO-0800


  • C01-512-S2-P Ames MPF Penta 1 與 S9 來自凍干 PB/?萘黃酮誘導的大鼠肝臟*

  • 使用 Ames MPF 進行 Ames 測試的單個產品,例如 S9、培養基、陽性對照等。

  • D05-210 MicroAmes24,在 24 孔瓊脂板上進行小型 Ames 測試

  • K05-210 NanoAmesTM,超小型 Ames 測試,用于測試極少量的“µg"樣品量或混合物,正在開發中的試劑盒 

  • 在 GLP 和非 GLP 條件下使用所有技術進行 Ames 測試的服務分析

*請注意,Aroclor 1254 與關于持久性有機污染物的斯德哥爾摩公約相沖突,已被禁用。因此,未來無法保證 Aroclor 1254 誘導的 S9 的可用性。


 ProductArticle No.

Ready to use Ames Test Kits

Ames MPF PENTA 1 - 5 Strain Kit - 

10 Sample Kit  -  480 Measuring Points / StrainC10-512

10 Sample Kit with S9  and Positive Controls
Same components as in C10-512, plus positive controls and: 
?Lyophilized rat liver S9, Aroclor 1254 induced orC10-512-S1-P
?Lyophilized rat liver S9, Phenobarbital/β-Naphtoflavone inducedC10-512-S2-P

1 Sample Starter Kit -  48 Measuring Points / Strain
?Lyophilized rat liver S9, Aroclor 1254 induced orC01-512-S1-P
?Lyophilized rat liver S9, Phenobarbital/β-Naphtoflavone inducedC01-512-S2-P

Ames MPF PENTA 2 - 5 Strain Kit

10 Sample Kit  -  480 Measuring Points / StrainB10-513 

10 Sample Kit with S9  and Positive Controls
Same components as in C10-512, plus positive controls and: 
?Lyophilized rat liver S9, Aroclor 1254 induced orB10-513-S1-P
?Lyophilized rat liver S9, Phenobarbital/β-Naphtoflavone inducedB10-513-S2-P

1 Sample Starter Kit -  48 Measuring Points / Strain
?Lyophilized rat liver S9, Aroclor 1254 induced orB01-513-S1-P
?Lyophilized rat liver S9, Phenobarbital/β-Naphtoflavone inducedB01-513-S2-P

Ames II - 2 Strain Kit

10 Sample Kit  -  480 Measuring Points / StrainE10-213

10 Sample Kit  with S9 and Positive Controls
Same components as in E10-213 plus positive controls and:
?Lyophilized rat liver S9, Aroclor 1254 inducedE10-213-S1-P
?Lyophilized rat liver S9, Phenobarbital/β-Naphtoflavone inducedE10-213-S2-P

Ames MPF 98/100

10 Sample Kit  -  480 Measuring Points / StrainA10-210

10 Sample Kit with S9 and Positive Controls
Same components as in A10-210, plus positive controls and:
?Lyophilized rat liver S9, Aroclor 1254 induced orA10-210-S1-P
?Lyophilized rat liver S9, Phenobarbital/β-Naphtoflavone inducedA10-210-S2-P

1 Sample Starter Kit -  48 Measuring Points / Strain
?Lyophilized rat liver S9, Aroclor 1254 induced orA01-210-S1-P
?Lyophilized rat liver S9, Phenobarbital/β-Naphtoflavone inducedA01-210-S2-P

Ames MPF 98/100 Aqua

5 Sample Basic Kit without S9, positive controls - 240 Measuring Pts.J05-210

5 Sample Kit -  240 Measuring Points / Strain
Same components as in J05-210, plus positive controls and:
?Lyophilized rat liver S9, Aroclor 1254 induced orJ05-210-S1-P
?Lyophilized rat liver S9, Phenobarbital/β-Naphtoflavone inducedJ05-210-S2-P

MicroAmes24 98/100 - 24 Well Agar Plate Test

5 Sample Basic Kit without S9, Positive Controls - 600 Measuring Pts.D05-210

To complete your kit with positive controls and S9, please add
1 ml Phenobarbital/β-Naphtoflavone induced lyophilized rat liver S9 orPRS-PB01
2 ml Phenobarbital/β-Naphtoflavone induced lyophilized rat liver S9PRS-PB02
2-Nitrofluorene, 2-NF, 20 µgPPC-NF00
2-Aminoanthracene, 2-AA, 100 µg        PPC-AA01
4-Nitroquinoline-N-oxide, 4-NQO, 50 µg  PPC-NQ02
S9 Cofactor Solution Kit PCO-0800

NanoAmes 98/100 - 25 Well Agar Plate Test

5 Sample Basic Kit without S9, Positive Controls K05-210

To complete your kit with positive controls and S9, please add
1 ml Phenobarbital/β-Naphtoflavone induced lyophilized rat liver S9 orPRS-PB01
2 ml Phenobarbital/β-Naphtoflavone induced lyophilized rat liver S9PRS-PB02
2-Nitrofluorene, 2-NF, 20 µgPPC-NF00
2-Aminoanthracene, 2-AA, 100 µg        PPC-AA01
4-Nitroquinoline-N-oxide, 4-NQO, 50 µg  PPC-NQ02
S9 Cofactor Solution Kit PCO-0800

Ames Media, Strains, Rat Liver S9, Positive Controls

Ames MPF Media

Ames  MPF / Ames II -  Ready to use Media
Ames MPF / Ames II Growth Medium, 50 mlPMM-GM00
Ames MPF / Ames II Salmonella Exposure Medium, 50 mlPMM-EM02
Ames MPF / Ames II Salmonella Reversion Indicator Medium, 550 mlPMM-IM10
Ames  MPF E.coli  -  Ready to use Media
Ames MPF/Ames II Growth Medium, 50 mlPMM-GM00
Ames MPF E.coli Exposure Medium, 50 mlPME-EM22
Ames MPF E.coli Reversion Indicator Medium, 550 mlPME-IM31

Ames  MPF 10x Exposure Media -  Ready to use Media
Solution A - 25 ml / Solution B - 0.7 mlPMM-EM03

Bacterial Strains

Ames - Semisolid S. typhimurium Strains 
50 µl   TA98         PSS-0110
50 µl   TA100      PSS-0111
50 µl   TA1535      PSS-0112
50 µl   TA1537    PSS-0113
50 µl   TA97a   PSS-0114
Shipping: room temperature (cool packs)  / Storage: -70oC

Ames - Liquid S. typhimurium Strains 
50 µl   TA98        PLI-0110
50 µl   TAMix       PLI-0114
Shipping: dry ice / Storage: -70oC

Ames - Semisolid E.coli Strains
50 µl   E.coli WP2 uvrA    PSS-0115
50 µl   E.coli WP2 [pKM101]  PSS-0116
50 µl   E.coli WP2 UvrA[pKM101]  PSS-0119
Shipping: room temperature (cool packs)  / Storage: -70oC


120 µl  AmpicillinPAM-0002

Rat liver S9 , Co-factor Solutions

1 ml Aroclor 1254 induced lyophilized rat liver S9 PRS-AC01
2 ml Aroclor 1254 induced lyophilized rat liver S9 PRS-AC02

0.4 ml Phenobarbital/β-Naphtoflavone induced lyoph. rat liver S9PRS-PB00
1 ml Phenobarbital/β-Naphtoflavone induced lyoph. rat liver S9PRS-PB01
2 ml Phenobarbital/β-Naphtoflavone induced lyoph. rat liver S9PRS-PB02

S9-100/1537 Booster SolutionPRS-BB01

S9 Cofactor Kit for Ames MPF, Ames II
At least 20 Assays, S9-Buffer-Salts, S9-G-6-P, S9-NADPPCO-0800

Positive Controls for Ames MPF, Ames II

2-Nitrofluorene, 2-NF, 20 µgPPC-NF00
2-Aminoanthracene, 2-AA, 100 µg        PPC-AA01
4-Nitroquinoline-N-oxide, 4-NQO, 50 µg  PPC-NQ02
N4-Aminocytidine, N4-ACT, 2.5 mg  PPC-AC02
9-Aminoacridine, 9-AAC, 1000 µgPPC-AR05
2-Aminofluorene, 2AF, 10 mg PPC-AF10

Plastic Ware

Plastic Ware  -  Large Packages
Sterile 96-well plate, 160 plates PPW-8100
Sterile 24-well plates, 126 plates PPW-0725
Sterile 25 Well Square Plates, 4 PlatesPPW-
Sterile 384-well plates,  50 platesPPW-0924

Test Kit UmuC Easy CS

6 Sample Kit  -  192 Measuring PointsG06-118-P
2 vials TA1535psK1002
2 vials ampicillin
Positive controls
Media and Reagents

To complete your kit with lyophilized rat liver S9 please add:
1 ml Phenobarbital/β-Naphtoflavone induced lyophilized rat liver S9PRS-PB01

Micronucleus Assay Kit with FISH Probes

Rapid Micronucleus MoA

20 Slides / Kit M020
100 Slides / Kit M100

Test Kits for Endocrine Disruptor Chemicals 

XenoScreen YES / YAS
5 -10 Sample Kit, controls LoD, LoQ - 348 Measuring PointsN05-233-Y
Analysis of 5 compounds, agonistic and antagonistic activities,
or 10 compounds for agonistic activity only, duplicates,  
7 concentrations, calibration curves, negative and positive controls

without Yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae hER and  hAR - to complete
your kit with yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae hER and yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae hAR, please add
XenoScreen YES Strain, 1 vialN05-230-E
XenoScreen YAS Strain, 1 vialN05-230-A

XenoScreen XL YES / YAS

4 - 8 Sample Kit, controls LoD, LoQ,- 348 Measuring PointsN04-233-Y
Analysis of 4 compounds, agonistic and antagonistic activities,
or 8 compounds for agonistic activity only, duplicates,  
7 concentrations, calibration curves, negative and positive controls

without Yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae hER and  hAR - to complete
your kit with yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae hER and yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae hAR, please add
XenoScreen YES Strain, 1 vialN05-230-E
XenoScreen YAS Strain, 1 vialN05-230-A

XenoScreen XL YES (YES agonist assay only)

4 or 32 Sample Kit, controls LoD, LoQ - 96 Measuring PointsN32-233-Y
Analysis of 4 compounds, agonistic activities only, duplicates,
7 concentrations, calibration curves or 32 samples at 1 concentration  
negative and positive controls

without Yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae hER - to complete 
your kit with yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae hER, please add
XenoScreen YES Strain, 1 vialN05-230-E

XenoScreen XL YAS (YAS agonist assay only)

4 or 32 Sample Kit + controls LoD, LoQ - 96 Measuring PointsN32-234-Y
Analysis of 4 compounds, agonistic activities only, duplicates,
7 concentrations, calibration curves or 32 samples at 1 concentration  
negative and positive controls

without Yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae hAR - to complete 
your kit with yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae hAR, please add
XenoScreen YAS Strain, 1 vialN05-230-A

XenoScreen YES / YAS Accessories
XenoScreen YES Strain, 1 vialN05-230-E
XenoScreen YAS Strain, 1 vialN05-230-A

XenoScreen XL YES / YAS Culture Maintenance SetN05-PMY-7
For passages / c*tion of the yeast cells

Cytotoxicity Assays

XTT Tetrazolium hydroxide
1200 tests KXT 96.1200

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