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更新時間:2021-01-25      點擊次數:946

Medicago供應的生物活性蛋白不僅具有高純度,還具有超高的生物活性)及免疫/診斷試劑/生物醫藥檢測試劑盒(在免疫診斷領域,Medicago提供高品質的單/多克隆抗體產品,以及純化自病毒、細菌及寄生蟲中的抗原產品。其研發生產的基于well-proven ELISA及單克隆抗體技術的診斷試劑盒產品廣受用戶的青睞)產品五大系列,其高品質低價格的系列產品為*用戶廣泛采用,部分產品同時由Sigma和Fluka公司OEM銷售。


09-2053-100Borate Buffered Saline (BBS) pH 8.2, 500 ml100 tablets2826medicago
09-0101-100Boric acid tablets100 tablets790medicago
09-0101-1000Boric acid tablets1000 tablets3492medicago
09-8922-24Carbonate-bicarbonate Coating buffer pH 9.6, 100 ml24 tablets / blisterpack748medicago
09-8922-100Carbonate-bicarbonate Coating buffer pH 9.6, 100 ml100 tablets1242medicago
09-8932-8Carbonate-bicarbonate Coating buffer with Azide pH 9.6, 100 ml8 tablets / blisterpack784medicago
09-8932-50Carbonate-bicarbonate Coating buffer with Azide pH 9.6, 100 ml50 tablets1662medicago
09-8500-12HEPES Buffered Saline (HBS) pH 7,412 tablets / blister pack688medicago
09-8500-100HEPES Buffered Saline (HBS) pH 7,4100 tablets3058medicago
09-1012-10IMAC elution buffer10 tablets/ blisterpack792medicago
09-1012-50IMAC elution buffer50 tablets2252medicago
09-1010-10IMAC phosphate buffer10 tablets/ blisterpack674medicago
09-1010-50IMAC phosphate buffer50 tablets1352medicago
09-9500-100PBS without Potassium (0.02M phosphate) pH 7.4, 1000 ml100 tablets4572medicago
09-9499-30Phophate Buffered Saline tablets pH 7,2 1000ml30 tablets/ blisterpack2096medicago
09-9499-100Phosphate Buffered Saline (PBS) pH 7.2, 1000 ml100 tablets3948medicago
09-2051-100Phosphate Buffered Saline (PBS) pH 7.4, 100 ml100 tablets604medicago
09-9400-30Phosphate Buffered Saline (PBS) pH 7.4, 1000 ml30 tablets / blister pack2098medicago
09-9400-100Phosphate Buffered Saline (PBS) pH 7.4, 1000 ml100 tablets3948medicago
09-2052-100Phosphate Buffered Saline (PBS) pH 7.4, 200 ml100 tablets1018medicago
09-8912-36Phosphate Buffered Saline (PBS) pH 7.4, 500 ml36 tablets / blister pack1380medicago
09-8912-100Phosphate Buffered Saline (PBS) pH 7.4, 500 ml100 tablets2202medicago
09-9420-30Phosphate Buffered Saline (PBS) tablets without K pH 7.4, 1000 ml30 tablets/ blisterpack2098medicago
09-9420-100Phosphate Buffered Saline (PBS) tablets without K pH 7.4, 1000 ml100 tablets3948medicago
09-8903-100Phosphate Buffered Saline with Tween® 20 (PBS-T) pH 7.4, 100 ml100 tablets720medicago
09-9410-30Phosphate Buffered Saline with Tween® 20 (PBS-T) pH 7.4, 1000 ml30 tablets / blister pack2374medicago
09-9410-100Phosphate Buffered Saline with Tween® 20 (PBS-T) pH 7.4, 1000 ml100 tablets4492medicago
09-8902-36Phosphate Buffered Saline with Tween® 20 (PBS-T) pH 7.4, 500 ml36 tablets/ blister pack1794medicago
09-8902-100Phosphate Buffered Saline with Tween® 20 (PBS-T) pH 7.4, 500 ml100 tablets2836medicago
09-2020-24p-Nitrophenyl phosphate (pNPP) substrate 20 mg24 tablets / blisterpack1058medicago
09-2020-100p-Nitrophenyl phosphate (pNPP) substrate 20 mg100 tablets3864medicago
09-2001-24p-Nitrophenyl phosphate (pNPP) substrate 5 mg24 tablets/ blisterpack1218medicago
09-2001-100p-Nitrophenyl phosphate (pNPP) substrate 5 mg100 tablets3608medicago
09-1025-100Ringer Solution Tablets100 tablets578medicago
09-0100-100Sodium Chloride tablets 0,1 mol100 tablets668medicago
09-9103-100Sodium Chloride tablets 100 ml100 tablets584medicago
09-9104-10Sodium Chloride tablets 1000 ml10 tablets/ blisterpack500medicago
09-9104-100Sodium Chloride tablets 1000 ml100 tablets1266medicago
09-2026-50Sodium dodecyl sulphate (SDS) 0.5 g50 tablets494medicago
09-8952-100SSPE buffer 200 ml100 tablets1102medicago
09-7500-30Tris Buffered Saline (TBS) pH 7.6, 500 ml30 tablets / blister pack1536medicago
09-7500-100Tris Buffered Saline (TBS) pH 7.6, 500 ml100 tablets2916medicago
09-7510-30Tris Buffered Saline with Tween® 20 (TBS-T) pH 7.6, 500 ml30 tablets / blister pack2620medicago
09-7510-100Tris Buffered Saline with Tween® 20 (TBS-T) pH 7.6, 500 ml100 tablets3998medicago
10-9402-10PBS solution pH 7.4, 1000 ml/bottle10 bottles 1 litre each2182medicago
12-8480-10Buffered Sodium Citrate 3.2 % (0.109M) 100 ml10 Pouches962medicago
12-8483-5Buffered Sodium Citrate 3.2 % powder (0.109M) 1000 ml5 Pouches1842medicago
12-9165-5D(+)Glucose 20 % 1000 ml5 pouches1788medicago
12-9160-5EDTA buffer pH 8.0, 1000 ml5 pouches3928medicago
12-9161-5EDTA buffer pH 8.0, 500 ml5 pouches2764medicago
12-9121-10Glycine-HCl buffer 0.1 M pH 3.0 1000 ml10 Pouches1036medicago
12-9423-5Phosphate Buffered Saline (PBS) 10x pH 7.4, 1000 ml5 pouches1038medicago
12-9424-1Phosphate Buffered Saline powder (PBS) pH 7.4, 10 l1 pouch396medicago
12-9426-1Phosphate Buffered Saline powder (PBS) pH 7.4, 100 l1 pouch2180medicago
12-9425-1Phosphate Buffered Saline powder (PBS) pH 7.4, 50 l1 pouch1330medicago
12-9175-10Potassium chloride 1 M, 1000 ml10 pouches1830medicago
12-9176-5Potassium chloride 3 M, 1000 ml5 pouches1578medicago
12-9195-5Saline sodium citrate buffer (SSC) 20x pH 7.0, 1000 ml5 pouches1662medicago
12-9196-5Saline sodium citrate buffer (SSC) 2x pH 7.0, 1000 ml5 pouches830medicago
12-9188-5Sodium acetate buffer pH 7.0, 1000 ml5 pouches3118medicago
12-9190-5Sodium chloride 3 M, 1000 ml5 pouches830medicago
12-9191-5Sodium chloride 5 M, 1000 ml5 pouches976medicago
12-9183-5Sodium hydroxide powder 5 M, 1000 ml5 pouches1434medicago
12-9527-10Sodium Phosphate Buffer (NaPi) 0.02M pH 7.0, 1000 ml10 Pouches934medicago
12-9528-10Sodium Phosphate Buffer (NaPi) 0.02M pH 7.0, 5000 ml10 Pouches2806medicago
12-9532-10Sodium phosphate buffer (NaPi) 0.1M pH 6.0, 1000 ml10 Pouches1184medicago
12-9529-10Sodium phosphate buffer (NaPi) 0.1M pH 6.5, 1000 ml10 Pouches1184medicago
12-9533-10Sodium phosphate buffer (NaPi) 0.1M pH 6.8, 1000 ml10 Pouches1184medicago
12-9530-10Sodium phosphate buffer (NaPi) 0.1M pH 7.0, 1000 ml10 Pouches1184medicago
12-9534-10Sodium phosphate buffer (NaPi) 0.1M pH 7.2, 1000 ml10 Pouches1184medicago
12-9531-10Sodium phosphate buffer (NaPi) 0.1M pH 7.4, 1000 ml10 Pouches1184medicago
12-9535-10Sodium phosphate buffer (NaPi) 0.1M pH 7.5, 1000 ml10 Pouches1184medicago
12-9536-10Sodium phosphate buffer (NaPi) 0.1M pH 8.0, 1000 ml10 Pouches1184medicago
12-9184-10Sodium Phosphate Buffer (NaPi) 1M pH 6.5, 1000 ml10 pouches2638medicago
12-9185-10Sodium Phosphate Buffer (NaPi) 1M pH 7.2, 1000 ml10 pouches2638medicago
12-9198-10Tris buffer pH 7.4, 1000 ml10 pouches4260medicago
12-9199-10Tris buffer pH 8.0, 1000 ml10 pouches4260medicago
12-9200-10Tris buffer pH 8.3, 1000 ml10 pouches4260medicago
12-9134-10Tris Buffered Saline (TBS) 10x pH 8.0, 1000 ml10 pouches7362medicago
12-9133-10Tris Buffered Saline (TBS) pH 8.0, 1000 ml10 pouches1024medicago
12-9144-5Tris-Acetate-EDTA buffer (TAE) 50x pH 8.3, 1000 ml5 pouches8164medicago
12-9145-5Tris-Acetate-EDTA buffer (TAE) 50x pH 8.3, 500 ml5 pouches4572medicago
12-9112-10Tris-Borate-EDTA buffer (TBE) 10x pH 8.3, 1000 ml10 pouches3076medicago
12-9111-10Tris-Borate-EDTA buffer (TBE) 5x pH 8.3, 1000 ml10 pouches1830medicago
12-9110-10Tris-Borate-EDTA buffer (TBE) pH 8.3, 1000 ml10 pouches790medicago
12-9154-10Tris-EDTA buffer (TE) 10x pH 7.4, 1000 ml10 pouches2348medicago
12-9122-10Tris-Glycine buffer pH 8.3, 1000 ml10 pouches842medicago
12-9123-10Tris-Glycine buffer pH 8.3, 5000 ml10 pouches1836medicago
12-9222-10Tris-Glycine SDS buffer pH 8.3, 1000 ml10 pouches950medicago
12-9223-10Tris-Glycine SDS buffer pH 8.3, 5000 ml10 pouches2078medicago
12-8481-5Urea 5M, 100ml5 Pouches1370medicago
12-8484-5Urea 8M, 100 ml5 Pouches1692medicago
05-0134-2mgAleuria aurantia lectin (AAL)2 mg2542medicago
05-0134-100mgAleuria aurantia lectin (AAL)100 mg#VALUE!medicago
05-0134-1gAleuria aurantia lectin (AAL)1 g#VALUE!medicago
05-0116-10mgArachis hypogaea lectin (PNA)10 mg1350medicago
05-0116-50mgArachis hypogaea lectin (PNA)50 mg4938medicago
05-0116-1gArachis hypogaea lectin (PNA)1 g#VALUE!medicago
05-0133-10mgArtocarpus integrifolia lectin (Jacalin)10 mg1440medicago
05-0133-100mgArtocarpus integrifolia lectin (Jacalin)100 mg10078medicago
05-0133-1gArtocarpus integrifolia lectin (Jacalin)1 g#VALUE!medicago
05-0106-100mgConcanavalin A (ConA)100 mg598medicago
05-0106-250mgConcanavalin A (ConA)250 mg820medicago
05-0106-1gConcanavalin A (ConA)1 g2810medicago
05-0106-10gConcanavalin A (ConA)10 g#VALUE!medicago
05-0106-100gConcanavalin A (ConA)100 g#VALUE!medicago
05-0105-10mgCrotalaria juncea lectin10 mg1684medicago
05-0105-50mgCrotalaria juncea lectin50 mg5538medicago
05-0105-1gCrotalaria juncea lectin1 g#VALUE!medicago
05-0120-5mgGalanthus nivalis lectin (GNA)5 mg1522medicago
05-0120-1gGalanthus nivalis lectin (GNA)1 g#VALUE!medicago
05-0117-10mgGlycine max lectin (SBA)10 mg1618medicago
05-0117-50mgGlycine max lectin (SBA)50 mg6734medicago
05-0117-1gGlycine max lectin (SBA)1 g#VALUE!medicago
05-0104-10mgLens culinaris lectin (LCA/LcH)10 mg1262medicago
05-0104-25mgLens culinaris lectin (LCA/LcH)25 mg2282medicago
05-0104-100mgLens culinaris lectin (LCA/LcH)100 mg9082medicago
05-0104-1gLens culinaris lectin (LCA/LcH)1 g28592medicago
05-0104-10gLens culinaris lectin (LCA/LcH)10 g#VALUE!medicago
05-0104-100gLens culinaris lectin (LCA/LcH)100 g#VALUE!medicago
05-0119-10mgNarcissus pseudonarcissus lectin (NPA/NPL)10 mg3344medicago
05-0119-50mgNarcissus pseudonarcissus lectin (NPA/NPL)50 mg11980medicago
05-0119-1gNarcissus pseudonarcissus lectin (NPA/NPL)1 g#VALUE!medicago
05-0131-5mgPhaseolus vulgaris lectin E (PHA-E)5 mg1440medicago
05-0132-2mgPhaseolus vulgaris lectin L (PHA-L)2 mg974medicago
05-0132-10mgPhaseolus vulgaris lectin L (PHA-L)10 mg3810medicago
05-0132-1gPhaseolus vulgaris lectin L (PHA-L)1 g#VALUE!medicago
05-0118-25mgPhaseolus vulgaris lectin M (PHA-M), crude25 mg1976medicago
05-0118-1gPhaseolus vulgaris lectin M (PHA-M), crude1 g45842medicago
05-1118-25mgPhaseolus vulgaris lectin M (PHA-M), pure25 mg3136medicago
05-1118-1gPhaseolus vulgaris lectin M (PHA-M), pure1 g69970medicago
05-0115-5mgPhaseolus vulgaris lectin P (PHA-P), E-subunit enhanced5 mg1072medicago
05-0115-10mgPhaseolus vulgaris lectin P (PHA-P), E-subunit enhanced10 mg1870medicago
05-0115-1gPhaseolus vulgaris lectin P (PHA-P), E-subunit enhanced1 g35000medicago
05-0115-10gPhaseolus vulgaris lectin P (PHA-P), E-subunit enhanced10 g#VALUE!medicago
05-0115-100gPhaseolus vulgaris lectin P (PHA-P), E-subunit enhanced100 g#VALUE!medicago
05-0038-5mgPhaseolus vulgaris lectin P (PHA-P), native isomer composition5 mg912medicago
05-0038-10mgPhaseolus vulgaris lectin P (PHA-P), native isomer composition10 mg1590medicago
05-0038-1gPhaseolus vulgaris lectin P (PHA-P), native isomer composition1 g30000medicago
05-0038-10gPhaseolus vulgaris lectin P (PHA-P), native isomer composition10 g#VALUE!medicago
05-0038-100gPhaseolus vulgaris lectin P (PHA-P), native isomer composition100 g#VALUE!medicago
05-0111-10mgPisum sativum lectin (PSA)10 mg1440medicago
05-0111-25mgPisum sativum lectin (PSA)25 mg3034medicago
05-0111-100mgPisum sativum lectin (PSA)100 mg9104medicago
05-0111-1gPisum sativum lectin (PSA)1 g#VALUE!medicago
05-0102-10mgTriticum vulgaris lectin (WGA)10 mg1350medicago
05-0102-100mgTriticum vulgaris lectin (WGA)100 mg7730medicago
05-0102-1gTriticum vulgaris lectin (WGA)1 g28398medicago
05-0102-10gTriticum vulgaris lectin (WGA)10 g#VALUE!medicago
05-0102-100gTriticum vulgaris lectin (WGA)100 g#VALUE!medicago
05-0033-2mgTrichosanthes japonica agglutinin 2 (TJA-2)2 mg5036medicago
05-0033-25mgTrichosanthes japonica agglutinin 2 (TJA-2)25 mg13984medicago
05-0033-100mgTrichosanthes japonica agglutinin 2 (TJA-2)100 mg41950medicago
05-0114-10mgVicia ervilia lectin (VEA)10 mg3344medicago
05-0114-50mgVicia ervilia lectin (VEA)50 mg11980medicago
05-0114-1gVicia ervilia lectin (VEA)1 g#VALUE!medicago
05-0103-2Calmodulin2,5 mg2740medicago
05-0103-100mgCalmodulin100 mg#VALUE!medicago
05-0103-1gCalmodulin1 g#VALUE!medicago
05-0032-10mgProtein A Variant PAII10 mg852medicago
05-0032-100mgProtein A Variant PAII100 mg3200medicago
05-0032-1gProtein A Variant PAII1 g9672medicago
05-0032-10gProtein A Variant PAII10 g92464medicago
10-9405-100mlEC-Blue® Enhanced Substrate (TMB)100 ml544medicago
10-9405-250mlEC-Blue® Enhanced Substrate (TMB)250 ml1002medicago
10-9405-1lEC-Blue® Enhanced Substrate (TMB)1 l3788medicago
10-9405-5lEC-Blue® Enhanced Substrate (TMB)5 l#VALUE!medicago
10-9405-25lEC-Blue® Enhanced Substrate (TMB)25 l#VALUE!medicago
10-9500-50mlStop solution for TMB substrate50 ml272medicago
18-9001-1Encephalitozoon cuniculi ELISA (Enzyme Linked Immuno Sorbent Assay)1 kit9232medicago
18-2002-1mlEncephalitozoon cuniculi whole cell antigen suspension1 ml5694medicago
10-0027-1Protein L Ligand Leakage ELISA1 kit18832medicago
10-0028-1Protein L Ligand Leakage ELISA XL1 kit21138medicago
10-0030-1Digital dermatitis ELISA kit A1 kit9232medicago
18-5001-1mlRabbit antiserum against Toxoplasma gondii1 ml8084medicago
18-4002-100Rat antiserum against Encephalitozoon cuniculi0,1 ml3446medicago
18-2003-3mlToxoplasma gondii whole cell antigen suspension3 ml5900medicago
16-0027-500gAgarose for DNA electrophoresis500 g5332medicago
16-0024-500mlGlycerol (glycerin)500 ml540medicago
16-0019-1kgSodium hydroxide1 kg982medicago
16-0020-1kgSucrose (saccharose)1 kg932medicago
16-0021-500gTris500 g786medicago
17-0003Saponin10 g3900medicago
55-0001pH Meter Calibration Kit1 Kit1078medicago
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