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更新時間:2020-07-10      點擊次數:1904



IHC World 是有關免疫學,組織學,組織病理學,圖像分析,細胞凋亡,抗體,組織微陣列的首要信息資源,已成為世界上歡迎的生命科學信息網絡之一。


IHC Store可讓您直接在線購買數千種高質量的IHC抗體,組織學和免疫組化產品及用品。

產品頁面 列出了創新的生命科學產品,包括但不限于組織學,免疫組織化學和組織微陣列產品和試劑,這些產品可以直接從IHC World購買。

服務頁面 IHC World現在提供廣泛的組織學,IHC和TEM服務,包括自定義組織學,神經組織學,骨骼組織學,眼睛組織學,植物組織學,組織病理學,TMA構建,動手培訓,專業和技術支持。


論壇 是 研究人員提問和回答問題,共享信息,協議,有關抗體,免疫學,神經科學,組織學,組織病理學,免疫組化,圖像分析和相關主題的技巧重要資源。 



IW-1603IHC-Tek AEC Chromogen Substrate Single Component 50 mlea1156ihcworld2020
SV0002-1IHC-Tek HRP Anti-Rabbit IgG Polymer Detection Kit - 10 ml Ready to Useea3825ihcworld2020
M920-1StainTray IHC Slide Staining System, Base with Clear Lid for 20 Slidesea3655ihcworld2020
IW-3000NovaUltra Alcian Blue Stain Kitea3315ihcworld2020
97-0126100-Place Slide Storage Box, blue, eachea166.6ihcworld2020
IW-2510EZ-Quick Slide Staining Setea6545ihcworld2020
HB-07Stainless Steel Embedding Base Molds 7x7x5mm, 12 pcs/packea1445ihcworld2020
IW-T380TruBond 380 Adhesive Microscope Slides, 100 pcs/boxea663ihcworld2020
M476-1Biopsy Foam Pads for Cassettes, pack of 1000pcsea493ihcworld2020
BC-0109BBiopsy Processing Cassettes - Blue, 500 pcs/packea833ihcworld2020
97-5000Earloop Face Masks Fluid Resistant, 50 pcs/boxea166.6ihcworld2020
66-1501100x15mm Petri Dishes, 10 pcs/bagea115.6ihcworld2020
KD-TS6AKD-TS6A Automatic Tissue Processorea217600ihcworld2020
KD-1508AKD-1508A Rotary Microtome with Disposable Blade Holderea54400ihcworld2020
KD-2850KD-2850 Semi-Automatic Cryostat Microtomeea268600ihcworld2020
KD-BM IIKD-BM II Tissue Embedding Centerea54400ihcworld2020
KD-RSKD-RS Automatic Tissue Slide Stainerea146200ihcworld2020
XH-1001XH-1001 Tissue Floating Bathea3995ihcworld2020
IW-123EZ-TMA Manual Tissue Microarray Kit 3 - 3 mm x 24 Coreea1666ihcworld2020
IW-110Arraymold Kit A - 2 mm x 60 Coreea16966ihcworld2020
IW-UT06Quick-Ray Manual Tissue Microarrayer Full Setea64600ihcworld2020
AutoTiss 10CAutoTiss 10C Automatic Tissue Microarrayerea1666000ihcworld2020
IW-P101Well Bar Complete Set 1, per setea37400ihcworld2020
IW-P121Embedding Well Bar (one inch thick), 18mm-4 wells, eachea4505ihcworld2020
IW-P131Stainless Steel Chuck - Small, eachea1105ihcworld2020
IW-1900IHC-Tek Bone Decalcification Solution, 1000 mlea1615ihcworld2020
IW-1601IHC-Tek AEC Peroxidase Substrate Kit - 120 mlea1666ihcworld2020
IW-1000IHC-Tek Antibody Diluent pH 7.4, Ready To Use, 100 mlea1666ihcworld2020
IW-1001IHC-Tek Antibody Diluent pH 8.4, Ready To Use, 100 mlea1785ihcworld2020
IW-1301IHC-Tek Avidin/Biotin Blocking Solution, Ready To Use, 20ml/20mlea2720ihcworld2020
IW-1602IHC-Tek DAB Chromogen Substrate Single Component 50 mlea1156ihcworld2020
IW-1600IHC-Tek DAB Peroxidase Substrate Kit - 120 mlea1666ihcworld2020
IW-1404IHC-Tek DAPI Counterstain Solution, Ready To Use, 50 mlea646ihcworld2020
IW-1100IHC-Tek Epitope Retrieval Solution, Ready To Use, 500 ml IHC World: IW-1100ea1615ihcworld2020
IW-1102IHC-Tek Epitope Retrieval Steamer Setea8415ihcworld2020
SV0003-1IHC-Tek HRP Anti-Goat Polymer Detection Kit - 10 ml Ready to Useea3825ihcworld2020
SV0001-1IHC-Tek HRP Anti-Mouse Polymer Detection Kit - 10 ml Ready to Useea3825ihcworld2020
IW-1400IHC-Tek Mayer's Hematoxylin Solution, Ready To Use, 250 mlea1666ihcworld2020
IW-1402IHC-Tek Methyl Green Solution, Ready To Use, 250 mlea1666ihcworld2020
IW-1401IHC-Tek Nuclear Fast Red Solution, Ready To Use, 250 mlea1666ihcworld2020
IW-1300IHC-Tek Peroxidase Blocking Solution, Ready To Use, 100 mlea1615ihcworld2020
IW-1403IHC-Tek PI Counterstain Solution, Ready To Use, 50 mlea646ihcworld2020
IW-1101IHC-Tek Proteinase K Solution, Ready To Use, 20 mlea2720ihcworld2020
IW-1200-1LIHC-Tek Washing Buffer PBS-Tween 20, Ready To Use, 1000 mlea1105ihcworld2020
IW-1200IHC-Tek Washing Buffer PBS-Tween 20, Ready To Use. 500 mlea612ihcworld2020
IW-1201-1LIHC-Tek Washing Buffer TBS-Tween 20, Ready To Use, 1000 mlea1156ihcworld2020
IW-1201IHC-Tek Washing Buffer TBS-Tween 20, Ready To Use, 500 mlea646ihcworld2020
M920-2StainTray IHC Slide Staining System, Base with Black Lid for 20 Slidesea3655ihcworld2020
M918-2StainTray IHC Slide Staining System, Base with Black Lid for 10 Slidesea2873ihcworld2020
M918-1StainTray IHC Slide Staining System, Base with Clear Lid for 10 Slidesea2873ihcworld2020
IW-2530DDuraGlax Slide Staining Dish with Lid, 30 places, glass, eachea646ihcworld2020
IW-2560DDuraGlax Slide Staining Dish with Lid, 60 places, glass, eachea816ihcworld2020
IW-2530RDuraGlax Slide Staining Rack, 30 places, stainless steel, eachea612ihcworld2020
IW-2560RDuraGlax Slide Staining Rack, 60 places, stainless steel, eachea782ihcworld2020
M900-12BEasyDip Slide Staining Jar - Blue, eachea237.66ihcworld2020
M900-12GEasyDip Slide Staining Jar - Green, eachea237.66ihcworld2020
M900-12PEasyDip Slide Staining Jar - Pink, eachea237.66ihcworld2020
M900-12WEasyDip Slide Staining Jar - White, eachea237.66ihcworld2020
M900-12YEasyDip Slide Staining Jar - Yellow, eachea237.66ihcworld2020
M905-12DGYEasyDip Slide Staining Rack - Gray, eachea254.66ihcworld2020
M906EasyDip Stainless Steel Jar Holderea1666ihcworld2020
IW-2511EZ-Quick Slide Staining Dish, Gray, Plastic, Eachea476ihcworld2020
IW-2512EZ-Quick Slide Staining Rack, Gray, Plastic, Eachea510ihcworld2020
SD-05Glass Staining Coplin Jar with Lid, eachea322.15ihcworld2020
IW-2501Plastic Coplin Staining Jars, eachea132.6ihcworld2020
IW-2501CPlastic Coplin Staining Jars, pack of 12ea1173ihcworld2020
IW-3019NovaUltra Alcian Blue – PAS Stain Kitea5015ihcworld2020
IW-3001NovaUltra Alizarin Red Stain Kitea1615ihcworld2020
IW-3002NovaUltra Congo Red Stain Kitea3315ihcworld2020
IW-3003NovaUltra Fontana Masson Stain Kitea5015ihcworld2020
IW-3023NovaUltra Golgi-Cox Stain Kitea5015ihcworld2020
IW-3100NovaUltra H&E Stain Kitea3315ihcworld2020
IW-3017NovaUltra Hema-Diff Stain Kitea3315ihcworld2020
IW-3005NovaUltra Luxol Fast Blue Stain Kitea3315ihcworld2020
IW-3006NovaUltra Masson Trichrome Stain Kitea5015ihcworld2020
IW-3007NovaUltra Nissl Stain Kitea1615ihcworld2020
IW-3008NovaUltra Oil Red O Stain Kitea3315ihcworld2020
IW-3018NovaUltra Orcein Elastin Stain Kitea3315ihcworld2020
IW-3009NovaUltra PAS Stain Kitea3315ihcworld2020
IW-3010NovaUltra Prussian Blue Stain Kitea3315ihcworld2020
IW-3011NovaUltra Safranin O Stain Kitea5015ihcworld2020
IW-3012NovaUltra Sirius Red Stain Kitea3315ihcworld2020
IW-3022NovaUltra Steiner Stain Kitea5015ihcworld2020
IW-3021NovaUltra Sudan Black B Stain Kitea3315ihcworld2020
IW-3013NovaUltra Toluidine Blue Stain Kitea2125ihcworld2020
IW-3014NovaUltra von Kossa Stain Kitea3315ihcworld2020
IW-3020NovaUltra von Kossa Alcian Blue Stain Kitea5015ihcworld2020
11750-32Bouins Fluid, 32 oz.ea1156ihcworld2020
28530-1Formaldehyde, 37-40%, 1 gallonea1615ihcworld2020
BF128Formalin Concentrate, 1 gallonea1275ihcworld2020
28600-1Formalin, 10% Neutral Buffered, 1 gallonea986ihcworld2020
SF-1StatFix, 1 gallonea1156ihcworld2020
BFZ6400Zinc Formalin Concentrate, 1 gallonea1564ihcworld2020
6900-1Reagent Alcohol 100%, 1 gallonea986ihcworld2020
7070-1Reagent Alcohol 70% with Ultrapure Water Blend, 1 gallonea986ihcworld2020
6980-1Reagent Alcohol 80%, 1 gallonea986ihcworld2020
9500-1Reagent Alcohol 95%, 1 gallonea986ihcworld2020
36420-1Isopropyl Alcohol, ACS/USP Grade, 1 gallonea1156ihcworld2020
40380-1Methyl Alcohol, ACS Grade, 1 gallonea986ihcworld2020
8400-1Xylene, Laboratory Grade, 1 gallonea986ihcworld2020
6400-1Citra-Clearâ„¢ Xylene Substitute, 1 gallonea1462ihcworld2020
7400-1XS-3 Xylene Substitute, 1 gallonea986ihcworld2020
H103-4LHistoChoice® Clearing Agent, Xylene Substitute, 4 Litersea1156ihcworld2020
SF007Superffin Tissue Infiltration & Embedding Medium, 1 kg/bagea255ihcworld2020
CL2525Cleanerol Paraffin Surface Cleaner, 4/caseea1666ihcworld2020
CRYO-4Cryo-STAT Frozen Tissue Embedding Medium, 4 oz eachea408ihcworld2020
IW-1700CytoGel Cell Embedding Medium, 10 ml eachea306ihcworld2020
SL80-4Acrymount Mounting Medium, 4 oz squeeze bottleea306ihcworld2020
E03-18Simpo-Mount, Aqueous, 18 mlea1666ihcworld2020
E03-100Simpo-Mount, Aqueous, 100 mlea3825ihcworld2020
E01-18GB-Mount, Aqueous, 18 mlea1666ihcworld2020
E18-18Fluorescent Mounting Medium, 18 mlea1666ihcworld2020
E20-18Fluorescent Mounting Medium with PI, 18 mlea2805ihcworld2020
E19-18Fluorescent Mounting Medium with DAPI, 18 mlea2805ihcworld2020
E21-18ISH Mounting Medium, 18 mlea1666ihcworld2020
97-0127100-Place Slide Storage Box, green, eachea166.6ihcworld2020
97-0128100-Place Slide Storage Box, red, eachea166.6ihcworld2020
97-0125100-Place Slide Storage Box, white, eachea166.6ihcworld2020
97-0129100-Place Slide Storage Box, yellow, eachea166.6ihcworld2020
97-002625-Place Slide Storage Box, blue, eachea98.6ihcworld2020
97-002725-Place Slide Storage Box, green, eachea98.6ihcworld2020
97-002825-Place Slide Storage Box, red, eachea98.6ihcworld2020
97-002525-Place Slide Storage Box, white, eachea98.6ihcworld2020
97-002925-Place Slide Storage Box, yellow, eachea98.6ihcworld2020
HS-101Safestore Slide Storage Unit - 4 drawers/caseea1666ihcworld2020
97-0625Slide Storage Box for Large Slides 75x50x1mm, 25-place, eachea255ihcworld2020
M700-50BSlideFile Jr. Storage System, Blue, eachea166.6ihcworld2020
M700-50GSlideFile Jr. Storage System, Green, eachea166.6ihcworld2020
M700-50PSlideFile Jr. Storage System, Pink, eachea166.6ihcworld2020
M700-50WSlideFile Jr. Storage System, White, eachea166.6ihcworld2020
M700-50YSlideFile Jr. Storage System, Yellow, eachea166.6ihcworld2020
M700-100BSlideFile Storage System, Blue, eachea202.3ihcworld2020
M700-100GSlideFile Storage System, Green, eachea202.3ihcworld2020
M700-100PSlideFile Storage System, Pink, eachea202.3ihcworld2020
M700-100WSlideFile Storage System, White, eachea202.3ihcworld2020
M700-100YSlideFile Storage System, Yellow, eachea202.3ihcworld2020
IW-2005Wooden Slide Storage Box for Large Slides 75x38x1mm, 100-placeea612ihcworld2020
IW-2006Wooden Slide Storage Box for Large Slides 75x50x1mm, 100-placeea646ihcworld2020
BC-0109GBiopsy Processing Cassettes - Green, 500 pcs/packea833ihcworld2020
BC-0109PBiopsy Processing Cassettes - Pink, 500 pcs/packea833ihcworld2020
BC-0109WBiopsy Processing Cassettes - White, 500 pcs/packea833ihcworld2020
BC-0109YBiopsy Processing Cassettes - Yellow, 500 pcs/packea833ihcworld2020
M512Double-deep Tissue Cassette for Large Specimen, 250 pcs/boxea1523.2ihcworld2020
41-3005Embedding Spare O-Rings - Blue, 500 pcs/packea663ihcworld2020
41-3002Embedding Spare O-Rings - Pink, 500 pcs/packea663ihcworld2020
41-3004Embedding Spare O-Rings - Yellow, 500 pcs/packea663ihcworld2020
EC-0109BHistology/Tissue Processing Cassettes - Blue, 500 pcs/packea833ihcworld2020
EC-0109GHistology/Tissue Processing Cassettes - Green, 500 pcs/packea833ihcworld2020
EC-0109PHistology/Tissue Processing Cassettes - Pink, 500 pcs/packea833ihcworld2020
EC-0109WHistology/Tissue Processing Cassettes - White, 500 pcs/packea833ihcworld2020
EC-0109YHistology/Tissue Processing Cassettes - Yellow, 500 pcs/packea833ihcworld2020
LPC1000Large Research Processing Cassettes, 100 pcs/caseea4386ihcworld2020
41-40022-place Cardboard Slide , 10 pcs/packea98.6ihcworld2020
M750-20B20-place Slide Folder, Blue, plastic, eachea185.3ihcworld2020
MSL-2020-place Slide Folder, cardboard, eachea166.6ihcworld2020
M750-20GY20-place Slide Folder, Gray, plastic, eachea185.3ihcworld2020
M750-20G20-place Slide Folder, Green, plastic, eachea185.3ihcworld2020
M750-20W20-place Slide Folder, White, plastic, eachea185.3ihcworld2020
M750-20Y20-place Slide Folder, Yellow, plastic, eachea185.3ihcworld2020
MSL-155-place Plastic Slide , 100 pcs/packea795.6ihcworld2020
SL102430Cover Glass (Coverslip) #1, 24mm x 30mm, 1 oz/boxea144.5ihcworld2020
SL102440Cover Glass (Coverslip) #1, 24mm x 40mm, 1 oz/boxea144.5ihcworld2020
SL102450Cover Glass (Coverslip) #1, 24mm x 50mm, 1 oz/boxea144.5ihcworld2020
SL102460Cover Glass (Coverslip) #1, 24mm x 60mm, 1 oz/boxea144.5ihcworld2020
SL152450Cover Glass (Coverslip) #1.5, 24mm x 50mm, 1 oz/boxea161.5ihcworld2020
GC4773Large Coverglass (73 x 47 mm), 100 pcs/boxea1666ihcworld2020
LS-6105Large Slides 3 x 2" (75 x 50 x 1 mm), frosted end, 144 pcs/packea544ihcworld2020
LS-6101Large Slides 3 x 2" (75 x 50 x 1 mm), plain, 144 pcs/packea476ihcworld2020
IW-2600Plastic Coverslips 22mm x 22mm, 100 pcs/packea166.6ihcworld2020
IW-2601Plastic Coverslips 24mm x 60mm, 100 pcs/packea336.6ihcworld2020
IW-T380CTruBond 380 Adhesive Microscope Slides, 1000 pcs/caseea5440ihcworld2020
M495-6Cassette Storage Drawers - Modular, 6 pcs/caseea3315ihcworld2020
HS-301Safestore Cassette Storage Unit - 8 drawers/caseea1666ihcworld2020
M475-2Disposable Base Molds, 15x15x5mm, 500 pcs/packea1173ihcworld2020
M475-3Disposable Base Molds, 24x24x5mm, 500 pcs/packea1173ihcworld2020
M475-4Disposable Base Molds, 30x24x5mm, 500 pcs/packea1173ihcworld2020
M475-1Disposable Base Molds, 7x7x5mm, 500 pcs/packea1173ihcworld2020
M475-10Disposable Deep Base Molds, 37x24x10mm, 500 pcs/packea1666ihcworld2020
LBM3636Large Base Mold, 36x36x10mm, 5 pcs/packea2516ihcworld2020
LBM6045Large Base Mold, 60x45x15mm, 5 pcs/packea2516ihcworld2020
HB-15Stainless Steel Embedding Base Molds 15x15x5mm, 12 pcs/packea1445ihcworld2020
HB-24Stainless Steel Embedding Base Molds 24x24x5mm, 12 pcs/packea1445ihcworld2020
HB-30Stainless Steel Embedding Base Molds 30x24x5mm, 12 pcs/packea1445ihcworld2020
HB-37Stainless Steel Embedding Base Molds 37x24x5mm, 12 pcs/packea1445ihcworld2020
M475-5Disposable Base Molds, 37x24x5mm, 500 pcs/packea1173ihcworld2020
BIO-3045WNylon Mesh Biopsy Bags, 30 X 45 mm, 100 pcs/packea765ihcworld2020
BIO-4573WNylon Mesh Biopsy Bags, 45 X 73 mm, 100 pcs/packea884ihcworld2020
BBG044Paper Biopsy Bags, 4 x 4 cm, 100 pcs/packea253.3ihcworld2020
BBG100Paper Biopsy Bags, 7 x 7 cm, 100 pcs/packea270.3ihcworld2020
H-QPenHisto-Quill Ultrafine Tip Pen for Casettes and Slides, 12/pkea782ihcworld2020
MP1000Moist Mark Plus Premium Slide/Cassette Marker, 10/packea816ihcworld2020
SMP-BKStatMark Pen for Cassettes and Slides, 12/boxea952ihcworld2020
MLPF6-1200Pinfed Slide Labels, 1200 labels/packea212.5ihcworld2020
SPR0905Super PAP Pen Liquid Blocker for IHC, large, eachea1326ihcworld2020
SPM0928Super PAP Pen Liquid Blocker for IHC, small, eachea986ihcworld2020
HC-30BHisto-Cool Paraffin Block Cooling System, Large, Blue, for 30 Blocksea2465ihcworld2020
HC-20RHisto-Cool Paraffin Block Cooling System, Small, Red, for 20 Blocksea2295ihcworld2020
IW-2403Brushes For Histology Section Manipulation, large, 3 pcs/packea285.6ihcworld2020
IW-2402Brushes For Histology Section Manipulation, medium, 3 pcs/packea336.6ihcworld2020
IW-2401Brushes For Histology Section Manipulation, small, 3 pcs/packea336.6ihcworld2020
M710-100BSlide DrainRack, blue, eachea110.5ihcworld2020
M710-100GSlide DrainRack, green, eachea110.5ihcworld2020
M710-100PSlide DrainRack, pink, eachea110.5ihcworld2020
M710-100WSlide DrainRack, white, eachea110.5ihcworld2020
M710-100YSlide DrainRack, yellow, eachea110.5ihcworld2020
HPC050bevel® HD High Profile Coated Microtome Blades, 50 pcs/boxea2125ihcworld2020
LPJ3580bevel® HD Low Profile Coated Microtome Blades, 50 pcs/boxea2125ihcworld2020
7310DuraEdge® Microtome Blade-High Profile-PTFE Coated, 50 pcs/packea1666ihcworld2020
7223DuraEdge® Microtome Blade-Low Profile-PTFE Coated, 50 pcs/packea1666ihcworld2020
IW-1218ALabBoards Disposable Cutting Boards, 12"x18", 25 pcs/packea595ihcworld2020
9410Disposable Scalpels #10, box of 10ea219.3ihcworld2020
9411Disposable Scalpels #11, box of 10ea219.3ihcworld2020
9415Disposable Scalpels #15, box of 10ea219.3ihcworld2020
9422Disposable Scalpels #22, box of 10ea219.3ihcworld2020
9310Scalpel Blades #10, box of 100ea331.5ihcworld2020
9311Scalpel Blades #11, box of 100ea331.5ihcworld2020
9312Scalpel Blades #12, box of 100ea331.5ihcworld2020
9315Scalpel Blades #15, box of 100ea331.5ihcworld2020
9320Scalpel Blades #20, box of 100ea331.5ihcworld2020
9321Scalpel Blades #21, box of 100ea331.5ihcworld2020
9322Scalpel Blades #22, box of 100ea331.5ihcworld2020
9323Scalpel Blades #23, box of 100ea331.5ihcworld2020
9324Scalpel Blades #24, box of 100ea331.5ihcworld2020
9325Scalpel Blades #25, box of 100ea331.5ihcworld2020
9303Scalpel Handles #3, eachea169.15ihcworld2020
9304Scalpel Handles #4, eachea169.15ihcworld2020
IW-2100Single Edge Razor Blades, 100 pcs/packea204ihcworld2020
IW-2343Micro Tweezers Curved Fine Tips 4 , eachea336.6ihcworld2020
IW-2341Micro Tweezers Narrow Fine Tips 4 ½�, eachea336.6ihcworld2020
IW-2342Micro Tweezers Super Fine Tips 4 ½�, eachea336.6ihcworld2020
IW-2314Tissue Specimen Forceps 4 ½� 1x2 Teeth, eachea132.6ihcworld2020
IW-2324Tissue Specimen Forceps 4 ½� Serrated Tips, eachea132.6ihcworld2020
IW-2316Tissue Specimen Forceps 6� 1x2 Teeth, eachea149.6ihcworld2020
IW-2326Tissue Specimen Forceps 6� Serrated Tips, eachea149.6ihcworld2020
IW-2318Tissue Specimen Forceps 8� 1x2 Teeth, eachea166.6ihcworld2020
IW-2328Tissue Specimen Forceps 8� Serrated Tips, eachea166.6ihcworld2020
95-8702Cotton Tipped One End 6" Wooden Applicator Sticks, 1,000pcs/pkea168.3ihcworld2020
95-8701Plain 6" Wooden Applicator Sticks, 1,000pcs/pkea152.83ihcworld2020
IW-2018Filter Paper 180 mm 100 Filtering Circles Qualitativeea455.6ihcworld2020
IW-2024Filter Paper 240 mm 100 Filtering Circles Qualitativeea676.6ihcworld2020
IW-2210Analytical Funnels, Top Diameter 100 mm, eachea161.5ihcworld2020
IW-2212Analytical Funnels, Top Diameter 120 mm, eachea161.5ihcworld2020
LPC-145Porcelain Buchner Funnel 120 ml, eachea217.6ihcworld2020
 LPC-146Porcelain Buchner Funnel 200 ml, eachea285.6ihcworld2020
LPC-144Porcelain Buchner Funnel 50 ml, eachea166.6ihcworld2020
21-10001 ml Pipet Tips with Rack Sterile, 100 tips/rackea212.5ihcworld2020
21-001010 µl Pipet Tips with Rack Sterile, 96 tips/rackea110.5ihcworld2020
21-0200200 µl Pipet Tips with Rack Sterile, 96 tips/rackea110.5ihcworld2020
30-01383 ml Transfer Pipets, 500 pcs/packea323ihcworld2020
PTP-06Plastic Transfer Pipets, Fine Tip, 3.5ml, 500 pcs/packea509.66ihcworld2020
PTP-02Plastic Transfer Pipets, graduated to 1ml, 500 pcs/packea339.66ihcworld2020
PTP-01Plastic Transfer Pipets, graduated to 3ml, 500 pcs/packea339.66ihcworld2020
80-15001.5ml Microcentrifuge Tubes - Natural Color, 500 pcs/packea306ihcworld2020
80-15001.5ml Microcentrifuge Tubes - Natural Color, 1000 pcs/packea595ihcworld2020
90-501616-well White Coated Cardboard Freezer Boxes, 5 boxes/packea272ihcworld2020
90-153636-well White Coated Cardboard Freezer Boxes, 5 boxes/packea272ihcworld2020
10-050150ml Plug-Seal Centrifuge Tubes with Rack, 25 tubes/rackea212.5ihcworld2020
90-800980-Well Microtube Racks, 5 racks/packea442ihcworld2020
90-900981-well Plastic Storage Boxes, pack of 4 assorted colorsea476ihcworld2020
90-128181-well, 2-in White Coated Cardboard Freezer Boxes, 5 boxes/packea238ihcworld2020
90-138181-well, 3-in White Coated Cardboard Freezer Boxes, 5 boxes/packea272ihcworld2020
66-156060x15mm Petri Dishes, 10 pcs/bagea98.6ihcworld2020
LPC-162Porcelain Spotting Plates 12 holes - eachea166.6ihcworld2020
88-188-1 Stirring Hot Plateea6205ihcworld2020
HH-4HH-4 Digital Water Bath 4 wellsea5865ihcworld2020
KD-PKD-P Tissue Floating Bathea8466ihcworld2020
XC-2000XC-2000 Centrifuge with Timer & Speed Controlea5066ihcworld2020
XH-1003XH-1003 Lighted Tissue Floating Bathea11815ihcworld2020
XH-2001XH-2001 Slide Warmer 25"x 8"ea6086ihcworld2020
XH-2002XH-2002 Slide Warmer 10"x7"ea5066ihcworld2020
XH-2003XH-2003 Step Up Slide Warmer 14"x 14"x 4"ea8466ihcworld2020
XH-4002XH-4002 Paraffin Dispenserea16966ihcworld2020
XH-90XH-90 Paraffin Wax Trimmerea6766ihcworld2020
IW-125-1Biopsy Punch Needles with Plunger 1.5mm, 4 pcs/packea816ihcworld2020
IW-125-0Biopsy Punch Needles with Plunger 1mm, 4 pcs/packea816ihcworld2020
IW-125-2Biopsy Punch Needles with Plunger 2mm, 4 pcs/packea816ihcworld2020
IW-125-3Biopsy Punch Needles with Plunger 3mm, 4 pcs/packea816ihcworld2020
IW-125-4Biopsy Punch Needles with Plunger 4mm, 4 pcs/packea816ihcworld2020
IW-7610Gauze Sponges Non-Sterile 4" x 4", 8 Ply, 200 pcs/packea144.5ihcworld2020
S.26415LabWipes, Small (4.5"x8.3"), 280/boxea81.6ihcworld2020
97-5601Hand Tallyea169.15ihcworld2020
MA88-MMicroscope Stage Micrometer Calibration Slideea339.15ihcworld2020
LPC-155Mortar With Pestle 100ml, eachea178.5ihcworld2020
LPC-154Mortar With Pestle 30ml, eachea144.5ihcworld2020
LPC-156Mortar With Pestle 320ml, eachea212.5ihcworld2020
LPC-157Mortar With Pestle 500ml, eachea280.5ihcworld2020
LPC-154-1Mortar With Pestle 80ml, eachea161.5ihcworld2020
IW-5806Taylor 5806 Classic Digital Timer, eachea169.66ihcworld2020
IW-5828Taylor 5828 Dual Event Timer with Clock, eachea220.15ihcworld2020
IW-5863Taylor 5863 Splash and Drop Timer, eachea416.5ihcworld2020
KD-2508KD-2508 Rotary Microtome ea66300ihcworld2020
KD-2258KD-2258 Rotary Microtomeea100300ihcworld2020
KD-3358KD3358 Ultrathin Semi-Automatic Microtomeea134300ihcworld2020
KD-3368KD3368 Semi-Automatic Microtome   ea151300ihcworld2020
KD-3368AMKD3368AM Full Automatic Microtomeea166600ihcworld2020
KD-400KD-400 Vibration Microtomeea64600ihcworld2020
KD-ZMD-IIKD-ZMD-II Automatic Steel-Knife Grinderea44200ihcworld2020
KD-2950KD-2950 Semi-Automatic Cryostat Microtomeea285600ihcworld2020
KD-BLKD-BL Cryo Plateea44200ihcworld2020
KD-BM II & BL KD-BM II & BL Tissue Embedding & Cooling System ea81600ihcworld2020
KD-TS6BKD-TS6B Automatic Vacuum Tissue Processorea251600ihcworld2020
KD-TS3D1KD-TS3D1 Automatic Tissue Processorea166600ihcworld2020
KD-TS3DKD-TS3D Automatic Tissue Processor ea146200ihcworld2020
KD-TS3SKD-TS3S Automatic Tissue Processor (Double tissue basket)ea202300ihcworld2020
KD-TS3AKD-TS3A Tissue Processorea132600ihcworld2020
KD-TS1AKD-TS1A Tissue Processor (Small Type) ea115600ihcworld2020
KD-RS1KD-RS1 Tissue Slide Stainerea163200ihcworld2020
KD-16BKD-16B Microtome Blade Holderea11560ihcworld2020
KD-16CKD-16C Microtome Blade Holder ea11560ihcworld2020
KD-101KD-101 Slide Cabinetea30600ihcworld2020
KD-101-1KD-101-1 Slide Cabinet with Lockea30600ihcworld2020
KD-102KD-102 Paraffin Block Cabinetea30600ihcworld2020
KD-102-1KD-102-1 Paraffin Block Cabinet with Lockea30600ihcworld2020
KD-103KD-103 Slide Cabinet ea30600ihcworld2020
ATP-700ATP-700 Automatic Linear Tissue Processor ea200600ihcworld2020
ATP-700-STATP-700-ST Automatic Linear Tissue Processor ea166600ihcworld2020
LST-94LST-94 Automatic Tissue Slide Stainer ea166600ihcworld2020
TEC-2800TEC-2800 Tissue Embedding Systemea166600ihcworld2020
TEC-2800MTEC-2800M Tissue Embedding Centerea98600ihcworld2020
TEC-2800CTEC-2800C Cold Plate/Cryo Consoleea44200ihcworld2020
TEC-2800TTEC-2800T Thermal Consoleea33660ihcworld2020
CM-2850CM-2850 Cryostat Microtome ea304300ihcworld2020
TEC-2500TEC-2500 Tissue Bath - Slide Dryerea33150ihcworld2020
MY-2300MY-2300 Immuno-Histo Stainer ea646000ihcworld2020
UPBT-1011UPBT-1011 Paraffin Block Trimmerea438600ihcworld2020
IW-124EZ-TMA Manual Tissue Microarray Kit 4 - 4 mm x 15 Coreea1666ihcworld2020
IW-111Arraymold Kit B - 1.5 mm x 150 Coreea16966ihcworld2020
IW-112Arraymold Kit C - 4 mm x 15 Coreea16966ihcworld2020
IW-115Arraymold Kit D - 2 mm x 36 Coreea11866ihcworld2020
IW-116Arraymold Kit E - 1.5 mm x 72 Coreea11866ihcworld2020
IW-117Arraymold Kit F - 3 mm x 35 Coreea16966ihcworld2020
IW-113-1Dermal Biopsy Punch 1.5 mm, box of 50ea3315ihcworld2020
IW-113-2Dermal Biopsy Punch 2mm, box 50ea3315ihcworld2020
IW-113-3Dermal Biopsy Punch 3mm, box 50ea3315ihcworld2020
IW-113-4Dermal Biopsy Punch 4mm, box 50ea3315ihcworld2020
IW-114-1Stylet 1.5mm diameterea646ihcworld2020
IW-114-2Stylet 2mm diameterea646ihcworld2020
TMA-001AutoTiss One Semi-Automatic Tissue Microarrayerea280500ihcworld2020
TMA-punchEZpunch 1500 Manual Tissue Microarrayerea20400ihcworld2020
IW-UM01-1Quick-Ray Mold 1, Core Size: 1 mm, 170 holes (10x17)ea13566ihcworld2020
IW-UM01-1.5Quick-Ray Mold 1.5, Core Size: 1.5 mm, 150 holes (10x15)ea13566ihcworld2020
IW-UM01-2Quick-Ray Mold 2, Core Size: 2 mm, 70 holes (7x10)ea13566ihcworld2020
IW-UM01-3Quick-Ray Mold 3, Core Size: 3 mm, 40 holes (5x8)ea13566ihcworld2020
IW-UM01-5Quick-Ray Mold 5, Core Size: 5 mm, 15 holes (3x5)ea13566ihcworld2020
IW-UB06-1.5Quick-Ray Paraffin Recipient Blocks, 1.5mm x 90wells, eachea850ihcworld2020
IW-UB06-1Quick-Ray Paraffin Recipient Blocks, 1mm x 120wells, eachea850ihcworld2020
IW-UB06-2Quick-Ray Paraffin Recipient Blocks, 2mm x 60wells, eachea850ihcworld2020
IW-UB06-3Quick-Ray Paraffin Recipient Blocks, 3mm x 30wells, eachea850ihcworld2020
IW-UB06-5Quick-Ray Paraffin Recipient Blocks, 5mm x 20wells, eachea850ihcworld2020
IW-UT06-1.5Quick-Ray Punch Tip 1.5mmea6460ihcworld2020
IW-UT06-1Quick-Ray Punch Tip 1mmea6460ihcworld2020
IW-UT06-2Quick-Ray Punch Tip 2mmea6460ihcworld2020
IW-UT06-3Quick-Ray Punch Tip 3mmea6460ihcworld2020
IW-UT06-5Quick-Ray Punch Tip 5mmea6460ihcworld2020
IW-UBM06Quick-Ray Stainless Steel Basemold, eachea255ihcworld2020
IW-UG06Quick-Ray Guide for 1mm Recipient Block, eachea5100ihcworld2020
UATM-272BQuick-Ray Master Automated Tissue Microarrayer UATM-272Bea1445000ihcworld2020
IW-P11620x20 Deep Well Bar Set, per setea11050ihcworld2020
IW-P11424/30 Well Bar Set, per setea11645ihcworld2020
IW-P11550x30mm Well Bar Set, per setea8245ihcworld2020
IW-P113Large Embedding Well Bar Set, per setea11815ihcworld2020
IW-P112Medium Embedding Well Bar Set, per setea11645ihcworld2020
IW-P111Small Embedding Well Bar Set, per setea11645ihcworld2020
IW-P144Angled Flat Embedding Forceps, eachea595ihcworld2020
IW-P143Dispensing Slides (Eight), 8 pcs/packea595ihcworld2020
IW-P127Embedding Well Bar (one inch thick), 20x20mm deep well bar, eachea5525ihcworld2020
IW-P122Embedding Well Bar (one inch thick), 24mm-4 wells, eachea5525ihcworld2020
IW-P128Embedding Well Bar (one inch thick), 24x24 mm deep well bar, eachea5525ihcworld2020
IW-P125Embedding Well Bar (one inch thick), 30mm and 24mm-2 wells, eachea5865ihcworld2020
IW-P123Embedding Well Bar (one inch thick), 30mm-3 wells, eachea5525ihcworld2020
IW-P126Embedding Well Bar (one inch thick), 50x30 mm well bar, eachea5525ihcworld2020
IW-P142Chuck Bin, eachea595ihcworld2020
IW-P134Stainless Steel Chuck - Extra Large, eachea1615ihcworld2020
IW-P132Stainless Steel Chuck - Large, eachea1615ihcworld2020
IW-P171Chuck Adaptor for Shandon, eachea2295ihcworld2020
IW-P172Chuck Adaptor for Tissue Tek, eachea2295ihcworld2020
IW-P119Freezing Griddle/Elevated Freezing Block Set, per setea5950ihcworld2020
IW-P141Over-Chuck Freezing Block, eachea544ihcworld2020
IW-P152Embedding Shelf - 3 Pieces, Fits Leica and Micron cryostats, eachea4250ihcworld2020
SMJ-01Stereo Microscope w/1X Objectiveea4505ihcworld2020
SMJ-02Stereo Microscope w/2X Objectiveea4505ihcworld2020
SMJ-03Stereo Microscope w/3X Objectiveea4505ihcworld2020
SMJ-04Stereo Microscope w/4X Objectiveea4505ihcworld2020
SMP-13LStereo Microscope 1X/3X w/ LED Lightea4845ihcworld2020
SMP-24LStereo Microscope 2X/4X w/ LED Lightea4845ihcworld2020
SMP-24Stereo Microscope, 2X/4Xea4845ihcworld2020
SMP-13Stereo Microscope, 1X/3Xea9520ihcworld2020
SMZ-05Stereo Zoom Microscopeea13345ihcworld2020
SMZ-07Stereo Zoom Trinocular Microscopeea14705ihcworld2020
MRP-5000DDual View Microscope MRP-5000Dea20400ihcworld2020
MRJ-03DDual View Microscope MRJ-03Dea16745ihcworld2020
MRP-3000DDual View Microscope MRP-3000Dea19550ihcworld2020
MF-04Monocular Dual View MF-04ea8415ihcworld2020
MRP-3000TTrinocular Microscope MRP-3000Tea14450ihcworld2020
MRP-5000TTrinocular Microscope MRP-5000Tea16150ihcworld2020
MSM-160Binocular Research Microscope MSM-160ea11050ihcworld2020
MF-02Advanced Microscope, Binocular MF-02ea11050ihcworld2020
MRJ-03Medical & Research Microscope, Binocular MRJ-03ea11815ihcworld2020
MRJ-03LCordless Medical & Research Microscope MRJ-03Lea11815ihcworld2020
MRP-3000Professional Microscope MRP-3000ea14450ihcworld2020
MRP-5000Professional Microscope MRP-5000ea14450ihcworld2020
MIS-5000Mohs Microscope MIS-5000ea19550ihcworld2020
MRJ-03TTrinocular Microscope MRJ-03Tea13515ihcworld2020
MSK-01Student Microscope MSK-01ea3315ihcworld2020
MS-01Student Microscope MS-01ea5015ihcworld2020
MS-01LCordless Student Microscope MS-01Lea5015ihcworld2020
MS-03Student Microscope, 4 Objectives MS-03ea6715ihcworld2020
MSB-02Binocular Student Microscope MSB-02ea6715ihcworld2020
MS-03LCordless Student Microscope MS-03Lea7650ihcworld2020
MFL-85My First Lab Ultimate Digital Microscope MFL-85ea5950ihcworld2020
MFL-02My First Lab Microscope MFL-02ea4505ihcworld2020
MFL-05My First Lab Ultimate Microscope MFL-05ea5015ihcworld2020
SMD-04i-explore Scope SMD-04ea3315ihcworld2020
SMD-08World of Wonder Scope SMD-08ea2703ihcworld2020
TY-MINIMini Inspector TY-MINIea2686ihcworld2020
MFL-26My First Lab Mega DUO-SCOPE MFL-26ea3995ihcworld2020
MFL-20My First Lab Mini DUO-SCOPE MFL-20ea1615ihcworld2020
XC-4610KMultispeed Mini Centrifuge XC-4610Kea5015ihcworld2020
XC-4KSingle Speed Mini Centrifuge XC-4K 4000rea3315ihcworld2020
XC-6KSingle Speed Mini Centrifuge XC-6K 6000rea3315ihcworld2020
XC-10KSingle Speed Mini Centrifuge XC-10K 10000rea3315ihcworld2020
TS-H5001Adrenal Gland Tissue Slides, Normal Human Paraffin Sections, 5 slides/packea2125ihcworld2020
TS-M5201Brain Tissue Slides, Normal Mouse Paraffin Sections, 5 slides/packea2125ihcworld2020
TS-R5401Brain Tissue Slides, Normal Rat Paraffin Sections, 5 slides/packea2125ihcworld2020
CS-AFP-HUAFP Control Slides Human Paraffin Sections, 5 slides/packea2125ihcworld2020
CS-ALCBAlcian Blue (Mucins) Control Slides Paraffin Sections, 5 slides/packea2125ihcworld2020
PS-HIST050Histology Human Tissue Slides, 50 pcs/setea4165ihcworld2020
PS-PATH050Pathology Human Tissue Slides, 50 pcs/setea4845ihcworld2020
IW-1100-1LIHC-Tek Epitope Retrieval Solution, Ready To Use, 1000 mlea2805ihcworld2020
TS-H5002Aorta Tissue Slides, Normal Human Paraffin Sections, 5 slides/packea2125ihcworld2020
TS-H5003Bladder Tissue Slides, Normal Human Paraffin Sections, 5 slides/packea2125ihcworld2020
TS-H5004Bronchus Tissue Slides, Normal Human Paraffin Sections, 5 slides/packea2125ihcworld2020
TS-H5005Cerebellum Tissue Slides, Normal Human Paraffin Sections, 5 slides/packea2125ihcworld2020
TS-H5006Cervix Tissue Slides, Normal Human Paraffin Sections, 5 slides/packea2125ihcworld2020
TS-H5007Colon Tissue Slides, Normal Human Paraffin Sections, 5 slides/packea2125ihcworld2020
TS-H5008Duodenum Tissue Slides, Normal Human Paraffin Sections, 5 slides/packea2125ihcworld2020
TS-H5009Esophagus Tissue Slides, Normal Human Paraffin Sections, 5 slides/packea2125ihcworld2020
TS-H5010Head & Neck Tissue Slides, Normal Human Paraffin Sections, 5 slides/packea2125ihcworld2020
TS-H5011Heart (LV) Tissue Slides, Normal Human Paraffin Sections, 5 slides/packea2125ihcworld2020
TS-H5012Ileum Tissue Slides, Normal Human Paraffin Sections, 5 slides/packea2125ihcworld2020
TS-H5013Kidney Tissue Slides, Normal Human Paraffin Sections, 5 slides/packea2125ihcworld2020
TS-H5014Liver Tissue Slides, Normal Human Paraffin Sections, 5 slides/packea2125ihcworld2020
TS-H5015Lung Tissue Slides, Normal Human Paraffin Sections, 5 slides/packea2125ihcworld2020
TS-H5016Mucin Tissue Slides, Normal Human Paraffin Sections, 5 slides/packea2125ihcworld2020
TS-H5017Pancreas Tissue Slides, Normal Human Paraffin Sections, 5 slides/packea2125ihcworld2020
TS-H5018Prostate Tissue Slides, Normal Human Paraffin Sections, 5 slides/packea2125ihcworld2020
TS-H5019Skeletal Muscle Tissue Slides, Normal Human Paraffin Sections, 5 slides/packea2125ihcworld2020
TS-H5020Skin Tissue Slides, Normal Human Paraffin Sections, 5 slides/packea2125ihcworld2020
TS-H5021Spinal Cord Tissue Slides, Normal Human Paraffin Sections, 5 slides/packea2125ihcworld2020
TS-H5022Spleen Tissue Slides, Normal Human Paraffin Sections, 5 slides/packea2125ihcworld2020
TS-H5023Testis Tissue Slides, Normal Human Paraffin Sections, 5 slides/packea2125ihcworld2020
TS-H5024Tonsil Tissue Slides, Normal Human Paraffin Sections, 5 slides/packea2125ihcworld2020
TS-H5025Uterus Tissue Slides, Normal Human Paraffin Sections, 5 slides/packea2125ihcworld2020
TS-H5102Breast Cancer Tissue Slides, Human Paraffin Sections, 5 slides/packea2125ihcworld2020
TS-H5103Cervical Cancer Tissue Slides, Human Paraffin Sections, 5 slides/packea2125ihcworld2020
TS-H5104Esophagus Cancer Tissue Slides, Human Paraffin Sections, 5 slides/packea2125ihcworld2020
TS-H5105Kidney Cancer Tissue Slides, Human Paraffin Sections, 5 slides/packea2125ihcworld2020
TS-H5107Lung Cancer Tissue Slides, Human Paraffin Sections, 5 slides/packea2125ihcworld2020
TS-H5108Lymphoma Tissue Slides, Human Paraffin Sections, 5 slides/packea2125ihcworld2020
TS-H5109Testis Cancer Tissue Slides, Human Paraffin Sections, 5 slides/packea2125ihcworld2020
TS-H5110Thyroid Cancer Tissue Slides, Human Paraffin Sections, 5 slides/packea2125ihcworld2020
TS-H5106Colon Cancer Tissue Slides, Human Paraffin Sections, 5 slides/pkea2125ihcworld2020
CS-AFP-MSAFP Control Slides Mouse Paraffin Sections, 5 slides/packea2125ihcworld2020
CS-AFP-RTAFP Control Slides Rat Paraffin Sections, 5 slides/packea2125ihcworld2020
CS-BCL2-HUBcl2 Control Slides Human Paraffin Sections, 5 slides/packea2125ihcworld2020
CS-CD3-HUCD3 Control Slides Human Paraffin Sections, 5 slides/packea2125ihcworld2020
CS-CD4-HUCD4 Control Slides Human Paraffin Sections, 5 slides/packea2125ihcworld2020
CS-CD5-HUCD5 Control Slides Human Paraffin Sections, 5 slides/packea2125ihcworld2020
CS-CD8-HUCD8 Control Slides Human Paraffin Sections, 5 slides/packea2125ihcworld2020
CS-CD16-HUCD16 Control Slides Human Paraffin Sections, 5 slides/packea2125ihcworld2020
CS-CD20-HUCD20 Control Slides Human Paraffin Sections, 5 slides/packea2125ihcworld2020
CS-CD22-HUCD22 Control Slides Human Paraffin Sections, 5 slides/packea2125ihcworld2020
CS-CD31-HUCD31 Control Slides Human Paraffin Sections, 5 slides/packea2125ihcworld2020
CS-CD31-MSCD31 Control Slides Mouse Paraffin Sections, 5 slides/packea2125ihcworld2020
CS-CD34-HUCD34 Control Slides Human Paraffin Sections, 5 slides/packea2125ihcworld2020
CS-CD45-HUCD45 Control Slides Human Paraffin Sections, 5 slides/packea2125ihcworld2020
CS-CD45-MSCD45 Control Slides Mouse Paraffin Sections, 5 slides/packea2125ihcworld2020
CS-CD54-HUCD54 Control Slides Human Paraffin Sections, 5 slides/packea2125ihcworld2020
CS-CD68-HUCD68 Control Slides Human Paraffin Sections, 5 slides/packea2125ihcworld2020
CS-CD68-RTCD68 Control Slides Rat Paraffin Sections, 5 slides/packea2125ihcworld2020
CS-CONX43-RTConnexin 43 Control Slides Rat Paraffin Sections, 5 slides/packea2125ihcworld2020
CS-CK-HUCytokeatin Control Slides Human Paraffin Sections, 5 slides/packea2125ihcworld2020
CS-DESMIN-RTDesmin Control Slides Rat Paraffin Sections, 5 slides/packea2125ihcworld2020
CS-ECAD-HUE-Cadherin Control Slides Human Paraffin Sections, 5 slides/packea2125ihcworld2020
CS-ELASTIN-HUElastin Control Slides Human Paraffin Sections, 5 slides/packea2125ihcworld2020
CS-ER-HUEstrogen Receptor (ER) Control Slides Human Paraffin Sections, 5 slides/packea2125ihcworld2020
CS-FCTR8-HUFactor VIII Control Slides Human Paraffin Sections, 5 slides/packea2125ihcworld2020
CS-FBTN-HUFibronectin Control Slides Human Paraffin Sections, 5 slides/packea2125ihcworld2020
CS-FLGN-HUFilaggrin Control Slides Human Paraffin Sections, 5 slides/packea2125ihcworld2020
CS-GFAP-RTGFAP Control Slides Rat Paraffin Sections, 5 slides/packea2125ihcworld2020
CS-HIF2A-RTHIF-2 alpha Control Slides Rat Paraffin Sections, 5 slides/packea2125ihcworld2020
CS-ISLN-HUInsulin Control Slides Human Paraffin Sections, 5 slides/packea2125ihcworld2020
CS-ISLN-RTInsulin Control Slides Rat Paraffin Sections, 5 slides/packea2125ihcworld2020
CS-ITGB1-HUIntegrin beta 1 Control Slides Human Paraffin Sections, 5 slides/packea2125ihcworld2020
CS-IVLCN-HUInvolucrin Control Slides Human Paraffin Sections, 5 slides/packea2125ihcworld2020
CS-KRTN14-HUKeratin 14 Control Slides Human Paraffin Sections, 5 slides/packea2125ihcworld2020
CS-KRTN15-HUKeratin 15 Control Slides Human Paraffin Sections, 5 slides/packea2125ihcworld2020
CS-KI67-HUKi67 Control Slides Human Paraffin Sections, 5 slides/packea2125ihcworld2020
CS-LMN-HULaminin Control Slides Human Paraffin Sections, 5 slides/packea2125ihcworld2020
CS-NEUN-RTNeuN Control Slides Rat Paraffin Sections, 5 slides/packea2125ihcworld2020
CS-NE-HUNeutrophil Elastase Control Slides Human Paraffin Sections, 5 slides/packea2125ihcworld2020
CS-NNOS-RTnNOS Control Slides Rat Paraffin Sections, 5 slides/packea2125ihcworld2020
CS-NSE-HUNSE Control Slides Human Paraffin Sections, 5 slides/packea2125ihcworld2020
CS-P53-HUp53 Control Slides Human Paraffin Sections, 5 slides/packea2125ihcworld2020
CS-P63-HUp63 Control Slides Human Paraffin Sections, 5 slides/packea2125ihcworld2020
CS-PCNA-HUPCNA Control Slides Human Paraffin Sections, 5 slides/packea2125ihcworld2020
CS-PR-HUProgesterone Receptor (PR) Control Slides Human Paraffin Sections, 5 slides/packea2125ihcworld2020
CS-PCOL1-HUPro-Collagen I Control Slides Human Paraffin Sections, 5 slides/packea2125ihcworld2020
CS-SMA-HUSMA Control Slides Human Paraffin Sections, 5 slides/packea2125ihcworld2020
CS-SST-HUSomatostatin Control Slides Human Paraffin Sections, 5 slides/packea2125ihcworld2020
CS-SSTR-HUSomatostatin Receptors Control Slides Human Paraffin Sections, 5 slides/packea2125ihcworld2020
CS-VEGF-HUVEGF Control Slides Human Paraffin Sections, 5 slides/packea2125ihcworld2020
CS-VMTN-HUVimentin Control Slides Human Paraffin Sections, 5 slides/packea2125ihcworld2020
CS-VWF-HUvWF Control Slides Human Paraffin Sections, 5 slides/packea2125ihcworld2020
CS-TUNELTUNEL Control Slides Human Paraffin Sections, 5 slides/packea2125ihcworld2020
TS-M5202Heart Tissue Slides, Normal Mouse Paraffin Sections, 5 slides/packea2125ihcworld2020
TS-M5203Kidney Tissue Slides, Normal Mouse Paraffin Sections, 5 slides/packea2125ihcworld2020
TS-M5204Liver Tissue Slides, Normal Mouse Paraffin Sections, 5 slides/packea2125ihcworld2020
TS-M5205Lung Tissue Slides, Normal Mouse Paraffin Sections, 5 slides/packea2125ihcworld2020
TS-M5206Ovary Tissue Slides, Normal Mouse Paraffin Sections, 5 slides/packea2125ihcworld2020
TS-M5207Placenta Tissue Slides, Normal Mouse Paraffin Sections, 5 slides/packea2125ihcworld2020
TS-M5208Skeletal Muscle Tissue Slides, Normal Mouse Paraffin Sections, 5 slides/packea2125ihcworld2020
TS-M5209Skin Tissue Slides, Normal Mouse Paraffin Sections, 5 slides/packea2125ihcworld2020
TS-M5210Spleen Tissue Slides, Normal Mouse Paraffin Sections, 5 slides/packea2125ihcworld2020
TS-M5211Testis Tissue Slides, Normal Mouse Paraffin Sections, 5 slides/packea2125ihcworld2020
TS-M5212Thymus Tissue Slides, Normal Mouse Paraffin Sections, 5 slides/packea2125ihcworld2020
TS-R5402Cerebellum Tissue Slides, Normal Rat Paraffin Sections, 5 slides/packea2125ihcworld2020
TS-R5403Heart Tissue Slides, Normal Rat Paraffin Sections, 5 slides/packea2125ihcworld2020
TS-R5404Intestine Tissue Slides, Normal Rat Paraffin Sections, 5 slides/packea2125ihcworld2020
TS-R5405Kidney Tissue Slides, Normal Rat Paraffin Sections, 5 slides/packea2125ihcworld2020
TS-R5406Liver Tissue Slides, Normal Rat Paraffin Sections, 5 slides/packea2125ihcworld2020
TS-R5407Lung Tissue Slides, Normal Rat Paraffin Sections, 5 slides/packea2125ihcworld2020
TS-R5408Ovary Tissue Slides, Normal Rat Paraffin Sections, 5 slides/packea2125ihcworld2020
TS-R5409Placenta Tissue Slides, Normal Rat Paraffin Sections, 5 slides/packea2125ihcworld2020
TS-R5410Skeletal Muscle Tissue Slides, Normal Rat Paraffin Sections, 5 slides/packea2125ihcworld2020
TS-R5411Spleen Tissue Slides, Normal Rat Paraffin Sections, 5 slides/packea2125ihcworld2020
TS-R5412Testis Tissue Slides, Normal Rat Paraffin Sections, 5 slides/packea2125ihcworld2020
CS-AZRDAlizarin Red (Calcium) Control Slides Paraffin Sections, 5 slides/packea2125ihcworld2020
CS-OELNElastic Fiber Control Slides Paraffin Sections, 5 slides/packea2125ihcworld2020
CS-FTMSFontana Masson (Melanin) Control Slides Paraffin Sections, 5 slides/packea2125ihcworld2020
CS-LFBLuxol Fast Blue (Myelin) Control Slides Paraffin Sections, 5 slides/packea2125ihcworld2020
CS-MTRIMasson Trichrome (Collagen Fiber) Control Slides Paraffin Sections, 5 slides/packea2125ihcworld2020
CS-NSSLNissl (Neuron) Control Slides Paraffin Sections, 5 slides/packea2125ihcworld2020
CS-IRONPrussian Blue (Iron) Control Slides Paraffin Sections, 5 slides/packea2125ihcworld2020
CS-SIRDSirius Red (Collagen Fiber) Control Slides Paraffin Sections, 5 slides/packea2125ihcworld2020
CS-MASTToluidine Blue (Mast Cell) Control Slides Paraffin Sections, 5 slides/packea2125ihcworld2020
CS-VKSAvon Kossa (Calcium) Control Slides Paraffin Sections, 5 slides/packea2125ihcworld2020
CS-PASPAS (Glycogen) Control Slides Paraffin Sections, 5 slides/packea2125ihcworld2020
CS-SFROSafranin O (Mucins) Control Slides Paraffin Sections, 5 slides/packea2125ihcworld2020
IW-MA1001AFP IHC Antibodyea4386ihcworld2020
IW-PA1001ABI-1 IHC Antibodyea4386ihcworld2020
IW-PA1301AKT 1/2 IHC Antibodyea4386ihcworld2020
IW-MA1106alpha-SMA IHC Antibodyea4386ihcworld2020
IW-MA1107alpha-Tubulin IHC Antibodyea4386ihcworld2020
IW-PA1005ANG2 IHC Antibodyea4386ihcworld2020
D25-18IHC-Tek Streptavidin-HRP Solution 18ml ea1666ihcworld2020
IW-PA1006Annexin A1 IHC Antibodyea4386ihcworld2020
IW-PA1249APAF1 IHC Antibodyea4386ihcworld2020
IW-PA1009Apoptosis Inhibitor 5 IHC Antibodyea4386ihcworld2020
IW-PA1224CBFA1/RUNX2 IHC Antibodyea4386ihcworld2020
IW-PA1026Connexin 43 IHC Antibodyea4386ihcworld2020
IW-PA1041HIF-1 alpha IHC Antibodyea4386ihcworld2020
IW-PA1129HIF-2 alpha IHC Antibodyea4386ihcworld2020
IW-PA1079TNF-alpha IHC Antibodyea4386ihcworld2020
IW-PA1362APP (amyloid beta precursor protein) IHC Antibodyea4386ihcworld2020
IW-PA1010AQP1 (Aquaporin 1) IHC Antibodyea4386ihcworld2020
IW-MA1004Bcl-2 IHC Antibodyea4386ihcworld2020
IW-MA1115beta-Actin IHC Antibodyea4386ihcworld2020
IW-MA1109beta Amyloid Protein IHC Antibodyea4386ihcworld2020
IW-PA1015Calretinin IHC Antibodyea4386ihcworld2020
IW-MA1015CD3 IHC Antibodyea4386ihcworld2020
IW-PA1018CD22 IHC Antibodyea4386ihcworld2020
IW-PA1020CD40L IHC Antibodyea4386ihcworld2020
IW-PA1021CD44 IHC Antibodyea4386ihcworld2020
IW-PA1110CD54 (ICAM-1) IHC Antibodyea4386ihcworld2020
IW-MA1030Collagen Type IV IHC Antibodyea4386ihcworld2020
IW-PA1027COX1 IHC Antibodyea4386ihcworld2020
IW-PA1211COX2 IHC Antibodyea4386ihcworld2020
IW-PA1118Cytochrome C IHC Antibodyea4386ihcworld2020
IW-MA1036Desmin IHC Antibodyea4386ihcworld2020
IW-MA1038Elastin IHC Antibodyea4386ihcworld2020
IW-PA1119CD95/PAS IHC Antibodyea4386ihcworld2020
IW-PA1101FAS-L IHC Antibodyea4386ihcworld2020
IW-PA1216FGF8 IHC Antibodyea4386ihcworld2020
IW-MA1116Fibronectin IHC Antibodyea4386ihcworld2020
IW-MA1045GFAP IHC Antibodyea4386ihcworld2020
IW-MA1047Glucagon IHC Antibodyea4386ihcworld2020
IW-PA1043HSP40 IHC Antibodyea4386ihcworld2020
IW-PA1106HSP60 IHC Antibodyea4386ihcworld2020
IW-PA1112IFITM1 IHC Antibodyea4386ihcworld2020
IW-MA1052Insulin IHC Antibodyea4386ihcworld2020
IW-PA1045-1ITGA1 (Integrin alpha 1) IHC Antibodyea4386ihcworld2020
IW-PA1103Lamin A/C IHC Antibodyea4386ihcworld2020
IW-PA1048Lamin B1 IHC Antibodyea4386ihcworld2020
IW-MA1054Laminin IHC Antibodyea4386ihcworld2020
IW-PA1049MAPK 1/3 IHC Antibodyea4386ihcworld2020
IW-PA1050MBP IHC Antibodyea4386ihcworld2020
IW-PA1122MMP2 IHC Antibodyea4386ihcworld2020
IW-PA1123MMP16 IHC Antibodyea4386ihcworld2020
IW-PA1054MPO (Myeloperoxidase) IHC Antibodyea4386ihcworld2020
IW-MA1071NF200 IHC Antibodyea4386ihcworld2020
IW-PA1061NSE IHC Antibodyea4386ihcworld2020
IW-PA1062Neurotrophin-3 IHC Antibodyea4386ihcworld2020
IW-PA1131OPCML IHC Antibodyea4386ihcworld2020
IW-PA1100Orexin Receptor IHC Antibodyea4386ihcworld2020
IW-MA1078p53 IHC Antibodyea4386ihcworld2020
IW-MA1081pan Cytokeratin IHC Antibodyea4386ihcworld2020
IW-MA1083PCNA IHC Antibodyea4386ihcworld2020
IW-PA1065PKC alpha IHC Antibodyea4386ihcworld2020
IW-PA1068PP2A IHC Antibodyea4386ihcworld2020
IW-PA1069RAGE IHC Antibodyea4386ihcworld2020
IW-PA1071SCG3 (Secretogranin-3) IHC Antibodyea4386ihcworld2020
IW-PA1072-1SHH (Sonic Hedgehog) IHC Antibodyea4386ihcworld2020
IW-PA1114SHP-2 IHC Antibodyea4386ihcworld2020
IW-PA1102SKP2 (S-phase kinase-associated protein 2) IHC Antibodyea4386ihcworld2020
IW-PA1074SOCS1 (Suppressor of cytokine signaling 1) IHC Antibodyea4386ihcworld2020
IW-MA1093Tau IHC Antibodyea4386ihcworld2020
IW-PA1248TFPI-2 IHC Antibodyea4386ihcworld2020
IW-MA1100TH (Tyrosine hydroxylase) IHC Antibodyea4386ihcworld2020
IW-PA1305TNFaIP1 IHC Antibodyea4386ihcworld2020
IW-PA1243TNFR2 IHC Antibodyea4386ihcworld2020
IW-PA1080VEGF IHC Antibodyea4386ihcworld2020
IW-MA1102Vimentin IHC Antibodyea4386ihcworld2020
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